Fischler commensality society and culture 1

II The human and social sciences and the challenge of the future Commensality society and culture Social Science Information ?? ?? ? The Author s Reprints and permission sagepub co uk journalsPermissions nav DOI ssi sagepub com Claude Fischler CNRS EHESS Paris Abstract The founding fathers of the social sciences recognized commensality as a major issue but considered it mostly in a religious sacri ?cial ritualistic context The notion of commensality is examined in its various dimensions and operations Empirical data are used to examine cultural variability in attitudes about food commensality and its correlates among countries usually categorized as ? Western ? and ? modern ? Clear-cut di ?erences are identi ?ed hinting at possible relationships between on the one hand cultural attachment to commensality and on the other hand a lower prevalence of obesity and associated health problems involving nutrition Keywords altruism commensality cooperation cross-cultural comparison food patterns food sharing meals meal patterns nutrition obesity reciprocity sociability social relationships socialization Résumé Les pères fondateurs des sciences humaines ont identi ?é la commensalité comme une question fondamentale mais l ? ont envisagée essentiellement sous l ? angle religieux sacri ?ciel et rituel La notion de commensalité est envisagée dans ses diverses dimensions et fonctionnements En utilisant des données empiriques on examine ensuite la variabilité culturelle dans les attitudes à l ? égard de la commensalité et de ses corrélats en particulier dans des pays habituellement quali ?és de ? modernes ? et ? occidentaux ? On trouve d ? importantes di ?érences transculturelles et les indices d ? une relation possible entre d ? une part un attachement culturel à la commensalité et de l ? autre une prévalence plutôt plus faible de l ? obésité et des pathologies liées à la nutrition Corresponding author Claude Fischler Centre Edgar Morin IIAC CNRS - EHESS rue d ? Athènes Paris France Email ?schler ehess fr Downloaded from ssi sagepub com at PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DE CHILE on March CFischler Mots-clés altruisme approche comparative commensalité comparaison interculturelle coopération nutrition obésité partage réciprocité relations sociales repas rythme des repas rythmes alimentaires sociabilité socialisation One of the most striking manifestations of human sociality is commensality humans tend to eat together or to put it more exactly to eat in groups Commensality in its literal sense means eating at the same table mensa A wider simple de ?nition proposes that ? commensality is eating with other people ? Sobal Nelson In a trend report on the emerging sociology of food three distinguished scholars in the ?eld Mennell Murcott van Otterloo remarked in conclusion of their work that ? it is a commonplace of discussions of food and society to speak of the social importance of commensality ? Twenty-odd years later one would agree with the statement but remark that by and large in spite of a growing number of observations and analyses and some very signi ?cant contributions the topic still needs more investigation and a unifying perspective One of the most striking issues

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  • Publié le Aoû 31, 2022
  • Catégorie Health / Santé
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 126.7kB