The u s export controls on strategic goods

Document généré le juin Études internationales Les contrôles américains sur les exportations stratégiques historique et évolution The U S Export Controls on Strategic Goods André Martel et Albert Legault Volume numéro URI https id erudit org iderudit ar DOI https doi org ar Aller au sommaire du numéro Éditeur s Institut québécois des hautes études internationales ISSN - imprimé - numérique Découvrir la revue Résumé de l'article A brief historical survey of the u s export controls on strategic goods indicate the importance of the Cold War in achieving these objectives as well as the importance of polycentrism across and within the institutions and agencies concerned The proliferation of controls has brought about a large area of freedom for the implementation of foreign policy by the executive branch of the Government After the end of the Cold War one can surmise that the emphasis mil be felt at three di ?erent levels a greater discretion by national actors in the implementation of export controls policy a greater harmonization of multilateral e ?orts designed at promoting the nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction and greater cleavages between those who want to relax export controls for economic reasons and those who want to strengthen them for security reasons On the whole the multiplicity of legislative actions and organizations concerned can only reinforce the freedom of action of the executive branch of the Government Citer cet article Martel A Legault A Les contrôles américains sur les exportations stratégiques historique et évolution Études internationales ?? https doi org ar Tous droits réservés ? Études internationales Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d ? auteur L ? utilisation des services d ? Érudit y compris la reproduction est assujettie à sa politique d ? utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en ligne https apropos erudit org fr usagers politique-dutilisation Cet article est di ?usé et préservé par Érudit Érudit est un consortium interuniversitaire sans but lucratif composé de l ? Université de Montréal l ? Université Laval et l ? Université du Québec à Montréal Il a pour mission la promotion et la valorisation de la recherche https www erudit org fr CLes contrôles américains sur les exportations stratégiques historique et évolution André MARTEL et Albert LEGAULT ABSTRACT ?? The u s Export Controls on Stratégie Goods A brief historical survey oj the u s export eontrols on stratégie goods indicate the importance oj the Cold War in achieving thèse objectives as well as the importance of polycentrism across and within the institutions and agencies concerned The prolifération of eontrols has brought about a large area ofjreedom for the implementation of foreign policy by the executive branch of the Government After the end of the Cold War one can surmise that the emphasis mil befelt at three di ?érent levels a greater discrétion by national actors in the implementation of export eontrols policy a greater harmonization of multilatéral e ?orts designed at promoting the nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction and greater

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  • Publié le Jui 24, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 187.1kB