Vxrail quickstart guide VxRail QuickStart Guide Congratulations on your decision to purchase a new VxRail Appliance Please review and verify the items below before the Dell EMC Services Team arrives on site This will ensure the smoothest possible VxRail d
VxRail QuickStart Guide Congratulations on your decision to purchase a new VxRail Appliance Please review and verify the items below before the Dell EMC Services Team arrives on site This will ensure the smoothest possible VxRail deployment Physical Site Preparation Tip Plan ahead for additional nodes Physical site Con ?rm you have su ?cient rack space and two power connections per node If your data center has special power requirements order appropriate cords Provide a way for our services team to connect their laptop to your VxRail ?? either directly through your top-ofrack switch or a jumpbox you provide Tip If services will be connecting to your VxRail via an SFP or SFP switch make sure a Gb RJ- to SFP SFP adapter is available Physical network VxRail nodes can be con ?gured with either SFP SFP or RJ- NIC ports ??remember to order transceivers and optical cables for each SFP or SFP con ?gured node and switch If you are running GbE you need available switch ports per node If you are running GbE depending upon your con ?guration you need either or available switch ports per node If you are running GbE each node requires four available switch ports Set up switch Con ?gure your selected management VLAN untagged native by default and con ?rm that IPv unicast and IPv multicast are con ?gured enabled on it Con ?gure your selected VLANs for vSphere vMotion and VM Networks If you ? re working in a multiswitch environment con ?gure VLANs to carry multicast tra ?c between switches Con ?rm con ?guration and network access Tip Consider a multiple switch setup for redundancy Network In addition to reviewing the points below share the Network Guide with your networking team prior to the arrival of Dell EMC Implementation Services Consult our VxRail Network Guide for a detailed review of this subject Copyright ? Dell EMC all rights reserved Page CVxRail QuickStart Guide Reserve VLANs Best practice is to have at least VLANS for management for vMotion for vSAN and at least for guest VMs System Determine your time zone or optionally provide an NTP server IP address Verify the IP address of DNS server s on your network Verify that forward and reverse DNS entries are created for VxRail Manager ESXi nodes vRealize Log Insight and vCenter Server Tip Con ?gure hostname or IP address of NTP server s on your network Management Decide on your ESXi host naming scheme and select a single root password for all ESXi hosts in the VxRail cluster Reserve ESXi host IP addresses for every node in the cluster Decide on a hostname and reserve an IP address for VxRail Manager Determine the IP address of the default gateway and subnet mask If you ? re going to use ESRS recommended allocate an IP address and allow outbound communication with esrs emc com Tip Make sure to run a forward and reverse nslookup on VxRail Manager and for each VxRail node Logging If you
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- Publié le Dec 21, 2022
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 27.2kB