The pentaho bi platform security guide
The Pentaho BI Platform Security Guide CThis document is copyright ? Pentaho Corporation No part may be reprinted without written permission from Pentaho Corporation All trademarks are the property of their respective owners Help and Support Resources If you have questions that are not covered in this guide or if you would like to report errors in the documentation please contact your Pentaho technical support representative Support-related questions should be submitted through the Pentaho Customer Support Portal at http support pentaho com For information about how to purchase support or enable an additional named support contact please contact your sales representative or send an email to sales pentaho com For information about instructor-led training on the topics covered in this guide visit http www pentaho com training Limits of Liability and Disclaimer of Warranty The author s of this document have used their best e ?orts in preparing the content and the programs contained in it These e ?orts include the development research and testing of the theories and programs to determine their e ?ectiveness The author and publisher make no warranty of any kind express or implied with regard to these programs or the documentation contained in this book The author s and Pentaho shall not be liable in the event of incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the furnishing performance or use of the programs associated instructions and or claims Trademarks Pentaho TM and the Pentaho logo are registered trademarks of Pentaho Corporation All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners Trademarked names may appear throughout this document Rather than list the names and entities that own the trademarks or insert a trademark symbol with each mention of the trademarked name Pentaho states that it is using the names for editorial purposes only and to the bene ?t of the trademark owner with no intention of infringing upon that trademark Company Information Pentaho Corporation Citadel International Suite Hazeltine National Drive Orlando FL Phone -OPEN Fax - http www pentaho com E-mail communityconnection pentaho com Sales Inquiries sales pentaho com Documentation Suggestions documentation pentaho com Sign-up for our newsletter http community pentaho com newsletter CContents Con ?guring Security Supported Technologies Security Implementation Checklist Authentication Pentaho Default Switching to LDAP Microsoft Active Directory Con ?guration LDAP Con ?guration in the Pentaho Enterprise Console Con ?guring LDAP for the Pentaho Data Integration Server Setting LDAP Property Values for the Pentaho Data Integration Server Switching to JDBC Implementing Single Sign- On Switching to Central Authentication Service CAS Switching to Integrated Windows Authentication IWA Assigning Permissions in the Pentaho User Console Permissions Settings Authorization Managing Users and Roles in the Pentaho Enterprise Console Adding Users Editing User Information Deleting Users Adding Roles Editing Roles Deleting Roles Assigning Users to Roles How to Change the Administrator Role Implementing Nested Roles in LDAP Resetting or Creating a new Pentaho Enterprise Console User Adding Web Resource Authentication Domain Object Authorization Reapplying the Default Access Control Lists Con ?guring SQL
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Jan 24, 2021
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 205.4kB