Balderdash teacher guide COMMON CORE-ALIGNED TEACHER GUIDE By Michelle Markel Illustrated by Nancy Carpenter - - - - HC - - - - E-book Ages to F P Text Level Gradient V Lexile Measure AD L ABOUT THIS BOOK A picture book biography about John Newbery pionee

COMMON CORE-ALIGNED TEACHER GUIDE By Michelle Markel Illustrated by Nancy Carpenter - - - - HC - - - - E-book Ages to F P Text Level Gradient V Lexile Measure AD L ABOUT THIS BOOK A picture book biography about John Newbery pioneering author and publisher ??for whom the Newbery Medal is named ?? and the revolution in children ? s books that he led It ? s when children read preachy poems and fables religious texts and manuals that told them where to stand how to sit not to laugh and other rules because the future champion of children ? s books John Newbery is just a boy Balderdash is the story about his belief that reading should be a delight for every reader Bal ? der ? dash ? ? bôld r daSH noun nonsense poppycock malarkey moonshine ummery or bunk ABOUT THIS GUIDE This teacher guide contains discussion questions and activities aligned with the Common Core State Standards See inside for reference to the Reading and Writing strands and grade-speci ?c standards CPRE-READING ACTIVITIES In class look up ??balderdash ? in the dictionary Share the word ? s meaning and lead a discussion about how the subtitle of the book hints at its subject matter Instruct students to take cues from the subtitle and write a paragraph that explains why the book is titled Balderdash Correlates with CCSS SL - W - L - - - Explain to the class that as a child John Newbery loved to read but there were very few books for children at that time Ask students to write down the titles of ?ve of their favorite books and instruct them to write a sentence summarizing why each title is among their favorites Afterwards ask students to share their list with a partner or with the class Correlates with CCSS W - L - - WHILE READING QUESTIONS RELATED TO TEXT ILLUSTRATION Ask the class to answer the following questions about the dedication What is the purpose of a dedication page Why do you think the book is dedicated to YOU Why do you think the author calls readers ??lucky ? Consider the subtitle of the book and discuss why the boy on the dedication page is crying Do you notice the boy reappear throughout the book How does he change and when does that begin to happen Why do you think his appearance changes Explain to students that ??setting ? includes when and where a story takes place Then have them study the ?rst double-page spread in the book the library scene depicting adults reading Direct students to examine the characters ? clothing accessories and hairstyles and have them share what the illustration reveals about the book ? s setting Next instruct students to look at the second double-page spread Have them explain why the text begins with ??Oh no ? and why ??CHILDREN HAD TO READ ? is written in capital letters Lead a discussion about what the illustration

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