Administrator study guide 1

? Check Point Software Technologies Ltd All rights reserved P Check Point Security Administration Study Guide Check Point Security Administration Study Guide ? Check Point Software Technologies Ltd All rights reserved P ? Check Point Software Technologies Ltd All rights reserved This product and related documentation are protected by copyright and distributed under licensing restricting their use copying distribution and de-compilation No part of this product or related documentation may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written authorization of Check Point While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book Check Point assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions This publication and features described herein are subject to change without notice RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND Use duplication or disclosure by the government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph c ii of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS - and FAR - TRADEMARKS Refer to the Copyright page http www checkpoint com copyright html for a list of our trademarks Refer to the Third Party copyright notices http www checkpoint com rd party copyright html for a list of relevant copyrights and third-party licenses International Headquarters Ha ? Solelim Street Tel Aviv Israel Tel - - U S Headquarters Skyway Road Suite San Carlos CA Tel - - Fax - - Technical Support Education Professional Services Commerce Drive Suite Irving TX Tel - - Fax - - E-mail any comments or questions about our courseware to courseware us checkpoint com For questions or comments about other Check Point documentation e-mail CP TechPub Feedback checkpoint com Document CPTS-DOC-CCSA-SG-R Check Point Security Administration Study Guide ? Check Point Software Technologies Ltd All rights reserved P Preface The Check Point Certified Security Administrator Exam The Check Point Security Administration course provides an understanding of basic concepts and skills necessary to configure the Check Point Security Gateway configure Security Policies and learn about managing and monitoring secure networks The Check Point Security Administration Study Guide supplements knowledge you have gained from the Security Administration course and is not a sole means of study The Check Point Certified Security Administrator - exam covers the following topics Describe Check Point's unified approach to network management and the key elements of this architecture Design a distributed environment using the network detailed in the course topology Install the Security Gateway version R in a distributed environment using the network detailed in the course topology Given network specifications perform a backup and restore the current Gateway installation from the command line Identify critical files needed to purge or backup import and export users and groups and add or delete administrators from the command line Deploy Gateways using sysconfig and cpconfig from the Gateway command line Given the network topology create and configure network host and gateway objects Verify SIC establishment between the Security Management Server and the Gateway using SmartDashboard Create a basic Rule Base in SmartDashboard that includes permissions for administrative users external services

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  • Détails
  • Publié le Dec 18, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 207.1kB