acts of prayer Prayer Guide By Dr Nayef Al Mubarak Tra nslation Bilal Abu Yunus Acts of Prayer Ordered by time of occurrence with the specific rulings for each praying person Prayer Guide This is a step -by -step prayer guide that consists of the differen
Prayer Guide By Dr Nayef Al Mubarak Tra nslation Bilal Abu Yunus Acts of Prayer Ordered by time of occurrence with the specific rulings for each praying person Prayer Guide This is a step -by -step prayer guide that consists of the different acts of prayer In it you will find different acts and its rulings the obligatory acts the Sunnah ones the recommended ones the disliked ones and the acts that invalidate the prayer You will also learn that rulings may differ depending on the type of person praying some rulings are specific for the imam some are specific for the munfarid person praying alone and some are specific for the person following the imam This guide is a brief overview for more details and further rulings please refer to the website of FaqihNafsak see last page of this PDF Prayer Guide Act Obligatory Sunnah Recom - mended Disliked Invalidating Doesn ? t invalidate Intention The imam munfarid follower ?? Cancelling the intention ?? Opening takbir The imam munfarid follower ?? Standing for the opening takbir in the obligatory prayers The imam munfarid follower ?? Saying that takbir out loud The imam munfarid follower ?? Raising the hands for the opening takbir ?? Letting the arms hang by the sides sadl ?? Seeking refuge and saying the b asmala ?? Prayer Guide Act Obligatory Sunnah Recom - mended Disliked Invalidating Doesn ? t invalidate Supplication before reciting al-fatiha ?? Reciting al -fatiha in every rak ? a t The imam munfarid only ?? Standing for the recitation of al-fatiha The imam munfarid in obligatory prayers only ?? ord out lou fatiha-al Reciting silently where appropriate The imam munfarid in obligatory prayers only ?? Major sunnah Saying ??Amin ? after al-fatiha The imam in silent prayers followers in silent and loud prayers ?? Saying ??Amin ? silently ?? Prayer Guide Act Obligatory Sunnah Recom - mended Disliked Invalidating Doesn ? t invalidate Supplicating before a surah or during its recitation ?? Reciting a surah whatever is easy from the Qur ? an The imam munfarid only in the first two rak ? ats ?? Standing for a surah ?? Reciting the surah out loud or silently where appropriate ?? Finishing the recitation of the surah ?? The followers remaining silent in the loud prayers ?? Lengthening the recitations of Subh and Dhuhr making it of middle length for ? Isha and shortening it for ? Asr and Maghrib ?? Prayer Guide Act Obligatory Sunnah Recom - mended Disliked Invalidating Doesn ? t invalidate Repeating the same surah in two rak ? ats Obligatory prayers only ?? Reciting two surahs in one rak ? at Obligatory prayers only ?? Putting the hands on the waist during the standing ?? Raising one foot and resting it on the other one without necessity ?? Put ting the feet together during the standing ?? Doing takbir for ruku ? ??Allahu akbar ? ?? Saying it as you go down for ruku ? ?? Prayer
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- Publié le Fev 12, 2022
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 634.4kB