Thought paper guide Thought Paper Title of Reading The Trajectory of Concurrent Motor and Vocal Behaviors Over the Transition to Crawling in Infancy Author Sarah E Berger Marian Cunsolo Mariam Ali and Jana M Iverson Name Justin Leah Buletic ?? ED PRT ?? B

Thought Paper Title of Reading The Trajectory of Concurrent Motor and Vocal Behaviors Over the Transition to Crawling in Infancy Author Sarah E Berger Marian Cunsolo Mariam Ali and Jana M Iverson Name Justin Leah Buletic ?? ED PRT ?? B List three points or arguments posited in the chapter and or reading that struck you cite the speci ?c researcher investigator and page i Between the ages of and months infants commonly vocalize while mouthing objects These vocalizations contain more consonants and more variety than vocalizations not involving mouthed objects The multimodal feedback that infants receive during object mouthing prompts exploration of the consonants formed which may in turn facilitate the development of speech ii Complementing the account that motor development facilitates change in infant vocalization is the idea that cognition and action compete for attentional resources Attentional resources have been conceptualized as the e ?ort children need to muster to express a behavior as well as learn new behaviors Bloom Tinker The more complex or novel the behavior the greater the resources required to perform it iii The facilitation and trade-o ?s perspectives do not necessarily contradict one another as there is nothing in the current accounts about the timing of the relation between motor and language acquisition In fact the facilitation account tends to focus on developmental time ??motor development at one point facilitating language development at another ??whereas the trade-o ?s account tends to focus on real time A Indicate whether you concur or disagree with these points and explain why you hold this view i Point argument concur disagree why ii Point argument concur disagree why iii Point argument concur disagree why Cite one or two conclusions derived by researchers in this particular chapter and indicate whether you concur or disagree with those conclusions Explain your position CConclusion Examining the relation between the developmental trajectories of motor and language milestones using dense sampling Siegler yields new insights into our understanding of the interaction between these developmental domains Once skills are mastered they may indeed facilitate one another but in the short term the acquisition of one may put the development of the other on hiatus As infants allocate limited attention to mastering newly acquired developmental milestones they may ?nd it di ?cult to simultaneously perform other novel behavior Thus trade-o ?s in the acquisition of developmental milestones on multiple time scales as infants concentrate on one e ?ortful behavior at a time may help to explain the natural variability in timing and order of milestone acquisition Adolph Berger Leo Berger Theuring Adolph My Position I agree that motor acquisitions provide infants with an opportunity to practice skills relevant to language acquisition before they are needed for that purpose and that the emergence of new motor skills changes infants' experience with objects and people in ways that are relevant for both general communicative development and the acquisition of language Implications of this perspective for current views of co-occurring language and motor impairments and for methodology in

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