Dt revision guide IB Design Technology CORE Topics - Click on topic below for direct access Topic Anthropometrics Psychological Factors Physiological Factors Topic Resource and reserves Waste mitigation strategies Energy Utilisation Storage and Distributi

IB Design Technology CORE Topics - Click on topic below for direct access Topic Anthropometrics Psychological Factors Physiological Factors Topic Resource and reserves Waste mitigation strategies Energy Utilisation Storage and Distribution Waste mitigation strategies Clean Technologies Green Design Eco Design Topic Conceptual modelling Graphical modelling Physical modelling Computer-aided design CAD Rapid prototyping Topic Properties of materials a Metals and metallic alloys b Timber c Glass d Plastics e Textiles f Composites Scales of Production Manufacturing processes Production systems Robots in automated production Topic Invention Innovation Strategies for innovation Strategies for innovation Product life cycle Rogers ? characteristics of innovation and consumers Innovation design and marketing speci ?cations Topic Characteristics of classic design Classic design function and form Updated th May - John Zobrist CIB Design Technology CORE T Topic Human Factors and Ergonomics Anthropometrics Design is human centred and therefore designers need to ensure that the products they design are the right size for the user and therefore comfortable to use Designers have access to data and drawings which state measurements of human beings of all ages and sizes Designers need to consider how users will interact with the product or service Use and misuse is an important consideration Anthropometric data sets can vary signi ?cantly between populations Particularly in the fashion industry the variance in these data sets impacts the size range of clothes for particular markets De ?ne the term ? Human Factors ? The term Human Factors is used for the combination of ergonomics and anthropometrics What are the aims of Human Factors Human Factors aims to Reduce stress and fatigue on people as they will be able to do things faster more easily more safely and make fewer mistakes reduce errors Increase safety Increase ease of use Enhance operational comfort Improve system performance reliability and maintenance What is Ergonomics The application of scienti ?c information concerning the relationship of human beings to the design of objects systems and environments What do we mean by the term physical ergonomics Give an example Physical ergonomics most often deals with the work related subjects of posture worksite development operating layout material handling repetitive stress and movement repetitive stress injuries and musculoskeletal disorders and occupational safety and health The aspect of ergonomics that deals with body measurements particularly those of size strength and physical capacity What do we mean by the term cognitive ergonomics Give an example Cognitive ergonomics is concerned with mental processes such as perception memory reasoning and motor response as they a ?ect interactions among humans and other elements of a system What do we mean by the term organisational ergonomics Give an example Organizational ergonomics subjects include communication work design shift work hours management crew resource management teamwork virtual organizations telework and quality management What is Anthropometric data Anthropometric Data is sub-classi ?ed as Static Data and Dynamic Data What is Structural Anthropometric data Static Data also known as Structural data refers to measurements taken while while the subject is in a ?xed or standard position

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  • Publié le Jan 16, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 467.6kB