Bus351 marking guide BUS Marking Guide Above average excellent Average Below average - fail Identi ?cation of relevant issues marks The essay demonstrates that extensive research has been undertaken using a variety of sources All important issues are iden

BUS Marking Guide Above average excellent Average Below average - fail Identi ?cation of relevant issues marks The essay demonstrates that extensive research has been undertaken using a variety of sources All important issues are identi ?ed Considerable research evidence is provided - marks The essay demonstrates that reasonable research has been undertaken using a variety of sources Most important issues are identi ?ed Good research evidence is provided to marks There is only minor evidence that research has been undertaken A few issues are identi ?ed ?? marks Examination and analysis of information marks The essay is set out logically with introduction middle section and conclusion The arguments are developed in a logical manner ?? marks The essay is set out reasonably logically and the arguments are developed in a coherent way ?? marks There are important lapses in the logic of the arguments ?? marks Presentation marks Presentation is excellent with very few grammatical or spelling mistakes ?? marks Presentation is good with a few grammatical or spelling mistakes ?? marks Presentation is only fair with a number of grammatical or spelling mistakes ?? marks Referencing APA marks At least ten high quality references are used to support the arguments in the essay all referenced correctly ?? marks At least ?ve high quality references are used to support the arguments in the essay most are referenced correctly ?? marks Fewer than ?ve high quality references are used to support the arguments in the essay not all referenced correctly ?? marks CTopics - words The content of the essay must be relevant to employment relations in Singapore Businesses in Singapore are often portrayed as adopting a ??unitarist ? rather than a ??pluralist ? attitude to employment relations Is this justi ?ed or are times changing Illustrate your arguments with contemporary examples What are the main responsibilities of unions in Singapore and are they carrying out these responsibilities Illustrate your answer by including answers to the following a Has the role of unions changed as the economy has developed b Are unions experiencing the same loss of membership as in other developed countries How should business labour and the government deal with plant closings and layo ? of employees Should government be involved at all Support your arguments with examples where possible It is said that employment relations is the study of formal and informal rule making at the workplace Describe how these rules are made and the role of the important stakeholders in the process with examples C

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