Touhou puppet dance performance shard of dreams strategy guide version 1 0 pdf
Touhou Puppet Dance Performance Shard of Dreams Strategy Guide Version By Fuuya Table of Contents I Introduction II Legal Notice III How to Play IV Tips and Tricks V Main Walkthrough Reality and Fantasy Trip to the Human Village The Puppet Liberation Front The Second Incident Case A Trip to the Forest of Magic Lost in the Bamboo Forest Side Quest Section The Mansion of the Scarlet Devil Intruders in the Kappa Hideout Side Quest Section Scaling Youkai Mountain Descent from Youkai Mountain Side Quest Section Journey to the Underground Fanning the Flames Battle for Gensokyo ? s Future The Garden of the Sun Return to Myouren Temple Journey to Another World Pandemonium Little Sister C Cherry Blossoms in the Netherworld Side Quest Section Old Enemies New Friends Inverted Castle in the Sky Final Chapter Truth Behind the Incident VI New Game Plus Preparation VII Spoiler-Free Walkthrough VIII Useful Puppets Section IX Special Thanks I Introduction Hey hey everyone Welcome to my Strategy Guide for Touhou Puppet Dance Performance Shard of Dreams which will hereafter be shortened to TPDP SoD for short My name is Fuuya Fuuya- from Reddit and it ? ll be my honor to walk you through the entirety of TPDP SoD ? s Main and Expansion Storylines TPDP and its expansion SoD were both built from the ground up by FocasLens which wanted to make a true Pokemon-esque game for the Touhou series Up until TPDP came out we had hacks of the earlier Pokemon games that replaced Pokemon with Touhou characters these games were pretty fun but still seemed to be missing that special something which screamed you were playing a Touhou game FocasLens decided to correct that and built TPDP from the ground up modeling the overworld maps based on the GBA Pokemon games but completely redesigning the battle system and storyline to have a far more Touhou feel As a result TPDP really feels like you are playing a Touhou game as you ? re visiting various famous Gensokyo locales meeting iconic characters and of course catching Puppets based o ? of the Touhou characters to use in battle For those that have played the base game you know that it was pretty good if a bit di ?cult and unpolished in spots The Shard of Dreams expansion cleaned it up tremendously keeping the best parts while altering the worst parts and added addi- Ctional areas to explore an expansion storyline that runs concurrent to the base game ? s storyline additional Puppets to catch more and tougher Puppeteers to battle against new Items to ?nd an additional type Warped- type and even an additional Style for every base Puppet in the game Extra Style Rather than simply an expansion you could think of it as a reimagining of TPDP I personally think the changes were great and made a fun game into a stellar one in fact it ? s become my favorite Pokemon game period though I admit I ? m
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Dec 19, 2022
- Catégorie Management
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 1.1MB