Teaching guide format Shalom Crest Wizard Academy Salvani Street City Heights General Santos City SY - QUARTER TOPIC Content Standards Performance Standards Product Performance TEACHING GUIDE IN ART FIRST QUARTER for seven meetings Art and the Computer Th

Shalom Crest Wizard Academy Salvani Street City Heights General Santos City SY - QUARTER TOPIC Content Standards Performance Standards Product Performance TEACHING GUIDE IN ART FIRST QUARTER for seven meetings Art and the Computer The learner demonstrates understanding of the use of lines shapes colors texture and the principles of emphasis and contrast in drawing a logo and own cartoon character using new technologies in drawing The learner creates concepts through art processes elements and principles using new technologies hardware and software to create personal or class logo and designs cartoon character on-the spot using new technologies Digital product logo articulated in HELE Digital cartoon character making TOPIC Art and the Computer Day Target Learning Competencies Objective form The learner ? realizes that art processes elements and principles still apply even with the use of new technologies appreciates the elements and principles applied in commercial art Strategy Motivation NAME IT - Group the class into four and will compete in naming the di ?erent logo ashed on the screen Procedure GROUP DISCUSSION - Following similar group from motivation the students will be given enough time to recall independently the elements of art - A leader will be selected in facilitating their ideas a sample logo will be distributed in each group to develop idea - Group presentation will follow the discussion - The teacher will facilitate the activity and give supplements if necessary during the presentations - A rating form will be used to monitor group participation and behavior - The teacher will discuss on creating art with the computer and its popularity textbook base Assessment GATE PASS Remarks C- The students will answer two re ective questions from the discussion Assignment - Each group will bring laptop for the next meeting android phone can be an alternative and each student will bring a piece of long bond paper Day Continuation ? Target Learning Competencies Objective form Strategy Review Procedure Assessment Assignment Prepared by Submitted to Date submitted C

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  • Publié le Nov 28, 2022
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 29.1kB