An android based location service using gsmcellid and gps to obtain a graphical guide to the nearest cash machine
Multimedia on Mobile Devices edited by Reiner Creutzburg David Akopian Proc of SPIE-IS T Electronic Imaging SPIE Vol R ? SPIE-IS T CCC code - X doi SPIE-IS T Vol R- An Android based location service using GSMCellID and GPS to obtain a graphical guide to the nearest cash machine Jurma Jacobsen Stefan Edlich TFH-Berlin Online Learning Labs Luxemburger Str Berlin Germany ABSTRACT There is a broad range of potential useful mobile location-based applications One crucial point seems to be to make them available to the public at large This case illuminates the abilities of Android - the operating system for mobile devices - to fulfill this demand in the mashup way by use of some special geocoding web services and one integrated web service for getting the nearest cash machines data It shows an exemplary approach for building mobile location-based mashups for everyone As a basis for reaching as many people as possible the open source Android OS is assumed to spread widely Everyone also means that the handset has not to be an expensive GPS device This is realized by re-utilization of the existing GSM infrastructure with the Cell of Origin COO method which makes a lookup of the CellID in one of the growing web available CellID databases Some of these databases are still undocumented and not yet published Furthermore the Google Maps API for Mobile GMM and the open source counterpart OpenCellID are used The user ? s current position localization via lookup of the closest cell to which the handset is currently connected to COO is not as precise as GPS but appears to be sufficient for lots of applications For this reason the GPS user is the most pleased one ?? for this user the system is fully automated In contrary there could be some users who doesn ? t own a GPS cellular This user should refine his her location by one click on the map inside of the determined circular region The users are then shown and guided by a path to the nearest cash machine by integrating Google Maps API with an overlay Additionally the GPS user can keep track of him- or herself by getting a frequently updated view via constantly requested precise GPS data for his or her position Keywords Location Based Services Android Mobile Geo Mashup INTRODUCTION The way of using cellphones is changing Using internet data connections along the way on cellphones in conjunction with utilization of the available GSM infrastructure leads to the opportunity to develop applications which are able to refer directly to the user ? s current environment ?? location based applications The user ? s current geographic location can be determined by different kinds of mobile positioning techniques such as GPS or modern Wi-Fi W-LAN positioning For the purpose of a rich application a powerful mobile platform is important Here Android is assumed to be such a platform in the mobile sector It is an open software platform and operating system for mobile
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- Publié le Jan 01, 2023
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 392.5kB