Study guide 67 Homer Polis Monarchy Oligarchy Tyrant Legislature Study Guide- Greece Pericles Direct Democracy Logic Plato Citizen Socrates How did geography impact the development of Greek civilization What accounts for the success of very early Greek ci

Homer Polis Monarchy Oligarchy Tyrant Legislature Study Guide- Greece Pericles Direct Democracy Logic Plato Citizen Socrates How did geography impact the development of Greek civilization What accounts for the success of very early Greek civilizations like the Minoan culture Describe Greek civilization Describe Athenian democracy What was Spartan culture like What were the requirements of citizenship in Athens In Sparta How did Athenian democracy develop over time How did the Greek empiricists seek to understand the world What kind of government did Plato advocate Who should lead in that government How did Hellenism spread throughout the Near East Aristotle Justice The Good CLabel the following places on the map above Label the following land masses a Greece b Asia Minor c Crete d Peloponnesus e Balkan Peninsula Label the following bodies of water a Aegean Sea b Mediterranean Sea Put a dot on the map for each of the following city states and write the name of the city state next to it a Mycenae b Athens c Sparta C

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