The dramatic works of samuel beckett

The Dramatic Works of Samuel Beckett Also Available from Continuum Beckett A Guide for the Perplexed Jonathan Boulter Beckett ? s Books Matthew Feldman Beckett and Ethics Edited by Russell Smith Beckett and Death Edited by Steven Bar ?eld Matthew Feldman and Phillip Tew Beckett and Decay Kathryn White Beckett and Phenomenology Edited by Ulrika Maude and Matthew Feldman Since Beckett Peter Boxall Samuel Beckett ? s German Diaries ?? Mark Nixon Samuel Beckett ? s ? More Pricks Than Kicks ? John Pilling Samuel Beckett and Science Chris Ackerley Samuel Beckett ? s Waiting for Godot Mark Taylor- Batty and Juliette Taylor-Batty The International Reception of Samuel Beckett Edited by Mark Nixon and Matthew Feldman The Dramatic Works of Samuel Beckett A Selective Bibliography of Publications About his Plays and their Conceptual Foundations Charles A Carpenter Continuum International Publishing Group The Tower Building York Road London SE NX Maiden Lane Suite New York NY www continuumbooks com ? Charles A Carpenter All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical including photocopying recording or any information storage or retrieval system without prior permission in writing from the publishers British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN ?? ?? ?? Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress Typeset by Fakenham Prepress Solutions Fakenham Norfolk NR NN Dedicated to three ? classics ? among Beckett scholars Ruby Cohn James Knowlson and Stanley Gontarski Table of Contents Part I Preliminaries A Introduction and Acknowledgements B Sources Consulted C Abbreviations and Variant Names D Beckett ? s Writings and Selected Statements Chronological List of Beckett ? s Dramatic Writings E Analyzed Collections of Essays F Bibliographic and Reference Works Websites G Textual Studies Part II Publications that Focus on Beckett ? s Drama A Commentaries that Extend Beyond One Distinct Phase or Genre of Drama B Commentaries on Early Theatrical Works before Play C Commentaries on Later Theatrical Works Play and after D Radio Plays Television Plays and ? Dramaticules ? Studies of Two or More Types including ?lm Radio Plays All That Fall Embers Words and Music Cascando Rough for Radio I Rough for Radio II Television Plays Eh Joe Ghost Trio ? but the clouds ? Nacht und Tr? ume Quad Dramaticules Come and Go Not I That Time Footfalls A Piece of Monologue Rockaby Ohio Impromptu What Where Catastrophe E Beckett and Other Dramatists ? ? ?? William Shakespeare ? ? ?? Henrik Ibsen ? ? ?? August Strindberg ? ? ?? William Butler Yeats ? ? ?? Luigi Pirandello ? ? ?? John Millington Synge ? ? ?? Thomas Stearns Eliot ? ? ?? Antonin Artaud ? ? ?? Bertolt Brecht Jean-Paul Sartre Arthur Adamov Jean Genet Eugène Ionesco Albert Camus Tadeusz Ró ?ewicz Edward Albee Heiner Müller Brian Friel Harold Pinter viii? ? ?

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