Vim guide Is Vim Really Not For You A Beginner Guide Is Vim Really Not For You A Beginner Guide ?? Vim is not for me ? shout out Dave my colleague developer It wasn ? t the ?rst time I ? ve heard this sentence The result Me explaining to Dave and others g

Is Vim Really Not For You A Beginner Guide Is Vim Really Not For You A Beginner Guide ?? Vim is not for me ? shout out Dave my colleague developer It wasn ? t the ?rst time I ? ve heard this sentence The result Me explaining to Dave and others gathering around my desk that learning the basics of Vim can be bene ?cial to anybody https thevaluable dev vim-beginner C Is Vim Really Not For You A Beginner Guide Many CLIs use Vim-like key bindings like Less for example They can easily edit ?les on remote systems or in docker containers when only Vi the ancestor of Vim or Vim is available They can customize Vim like crazy to match their personal needs and preferences They can run Vim everywhere they want Vim can edit very large text ?les without slowing down like huge log ?les for example They can learn a new and really fun way for creating and editing content To me Vim is the gami ?cation of coding Still some developers don ? t try to understand what Vim is about At the same time they have a strong opinion about it How can somebody judge something without seriously trying it I can ? t blame them I had exactly the same bias years ago But when I tried to learn to use Vim when I tried to understand how it works - not only learning two shortcuts randomly - I fall in love That ? s why I would like to share with you today how I learned the very basics of Vim More speci ?cally we ? ll see in this article How to learn quickly good typing techniques They are essential if you want to unleash Vim ? s latent power Even if you don ? t use Vim these techniques have many bene ?ts for any developer The di ?erent Vim modes This is one of the main reason why Vim is so crazy The basic Vim shortcuts keystrokes for you to be e ?cient as quickly as possible with some tips to remember them easily How to speak the Language of Vim What Vim ? s options are and how to manipulate them After that you ? ll speak about Vim with experience and con ?dence even if it ? s for saying ??naaaah Vim is not for me ? The goal of this article is not to replace your IDE with Vim from one day to another I would recommend to take a step by step approach here At the beginning you can try to use Vim to edit some con ?guration or other text ?les Practicing what you ? ll learn in this article is the key for you to really understand how Vim works and why it ? s so popular even decades after its creation Don ? t think that Vim is hard to learn It ? s easy to learn to edit any ?le

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  • Publié le Jui 12, 2022
  • Catégorie Health / Santé
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 158.7kB