Buckland what is a document 1

This is a preprint of an article published in the Journal of the American Society of Information Science no Sept - published for the American Society for Information Science by Wiley and available online to ASIS members and other registered users at http www interscience wiley com Also reprinted in Hahn T B M Buckland eds Historical Studies in Information Science Medford NJ Information Today - This text may vary slightly from the published version What is a document Michael K Buckland School of Information Management Systems University of California Berkeley CA - E-mail buckland sims berkeley edu Abstract Ordinarily the word document denotes a textual record Increasingly sophisticated attempts to provide access to the rapidly growing quantity of available documents raised questions about which should be considered a document The answer is important for any definition of the scope of Information Science Paul Otlet and others developed a functional view of document and discussed whether for example sculpture museum objects and live animals could be considered documents Suzanne Briet equated document with organized physical evidence These ideas appear to resemble notions of material culture in cultural anthropology and object-as-sign in semiotics Others especially in the USA e g Jesse Shera and Louis Shores took a narrower view New digital technology renews old questions and also old confusions between medium message and meaning Introduction What is a document What could not be a document Ordinarily information storage and retrieval systems have been concerned with text and text-like records e g names numbers and alphanumeric codes The present interest in multimedia reminds us that not all phenomena of interest in information science are textual or textlike We may need to deal with any phenomena that someone may wish to observe events processes images and objects as well as texts This paper reconstructs and comments on the development of thought on this topic with an emphasis on the ideas of continental European documentalists in the first half of this century If documentation a term that included information storage and retrieval systems is what you do to or with documents how far could you push the meaning of document and what were the limits to documentation The work of European pioneers such as Paul Otlet and Suzanne Briet has received renewed attention in recent years and has been related to discussion of physical forms of information e g information-as-thing Buckland a b These issues are important because mechanical information systems can only operate on physical representations of information This background is relevant to the clarification of the nature and scope of information systems From document to documentation In the late th century there was increasing concern with the rapid increase in the number of publications especially of scientific and technical literature Continued effectiveness in the creation dissemination utilization of recorded knowledge was seen as a needing new techniques for managing the growing literature The managing that was needed had several aspects Efficient and reliable techniques were needed for collecting preserving organizing arranging representing

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  • Publié le Apv 16, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 129.5kB