Interview guide CPrepare Prepare and Prepare Key to any successful job interview for placements is prepare adequately Six Key Areas This document would be emphasizing more on preparing and answering aspect Preparation Page Arrange the marksheets certi ?ca

CPrepare Prepare and Prepare Key to any successful job interview for placements is prepare adequately Six Key Areas This document would be emphasizing more on preparing and answering aspect Preparation Page Arrange the marksheets certi ?cates project reports and any other documents which support your professional resume Answering Page Response Approach Speed of Speech Page Address your weakness Page Interview the interviewer Page Attire Checklist C After arrangement of all documents Structured Unstructured Interviews Behavioral Interviews i Case Interviews ii Informational Interviews iii Segregate the di ?erent type of Interview Questions which can be asked Mkt- pg IT ?? pg Fin- pg Structured Interviews Typical Questions Areas Fixed Set of questions for all candidates Mostly used for mass recruitments UnStructured Interviews More like a dialogue About yourself About the company A Job Pro ?le and Subject area B Tell me about yourself Which marketing industry are you most interested in Why What are your goals and how would align them with our marketing department Do swot analysis of your self When would you go the extra mile for any project or campaign Why should I hire you Are you quali ?ed for this position Why What quali ?cations do you have that can make you successful in this career Determine and Evaluate success How What do you think it takes to be successful in a company like ours How would you contribute to our company Qualities of successful manager and good leader List down Di ?erentiate between the Creativity or e ?ciency Which one is important and why What work environment would you prefer Are you seeking employment in a company of a certain size Why What are your expectations regarding promotions and salary increases How do you evaluate the company for which you hope to work Do you have a geographic preference Why Are you willing to relocate Assessments C CA About the company For OUR COMPANY exp Johnson Johnson pick one of our products and tell me more about its market segment and target audience Is there any new advertising campaign running for this product What are your observations for this product line What can should we do to change What is the latest news item you have read about our company What do you think a company like ours need to do for achieving product visibility in a new market What was the last years Sales Pro ?t new acquisition new mergers new product launch etc for our company What do you think about our company's website Does it actually represent our company's vision statement Can you tell me the di ?erent product verticals geographies our company is operating on Who all do you think are our nearest competitors Can you draw the value chain for our company product A Also apply porters force model for our industry Where do you think our company is lacking in marketing What type of sales strategy do you think a company like ours should adopt B Job Pro ?le and

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  • Publié le Sep 22, 2022
  • Catégorie Marketing
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 125.8kB