Voter guide 1 F E E E E F F E E D F F E E E C F F C C Ã i Ç ? n E F E E C c ? c ? ? E C E Í E C C C Ê ?ío? ? o ?? ? ? o o ? oc R? ? o o ? oc
F E E E E F F E E D F F E E E C F F C C Ã i Ç ? n E F E E C c ? c ? ? E C E Í E C C C Ê ?ío? ? o ?? ? ? o o ? oc R? ? o o ? oc ?? ? o o ? o C E F F ? R? B B ? ? ? o? ? ? ÔRç? ?? oÔÔ F F C C F C ? Ã? À ? L? ÀÀ ÃÉ-? vv C E C C C C C ? ? ? i ? Ã ? iÀÃ ? i ? ? i L ? Ü ? ? ? C MAY PRIMARY ELECTION LANCASTER PA About this guide LANCASTER COUNTY COMMISSIONERS The material in this guide was compiled by the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania Citizen Education Fund and the League of Women Voters of Lancaster County It was produced as a joint e ?ort of the League and Lancaster Newspapers Inc This material may not be altered or reprinted without the permission of the League Each candidate ? s reply has been printed as submitted except to use standard abbreviations and by editing for length when a candidate ? s reply exceeded the word limit The candidates listed are those whose names appear on the ballot as of March Additional information about judicial candidates and voter information including ??Polling Place Lookup ? can be found by going to www smartvoter org and typing in your address and zip code Pennsylvania primary rules Pennsylvania is a closed-primary state In Pennsylvania you may vote for candidates only in the party with which you are registered Republicans vote for Republican candidates Democrats vote for Democratic candidates If you are registered ??independent ? or in one of the minor parties such as Libertarian Consumer Patriot Constitutional you may not vote for major- party candidates in the primary elections but you may vote on ballot questions Independent or minor party voters must ask for a special ballot for ballot questions Two local municipalities have ballot questions this year For more information on those ballot questions see Page Minor political parties do not conduct primaries but circulate and ?le nomination papers to nominate candidates directly to the November ballot Candidates who run and lose in the primary may not ?le nomination papers in the same year unless it is for an of ?ce that did not appear on the primary ballot League purpose and policy The purpose of the League of Women Voters is to promote political responsibility through informed and active participation in government The League is nonpartisan It does not support or oppose any political party or candidate Nothing in this guide should be construed as an endorsement of any candidate by the League of Women Voters To learn more about the Lancaster chapter contact President Susan Leinberger at - or sswl comcast net Spanish-language edition A Spanish-language
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Mar 06, 2021
- Catégorie Politics / Politiq...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 112.2kB