English b paper 2 hl m M ABENG HP ENG TZ XX ENGLISH B ?? HIGHER LEVEL ?? PAPER ANGLAIS B ?? NIVEAU SUPÉRIEUR ?? ÉPREUVE INGLÉS B ?? NIVEL SUPERIOR ?? PRUEBA Tuesday May afternoon Mardi mai après-midi Martes de mayo de tarde h m INSTRUCTIONS to candidates

M ABENG HP ENG TZ XX ENGLISH B ?? HIGHER LEVEL ?? PAPER ANGLAIS B ?? NIVEAU SUPÉRIEUR ?? ÉPREUVE INGLÉS B ?? NIVEL SUPERIOR ?? PRUEBA Tuesday May afternoon Mardi mai après-midi Martes de mayo de tarde h m INSTRUCTIONS to candidates ? Do not open this examination paper until instructed to do so ? Section A choose one task Each task is worth marks ? Section B write a personal response to the stimulus provided The task is worth marks ? The maximum mark for this examination paper is marks INSTRUCTIONS DESTINÉES AUX CANDIDATS ? N ? ouvrez pas cette épreuve avant d ? y être autorisé e ? Section A choisissez une t? che Chaque t? che vaut points ? Section B exprimez votre opinion personnelle sur la ré exion fournie La t? che vaut points ? Le nombre maximum de points pour cette épreuve d ? examen est points INSTRUCCIONES PARA LOS ALUMNOS ? No abra esta prueba hasta que se lo autoricen ? Sección A elija una tarea Cada tarea vale puntos ? Sección B escriba una opinión personal al estímulo provisto La tarea vale puntos ? La puntuación máxima para esta prueba de examen es puntos - pages páginas ? International Baccalaureate Organization C ?? ?? M ABENG HP ENG TZ XX SECTION A Complete one of the following tasks Write to words Cultural diversity You recently read a blog in which the writer claimed that all sectors of the population of a country should celebrate the same festivals Write a blog entry in response stating your opinion on the matter Customs and traditions Your school hosted a Culture Day in which students from di ?erent cultures celebrated their customs cultural practices and or traditions Write a review of the event to be published in your school newspaper Health Many teenagers in your community feel insecure about the way they look Write an article to be published in a youth magazine in which you outline the reasons why teenagers have those insecurities and suggest solutions Leisure A friend of yours has emailed you a link to an interview with a sports ?gure who argued that sports should not be played for leisure Write an email to your friend in which you express your views on the subject Science and technology You are participating in a class debate on the motion ??Science experiments should not involve the use of animals ? Write the text of your opening speech either agreeing or disagreeing with this motion - C ?? ?? M ABENG HP ENG TZ XX SECTION B Based on the following stimulus give a personal response and justify it Choose any text type that you have studied in class Write to words ??The news isn ? t there to tell you what happened It ? s there to tell you what it wants you to hear or what it thinks you want to hear ? Source Joss Whedon Astonishing X-Men Vol Dangerous - C

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