Dget guide DGE- -CD Government of India Ministry of Labour Employment Directorate General of Employment Training Dated th April To Secretaries Principal Secretaries of all the State Govts UT Administrations dealing with Vocational Training Directors Commi
DGE- -CD Government of India Ministry of Labour Employment Directorate General of Employment Training Dated th April To Secretaries Principal Secretaries of all the State Govts UT Administrations dealing with Vocational Training Directors Commissioners dealing with Vocational Training of all States UT Administrations Director ATI Hyderabad ATI Bombay ATI Kolkata ATI Kanpur ATI Ludhiana Principal CTI Chennai Subject Guidelines for setting up of ??Institute for Training of Trainers ? and conducting the Training Programme in such institutes Sir I am directed to inform you that the th meeting of the National Council for Vocational Training NCVT under the Chairmanship of Hon ? ble Minister of Labour Employment was held on th January Guidelines for setting up of Institute for Training of Trainers and conducting the Training Programmes under Craft Instructor Training Scheme CITS were discussed in the meeting agenda Item No NCVT during its th meeting had approved setting up of the Instructor Training Institutes by State UT Governments companies like sole propriety private public limited registered under Companies Act Societies and Trusts registered as per Act and promoters of SEZs In order to maintain quality and standards of instructor training in all such institutes it was decided that such institutes should be affiliated to NCVT so that the trainees after completion of training are trade tested and successful trainees could be awarded Craft Instructor Certificates under the aegis of NCVT Accordingly complete Guidelines for setting up of Institute for Training of Trainers ITOT under ??Craft Instructor Training Scheme ? including norms standards for infrastructure building workshop class-room electricity machinery equipment tool implements human resource including levels of Principal Trainers composition of Standing Committee for carrying out inspection were approved by the NCVT during its th meeting Also admission guidelines including eligibility reservation suitability of trades for persons with special abilities trade testing procedure distribution of marks and format for mark-sheet were also approved by the NCVT for implementation It has also been decided that such institutes be named as Institute for Training of Trainers ITOT contd ? ? Government of India has accepted the name ??Institute for Training of Trainers ITOT ? and guidelines for setting up of such institutes These are to be implemented with immediate effect Henceforth any agency whether Government or Private desirous of setting up Institute for Training of Trainers ITOT is required to follow these guidelines copy enclosed while setting up such Institute and conducting courses under Craft Instructor Training Scheme CITS in these institutes These guidelines are also available at DGE website www dget nic in DGE would extend help and guidance to the organisations including State Govts desirous of setting up of ??Institute for Training of Trainers ITOT ? In case necessity arises mentors will be provided to render assistance for setting up of such institutes Encl as above Yours faithfully R L Singh Director of Training Member secretary NCVT Copy to - Director CSTARI Kolkata ATI EPI Hyderabad Dehradun FTI Bangalore Jamshedpur NIMI Chennai RDAT Kanpur Mumbai Kolkata Chennai Faridabad Hyderabad
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- Publié le Sep 17, 2021
- Catégorie Travel / Voayage
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 102.3kB