Abs guide passenger comfort

Guide for Passenger Comfort on Ships GUIDE FOR PASSENGER COMFORT ON SHIPS SEPTEMBER Updated January ?? see next page American Bureau of Shipping Incorporated by Act of Legislature of the State of New York Copyright ? American Bureau of Shipping ABS Plaza Northchase Drive Houston TX USA Updates January consolidation includes ? September version plus Corrigenda Editorials ABS GUIDE FOR PASSENGER COMFORT ON SHIPS iii Foreword Foreword ABS has produced this Guide for Passenger Comfort on Ships in order to provide a single source for comfort criteria suitable for passenger ships ABS has established objective assessment criteria and measurement methodologies for comfort based on current research and standards relating to human psychological and physiological responses This Guide may be applied to passenger vessels carrying more than twelve passengers used for such purposes as commuting traveling vacationing and recreating This includes cruise ships and ferries conventional and high -speed craft This Guide provides the assessment criteria and describes the measurement methodology for obtaining a Comfort notation It is intended for use by vessel Owner s or companies requesting the optional notations of Comfort COMF or Comfort Plus COMF For the Comfort COMF notation this Guide focuses on four categories of comfort criteria that can be controlled measured and assessed in passenger spaces o f vessels These categories are whole -body vibration noise indoor climate and lighting For the Comfort Plus COMF notation this Guide invokes more stringent whole -body vibration criteria aimed at the assessment of passenger comfo rt and potential motion sickness This Guide originally published in December has undergone significant revision Key revision areas include changes to the whole -body vibration WBV measurement and evaluation methodology and criteria changes to t he ambient lighting methodology and criteria changes to the noise criteria and removal of the accommodation area criteria These revisions are due to several factors including Input from industry i e Owners designers and construction yards Revisions to standards referenced in this Guide Revised statutory regulations Changes in current design practices and principles This Guide becomes effective on the first day of the month of publication Users are advised to check periodically on the ABS website www eagle org to verify that this version of this Guide is the most current We welcome your feedback Comments or suggestions can be sent electronically by email to rsd eagle org iv ABS GUIDE FO R PASSENGER COMFORT ON SHIPS Table of Contents GUIDE FOR PASSENGER COMFORT ON SHIPS CONTENTS SECTION General Introduction Application Scope Terminology Associated Documentation Notation Data and Plans to be Submitted General Ambient Environment Process for Obtaining a Notation Ambient Environment Results Initial Requirements Surveys after Construction Annual Sur veys Special Periodical Surveys Requirements for Vessel Alterations Alternatives General National Regulations Departures from Criteria FIGURE Process for Obtaining a Comfort Notation SECTION Whole -body Vib ration Background Scope Terminology Associated Documentation Criteria Test Plan Documentation Test Personnel Test Conditions ABS GUIDE FOR PASSENGER COMFORT ON SHIPS v Measurement Locations Data Acquisition and Instruments Data Analysis Test Schedule

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  • Publié le Jan 04, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 623.7kB