Brochure emmaus nicopolis Emmaus-Nikopolis Et voici que ce meme jOur deux d'entre eux se rendaient it un village du nomd' mmaits Luc That very same day two of them were on their way to a village called Emmaus Luke CConception and Text Vincent Michel Trans

Emmaus-Nikopolis Et voici que ce meme jOur deux d'entre eux se rendaient it un village du nomd' mmaits Luc That very same day two of them were on their way to a village called Emmaus Luke CConception and Text Vincent Michel Translation Sophie Roy Photography Garo Nalbandian Karl-Heinz Fleckenstein Michele Piccirillo Basilio Rodella Layout Ferrari - studio edi oriale Cologno Monzese MI - Italy ? Friends of Emmaus-Nikopolis INTRODUTION INTRODUCTION E mmaus-Nikopolis comparable a une porte qui s'ouvre sur Ie cceur de la Ju dee est situee a l'entree du corridor d'ac ces a km de Jerusalem stades Le site d'Emmaus mentionne des l'epoque des Maccabees II's avo - C se trouve dans la plaine de la Sephelah ou Bas Pays a partir de laquelle selon saint Je rome les montagnes de Judee commen cent a s'elever Le nom semitique d'origi ne Hamat ou Hanunaot signi ?e sources' ou sources chaudes L'ancien village d'Amwas detruit lors de la Guerre des Six Jours conservait depuis Ie VII siec e jusqu'a ce jour sous sa forme arabe Ie nom d'Emmaus hellenise lors des conquetes d'Alexandre N S avo -c A l'epoque romaine et byzantine Emmaus est souvent decrite comme un bel endroit aux eaux delicieusement belles Midrash Koheleth et compte parmi les plus importantes cites de Pa lestine comme l'attestent les sources his toriques archeologiques et les recits de pelerins E mmaus-Nikopolis like a door open ing towards the heart ofjudea is situated at the beginning of the moun tain road kmfromjerusalem stadia The site of Emmaus mentioned as early as the Book ofMaccabees BC is to be found in the plain of the Sephelah or Low Country from which according to Saint jerome tbe judean mountains Sta to rise The original Se mitic wOl'd Hamat or Hammaot means springs or hot springs The Arabic vil lage of Amwas destroyed during the Day War had kept since the r C AD the name ofEmmaus that had been hellenized during the conquests of Alexandel under its Arabic form I n the Roman-Byzantine age Emmaus is often described as a place with de liciously beautiful waters Midrash Ko heleth and is among the most imp ant towns ofPalestine as attested by the his torical archeological sources and the pil grim's reports Representation de la ville de Nikopolis Carte de Madaba Jordanie VI's Representation of tbe toum ofNikopolis Madaba Map Jordan ' C AD CLES PELERINS A EMMAUS THE PILGRIMS IN EMMAUS Amavame Emmaiis en La in XVIII'mille Table de Peucinger III-lV's ap -c Eusebe de Cesaree Onomasticon ap -c Eusebius of Caesarea Onomasticon AD Amavante Emmaus in Latin XVIII' miles Peutinger Table - ' c AD ''Emmaiis d'OLl etait Cleophas celui qui est mentionne dans l'evangile selon Luc C'est maintenant Ni GOpolis une Emmaus from where Cleophas was mentioned in Luke's Gospel It is now Nikopolis a renowned city in Palestine illustre cite de Palestine Saint jerome Letter Pilgrimage of Saint Jerome Lettre CVIII Pelerinage Saint Paula Devant cette ville pres du trivium la

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  • Publié le Sep 25, 2022
  • Catégorie Religion
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 90.8kB