Annexe iii Annexe III Liste de véri ?cateurs Nombre Nom du véri ?cateur Institution Abdulhamid Bagara State Accountability and Voice Initiative Ahmad QaziShoaib State Bank of Pakistán Ahmed Jamil Independent Consultant Akter Fatema Anukul Foundation - MDF

Annexe III Liste de véri ?cateurs Nombre Nom du véri ?cateur Institution Abdulhamid Bagara State Accountability and Voice Initiative Ahmad QaziShoaib State Bank of Pakistán Ahmed Jamil Independent Consultant Akter Fatema Anukul Foundation - MDF Alexander Rajan Ali Zul ?qar Allen Hugh Amalorpavanathan Shri R Amoa-Bosompem Magnus Anthony Emil Arbab Amjad Arokaisamy A Development Consultancy Group Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies BIDS VSL Associates NABARD Association of Financial NGOs ASSFIN Consultant Shore Bank International People's Multipurpose Development Society Awal Abdul Credit and Development Forum CDF Banda Leroy Bayanid Paolo E Benabdelkhalek Ahmed Bhandari Aditya Bolingo Prosper Bonou-Selegbe Norbet Borja Gustavo Bravo Leonardo Bruun Adam Malaui Lake Basin Program People's Credit and Finance Corporation PCFC Deloitte Inco ?n Investment Management Consultant Cabinet BERGES Consulting PROMUC BRC Investor Services S A SCV European Investment Bank Budihargo Wiladi SemarakCerlang Nusa Canillas Lorisa Carcelén Romero César Castaldo Eleonora Castro Néstor Castro Saul Chilumpha Fletcher Micro ?nance Investment and Technical Assistance Facility II Planet Rating Pérou BlueOrchard Finance S A FINRURAL Alter ?n UNDP Malawi FIMA Project Clegg Alison Canadian Cooperative Association Condé Kémo BanqueCentrale Coulibaly AbdoulKarim CARE USA - ACCESS Africa Cueva Je ?erson Red Financiera Rural VULNÉRABILITÉ Pays Nigeria Pakistan Pakistan Bangladesh Inde Bangladesh Allemagne Inde Ghana Sri Lanka Pakistan Inde Bangladesh Malawi Philippines Maroc Inde Burundi Bénin Pérou Colombie Luxembourg Indonésie Sierra Leone Pérou Suisse Bolivie El Salvador Malawi Canada Guinea Tanzanie Équateur CNombre Nom du véri ?cateur Daniels Mark Dieu Lionel Dissanayake Subodhanie Djidotor Yawo Edozien NdidiNnoli Institution Opportunity International Australia Triodos Investment Management BV PLAN International Cabinet PKF Growing Business Foundation Pays Philippines Pays-Bas Sri Lanka Togo Nigeria Ehigiamusoe Godwin LAPO Micro ?nance Bank Ehlinger Aude SOS Faim Ejaz Sehrish Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund PPAF Fabamwo Olufemi Central Bank of Nigeria Gan Joanne Kiva Foundation Gandhi Sanjay Planet Finance Gené Nina Jasmine Charitable Trust Gunasekera Mahinda Stromme Micro ?nance Asia Guarantee Ltd Gupta B S SUPPORT Gutiérrez Torregroza Jairo Emprender Gyam ? Yaw Ghana Micro ?nance Institutions Network GHAMFIN Hajiyeva Jhale Azerbaiyán Micro-Finance Association Hansen Katja EvangelischerEntwicklungsdienst EED Hernández Carlos Oikocredit Hettiarachch Ranjith Association of Asian Confederation of Credit Unions ACCU Hussen Kalifa Self Help Africa Ibrahimpasic Maja Microcredit Foundation MKF Jain Jayesh K Grameen Foundation Jain Vinod Trust Consulting Lucknow Kamau Steven CRB Africa Ltd Kayanasundaram M INAFI Ketor KossiviAnge APIM-TOGO Kewe Sosthenes Financial Sector Deepening Trust Kham AtherAzim Khanda Santosh Kumar Laasri Ahmed University of Central Punjab Foundation of Rural Development Jaida Latifee Huzzat I Grameen Trust Legac François SOS Faim Lokule Edward Yengi Micro ?nance Association of Sudán del Sur MASS Magnoni Barbara EA Consultants Mahato Arun Kumar Save the Children Nigeria Luxembourg Pakistan Nigeria États-Unis Inde Nouvelle-Zélande Sri Lanka Inde Colombie Ghana Azerba? djan Allemagne Costa Rica Indonésie Éthiopie Bosnie-Herzégovine Inde Inde Kenya Inde Togo Tanzanie Pakistan Inde Maroc Bangladesh Luxembourg Soudan du Sud États-Unis Népal LE RAPPORT DE L ?ÉTAT DE LA CAMPAGNE DU SOMMET DU MICROCRÉDIT CNombre Nom du véri ?cateur Martínez José Fernando Metcalfe Marcia Mishra Meera Moe Kyaw Mukherjee Lovely Murthy K

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  • Publié le Apv 30, 2022
  • Catégorie Business / Finance
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 43.8kB