Rse policy guide Relationships and Sexuality Education Policy Guide for Primary Schools Resources you will need to be familiar with when drawing up your RSE policy ?? referenced throughout this document CSchool Details School name area gender size of scho
Relationships and Sexuality Education Policy Guide for Primary Schools Resources you will need to be familiar with when drawing up your RSE policy ?? referenced throughout this document CSchool Details School name area gender size of school classroom make up and any other relevant details PDST National School is a mixed sex school in Ireland The school has a generic ethos There are classrooms with multi-grade classes in each Introductory Statement What is this policy why is it needed how it was revised and any other details you deem ?t All schools are required to have an RSE policy to detail how RSE is taught in the school including the sensitive aspects This policy is an approved approach to the teaching of Relationships and Sexuality Education RSE It was developed to inform teachers and parents as to what material is covered in the RSE programme within SPHE both formally and informally The ?rst RSE policy was developed in with a committee revised in and again in School Philosophy Detail the school ? s philosophy from general to speci ?c taking into account the importance of SPHE and RSE within the context of the school community and ethos We recognise that SPHE is intrinsic to the teaching and learning that occurs both formally and informally in school and in the classroom Through our SPHE programme and subsequently through RSE we wish to assist children to develop feelings of self-worth and self-con ?dence while encouraging their ability to relate to others in a positive way The curriculum also encourages children to be aware of their rights as an individual while at the same time accepting responsibility for their actions as members of the school and the wider community Our school values the uniqueness of all individuals within a caring school community Our ethos means that we value respect tolerance and openness through the lived experience of the children and school community Parents have the primary role in the social personal and health education of their children so their involvement will be encouraged as much as possible SPHE and RSE are key components in supporting our school and children to develop into healthy young adults CDe ?nition of RSE The de ?nition of RSE used is from the Interim RSE Guidelines and Going Forward Together Parents Information Booklet ? RSE is an important part of the education of young people and schools provide a safe context within which young people can learn about themselves and the wider world This makes access to RSE in schools all the more important ? ?? Mayock Kitching and Morgan p The policy guidelines state that schools can develop a working de ?nition within the context of both the NCCA ? s and the policy guidelines de ?nitions This de ?nition must be in line with the SPHE Curriculum and other relevant policy documents Relationships and Sexuality Education is an integral part of SPHE and must be taught in this context It provides structured opportunities for pupils to
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- Publié le Aoû 31, 2021
- Catégorie Society and Cultur...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 81.8kB