Practise your french group 3 verbs worksheet 1

IRREGULAR VERBS - PRESENT TENSE LESSON OBJECTIVES ? To practise conjugating irregular verbs also called rd group verbs in the present tense REMINDER Contrary to regular verbs ending in -er and -ir irregular verbs do not follow a conjugation pattern Irregular verbs include those ending in -re such as apprendre to learn in -oir such as vouloir to want some ending in -ir such as courir to run as well as aller to go which although ending in er is highly irregular Irregular verbs can have four di ?erent types of endings -s -s -t -ons -ez -ent This is the case for verbs such as courir for example which conjugates as follow je cours I run tu cours il court nous courons vous courez ils courent -s -s -d -ons -ez ent This is the case for apprendre to learn or prendre to take for example which conjugates as follow je prends I take tu prends il prend nous prenons vous prenez ils prennent -x -x -t -ons -ez -ent This is the case for verbs such as pouvoir to be able to or vouloir to want which conjugates as follow je veux I want tu veux il veut nous voulons vous voulez ils veulent LEARNFRENCHWITHALEXA COM PAGE OF C -e -es -e -ons -ez -ent This is the case for couvrir to cover or ouvrir to open which conjugates as follow j ? ouvre I open tu ouvres il ouvre nous ouvrons vous ouvrez ils ouvrent As you can see the stem can also changes So it is best to learn these verbs by heart Please refer to the various conjugation videos available on my channel to learn some of these verbs PRACTICE Conjugate the verbs between brackets in the present tense Les enfants courir dans le parc Tom et moi prendre le train de h Est-ce que vous aller d? ner chez Michel ce soir Charlotte apprendre l ? anglais Cette machine nous permettre de travailler plus vite Il ne vouloir pas manger Tu mettre trop de sucre sur le g? teau Nous vendre notre maison Je pouvoir préparer le déjeuner Alice et Luc o ?rir des eurs à leur mère LEARNFRENCHWITHALEXA COM PAGE OF C

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