Supplement guide 2 supplement GUIDE REDUCING SUPPLEMENT RISK Introduction Purpose contents Q What is a dietary supplement Q Do athletes need dietary supplements page page page Q Should athletes buy supplements that advertise what they want to achieve page

supplement GUIDE REDUCING SUPPLEMENT RISK Introduction Purpose contents Q What is a dietary supplement Q Do athletes need dietary supplements page page page Q Should athletes buy supplements that advertise what they want to achieve page Q Is there evidence behind the bene ?ts of using dietary ingredients page Q What are the risks associated with dietary supplements page Q If a dietary supplement is the most realistic way to obtain necessary dietary ingredients how do athletes pick the safest one page Q What types of products should athletes avoid page More of What You Need page Less of What You Don ? t Need page A USOPC Dietitian ? s Perspective on ??Supplements That Work ? page Supplement Red Flags page Bottom Line page Resources page INTRODUCTION PURPOSE Many athletes believe they need dietary supplements to perform at their best but this trust in supplements is undeserved While it ? s true that some supplements can be helpful in some circumstances people regularly overestimate the bene ?ts and safety Many use dietary supplements without understanding the supplement industry or talking to a dietitian and they instead rely on advertisements and labeling However people can ? t trust what many supplements claim to contain or deliver because of ine ?ective regulation of the supplement industry It ? s easy to assume that if a product is on a store shelf then it must be safe However dietary supplements are regulated in a post-market manner meaning the Food and Drug Administration FDA does not evaluate the contents or e ?ects of supplements before they are sold Harmful or illegal dietary supplements can stay on store shelves for a long time sometimes even years before the FDA can remove them Because of this it ? s important to be an informed consumer and understand the risks before deciding to use any dietary supplement This booklet is designed to help athletes decide if the potential bene ?ts of dietary supplements outweigh those risks and if so how they can better choose a low-risk product Q What is a dietary supplement A The dietary ingredients found in supplements can also be found in foods In fact by law dietary supplements can only contain ingredients that are already in the food supply However dietary supplements are highly processed and there is always a chance of contamination during the manufacturing process Who would you rather have manufacture your calcium a factory or mother nature WHERE CAN I FIND CALCIUM PRODUCED IN A FACTORY NATURALLY IN FOOD Seeds Cheese Sold in bulk powder as a dietary ingredient OR Yogurt Sardines Almonds Beans Lentils Sold as a supplement Spinach Kale Milk DEFINITION DIETARY SUPPLEMENT According to the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act DSHEA of a dietary supplement is de ?ned by law as a product taken by mouth a patch or a cream is not legally considered a supplement that contains a ??dietary ingredient ? and is intended only to supplement the diet A supplement cannot advertise

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  • Publié le Apv 27, 2022
  • Catégorie Health / Santé
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 90.1kB