Pt guide final PHYSICAL THERAPY Stance Control Gait Training Mr Marcelo Lo ?ego P T Executive Drive Troy Michigan U S A p - - - - f - - - - BeckerOrthopedic com CStance Control Gait Training Acknowledgement In relation to the development of SCKAFO Gait Tr

PHYSICAL THERAPY Stance Control Gait Training Mr Marcelo Lo ?ego P T Executive Drive Troy Michigan U S A p - - - - f - - - - BeckerOrthopedic com CStance Control Gait Training Acknowledgement In relation to the development of SCKAFO Gait Training Protocols Becker Orthopedic would like to acknowledge the signi ?cant contribution made by Mr Marcelo Lo ?ego PT Scienti ?c Director Orthotics Department Ortopedia Alemana We express our thanks to Mr Lo ?ego and to the entire clinical and technical sta ? of Ortopedia Alemana Buenos Aires Argentina ? Becker Orthopedic Appliance Co All rights reserved p - - - - f - - - - Beckerorthopedic com CStance Control Gait Training Introduction Individuals with lower extremity weakness present with a varied set of problems that often require the provision of a Knee-Ankle-Foot-Orthosis KAFO Traditional KAFO ? s lock in full extension to provide lower limb stability but eliminating knee exion forces individuals to make compensations and to ambulate with gait deviations that may lead to other problems over time Stance Control Knee Ankle Foot Orthoses SCKAFO ? s provide stability however by allowing the knee to ex they also allow movements that relate to forward progression The decision to prescribe a free motion locked or stance control KAFO is based upon the individual patient ? s range-of-motion muscle strength and the resultant biomechanical and functional de ?cit Successful utilization of SCKAFO ? s is a cumulative process that involves all members of the multidisciplinary team A key component is gait training this brochure presents a single case study and introduces some of the key steps that should be considered to achieve successful SCKAFO utilization CPre Fitting Phase The objective is to strengthen the pelvic and abdominal muscles and to increase awareness of pelvic rotation Strengthening Abdominals It is important to strengthen the abdominals ?gures as this muscle group is the foundation for attaining pelvic retroversion Figure Figure Increasing awareness of Pelvic Retroversion This movement helps create momentum and facilitates locking of the Stance Control Knee Joint at the end of swing phase this exercise is performed by contracting the abdominal muscles and is ?rst performed with the knees bent Figure Figure Strengthening and Awareness of Pelvic Rotation This exercise is performed against resistance with the patient in the lateral position The awareness and utilization of these exercises increases momentum and can compensate for a hip exor weakness Attempts should also be made to strengthen innervated hip exor musculature Figure Figure CInitial Standing and Weight Bearing in SCKAFO The objective is to allow the patient to gain con ?dence by weight bearing with the SCKAFO knee joint in the locked position This phase of therapy should be conducted with the patient within the parallel bars Initial Standing The patient is asked to stand with feet evenly spaced ?gure with weight evenly distributed over both legs Attention should be paid to the alignment of the pelvis in the sagittal plane ?gure During this exercise the patient

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  • Publié le Aoû 01, 2022
  • Catégorie Health / Santé
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 40.2kB