Rct guide ROOT CANAL TREATMENT A CLINICAL GUIDE FOR DENTAL STUDENTS GENERAL DENTISTS WHO LIKE DOING RCTS AND GENERAL DENTISTS WHO HATE DOING RCTS Greg Y Kim DDS Red Rock Endodontics This document is intended as an easy-to-read guide for dental students an

ROOT CANAL TREATMENT A CLINICAL GUIDE FOR DENTAL STUDENTS GENERAL DENTISTS WHO LIKE DOING RCTS AND GENERAL DENTISTS WHO HATE DOING RCTS Greg Y Kim DDS Red Rock Endodontics This document is intended as an easy-to-read guide for dental students and general practitioners of di ?erent clinical capacity who seek to improve their root canal treatment skills and obtain a more consistently predictable outcome in their everyday practice Doing a root canal treatment RCT for the most part is not a complicated task and the procedure should become easier and more systematic as the clinician gains more experience in doing it There are however di ?erent components of development in becoming a more skilled clinician and becoming technically good is only one aspect of it In order to be truly pro ?cient in this ?eld a clinician must also improve his her diagnostic skills and understanding of its biological principles This guide is divided into di ?erent topics and subtopics which are deemed important for understanding of those fundamental endodontic principles DIAGNOSIS Good diagnostic skills are undeniably important for better management of endodontic cases Day in and day out we see a whole slew of errors associated poor diagnosis whether it be prescribing wrong medications or treatment-planning for a wrong procedure The importance of this ?rst step of treatment can ? t be stressed enough Starting out with a good diagnosis at the onset can really spare the dentist of unnecessary headaches during follow-up phase For the purpose of this guide di ?erent pulpal and periapical diagnoses are not going to be discussed comprehensively but some of the most common errors associated with either doing an erroneous diagnosis or NO diagnosis deserve a discussion here o Prescribing Antibiotics for Pulpitis Pulpitis by de ?nition is an in ammation of the pulp tissue and could be exceedingly painful under acute in ammatory conditions For pain relief either this in amed pulp tissue needs to be removed or the tooth needs to be removed When the pulp is still vital and in amed note blood upon access opening taking antibiotics actually does nothing for pain relief and only adds the hassle of having to take medications for multiple days for an already distressed patient For antibiotics to be e ?ective at reducing symptoms the pulp has to be necrotic and infected for the most part note absence of blood upon entering pulp space Now it has to be noted that percussion sensitivity could present with both vital and nonvital pulp But in general the cases where antibiotics can work for pain relief do not respond to thermal stimuli endo ice hot co ?ee etc but instead display marked percussion sensitivity that can be localized by the patient Tenderness of soft tissue in the vestibule near the apices of the associated tooth C may be present as well On the other hand if a patient ? s chief complaint is having severe pain upon drinking something cold or hot do not give that

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  • Publié le Jan 29, 2022
  • Catégorie Health / Santé
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 76.9kB