D71 conceptual framework fr 133

Mars Cadre Conceptuel IFRS Cadre Conceptuel de l'Information Financière CCadre conceptuel de l ? information ?nancière CConceptual Framework for Financial Reporting is issued by the International Accounting Standards Board Board Disclaimer To the extent permitted by applicable law the Board and the IFRS Foundation Foundation expressly disclaim all liability howsoever arising from this publication or any translation thereof whether in contract tort or otherwise to any person in respect of any claims or losses of any nature including direct indirect incidental or consequential loss punitive damages penalties or costs Information contained in this publication does not constitute advice and should not be substituted for the services of an appropriately quali ?ed professional Copyright ? IFRS Foundation All rights reserved Reproduction and use rights are strictly limited Please contact the Foundation for further details at licences ifrs org Copies of IASB publications may be obtained from the Foundation ? s Publications Department Please address publication and copyright matters to publications ifrs org or visit our web shop at https shop ifrs org The French translation of Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting has been approved by a review committee appointed by the IFRS Foundation The French translation is copyright of the IFRS Foundation The Foundation has trade marks registered around the world Marks including ? IAS ? ? IASB ? the IASB logo ? IFRIC ? ? IFRS ? the IFRS logo ? IFRS for SMEs ? the IFRS for SMEs logo the ? Hexagon Device ? ? International Accounting Standards ? ? International Financial Reporting Standards ? ? NIIF ? and ? SIC ? Further details of the Foundation ? s Marks are available from the Foundation on request The Foundation is a not-for-pro ?t corporation under the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware USA and operates in England and Wales as an overseas company Company number FC with its principal o ?ce at Cannon Street London EC M XH CCadre conceptuel de l ? information ?nancière CLe Cadre conceptuel de l ? information ?nancière est publié par l ? International Accounting Standards Board IASB Avis de non- responsabilité Dans la mesure permise par les lois applicables l ? IASB et l ? IFRS Foundation déclinent toute responsabilité contractuelle ou non contractuelle vis-à-vis de qui que ce soit relativement aux réclamations ou dommages de quelque nature que ce soit y compris les dommages directs et indirects les dommages-intérêts punitifs les pénalités et les frais pouvant découler de la présente publication ou d ? une traduction de celle-ci Les informations contenues dans la présente publication n ? ont pas valeur de conseil et ne sauraient se substituer aux services d ? un professionnel ayant les compétences appropriées Copyright ? IFRS Foundation Tous droits réservés Les droits de reproduction et d ? utilisation sont strictement limités Pour de plus amples renseignements bien vouloir communiquer avec l ? IFRS Foundation à l ? adresse licences ifrs org Il est possible d ? obtenir des exemplaires des publications de l ? IASB auprès

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