AD-A284 753 FEAP-UG-94/01 July 1994 USER'S GUIDE FA~ILIT1E E NNEIN MP GL-94-29

AD-A284 753 FEAP-UG-94/01 July 1994 USER'S GUIDE FA~ILIT1E E NNEIN MP GL-94-29 APPLCAn S A ORAM User's Guide: Double Bituminous Surface Treatment DTIC FELECTI SEP 2 01994 L' F by F William E. Burke, Jr. U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Vicksburg, MS 391804199 94 919 5 Appivwd For PuWlc Reline; Dimmibutlon Is Unimited 94-30193 lexndia VC QU m231-e38 8 U.S. Army Centr for Public works Alexandria, VA 22310-3860 Destroy this report when no longer needed. Do not return it to the originator. The findings in this report are not to be construed as an official Department of the Army position unless so designated by other authorized documents. The contents of this report are not to be used for advertising, publication, or promotional purposes. Citation of trade names does not constitute an official endorsement or approval of the use of such commercial products. REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE For A I OMS ft. 0;.04.0188 1. AGENCY USE ONLY (/eme bk 2. REPORT DATE 3. REPORT TYPE AND DATES COVERED I July 1994 Final report 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE S. FUNDING NUMBERS User's Guide: Double Bituminous Surface Treatment 6. AUTHOR(S) William E. Burke, Jr. 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADORESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Miscellaneous Paper 3909 Halls Ferry Road GL-94-29 Vicksburg, MS 39180-6199 9. SPONSORING IMONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSORING /MONITORING AGENCY REPORT NUMBER U.S. Army Center for Public Works FEAP-UG-94/01 7701 Telegraph Road Alexandria, VA 22310-3860 II. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 12a. DISTRIBUTION IAVAILABILITY STATEMENT 12b. DISTRIBUTION CODE Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited 13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words) A double bituminous surface treatment is a method of pavement construction that involves two separate applications of asphalt binder material and mineral aggregate on a prepared surface. Double bituminous surface treatments are used for surfacing roads and streets, parking areas, open storage areas, and airfield shoulders and overruns. This report includes discussions of the description, applications, benefits, limitations, costs, and recommended uses for double bituminous surface treatments. Information on a double bituminous surface treatment demonstration site is also provided. D h. . Ufl L-. .... .. , 14.SUIJECT TERMS 1j.NUMBER OF PAGES See reverse. 1. PRICE CODE 17. SECURITY C.ASSNICATON I. SECURMT CLASSFICATION 19. SECURITY CLASSFICATION 20. LIMITATION F ABSTRACT OF REPORT OF THIS PAGE OF ABSTRACT UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED I I _'___ A NSN 7S40-01-2)-500 Standard Form 29 (Rev. 2-9) Pr talhe by ANU Std. Z16 2W.1O2 14. (Concluded). Asphalt cement Emulsified asphalt cement Cutback asphalt cement Mineral aggregate Double bituminous surface treatment AAccesion For TI S CRA&M DTIC TAB Justification Distr ibin ri/o Dist Secial Contents 1- Summary ....................................... 1 Description ...................................... 1 Application ...................................... 1 Benefits ........................................ I Limitations ...................................... 2 Costs .......................................... 2 Recommendations for Use.............................. 3 Points of Contact .................................. 3 2- Preacquisition .................................... 4 Description of Double Bituminous Surface Treatment ............ 4 Applications ..................................... 4 Design Methods .................................... 5 Materials ........................................ 6 Construction Techniques .............................. 8 Limitations/Disadvantages ............................. 9 FEAP Demonstration/Implementation Site ................... 10 Life-Cycle Costs and Benefits .......................... 11 Advantages/Benefits ................................ 12 3-Acquisition/Procurement .............................. 13 Potential Funding Sources ............................. 13 Technology Components and Sources ...................... 14. Procurement Documents .............................. 14 Procurement Scheduling .............................. 15 4-Post Acquisition ................................... 16 Initial Implementation ............................... 16 Operation and Maintenance ............................ 17 Service and Support Requirements ........................ 17 Performance Monitoring .............................. 17 References ..................... 18 Appe~ndix A: Fact Sheet................................ Al 1 Summary Description Double bituminous surface treatment is a term used to describe a common type of pavement surfacing construction which involves two applications of asphalt binder material and mineral aggregate. The asphalt binder material is applied by a pressure distributor, followed immediately by an application of mineral aggregate, and finished by rolling. The process is repeated for the second application of asphalt binder material and mineral aggregate. The first application of aggregate is coarser than the aggregate used in the second application and usually determines the pavement thickness. The maximum size of mineral aggregate used in the second application is about one-half that of the first. Application Primarily double bituminous surface treatment is used for surfacing roads and streets, parking areas, open storage areas, and airfield shoulders and overruns. Double bituminous surface treatments are applied to base courses, new pavements, recycled pavements, and worn or aged asphalt pavements. Double bituminous surface treatments resist traffic abrasion and provide a water-resistant wearing cover over the underlying pavement structure. Double bituminous surface treatments add no structural strength to the existing pavement; for this reason, it is not normally taken into account when determining the structural thickness of the pavement. Benefits When double bituminous surface treatments are properly designed and constructed, a relatively inexpensive pavement surface can be produced which will provide satisfactory performance for several years with minimum maintenance costs. The double bituminous surface treatment's main function is to provide an all weather, skid-resistant wearing surface that produces a water-resistant layer. 1 Chapter 1 Sunvne Umitations Successful application of a double bituminous surface treatment requires the following design and construction considerations. Construction considerations Construction of surface treatments should not be carried out during wet or cold weather. Air temperatures should be at least 10*C (50*F in the shade and rising. The first application of asphalt material is intended to bond the cover aggregate to the base or underlying layer. Hot asphalt cement, used on most jobs, attain the temperature of the substrate to which it is applied in a few seconds. If the substrate is cold, the asphalt cement hardens almost immediately and will not grip the aggregate. Asphalt emulsions must "break" or change into asphalt cement by evaporation of the water before it can bond to the cover aggregate. When emulsified asphalt is applied to a substrate that is warm, evaporation takes place quickly. But if the substrate is cold, the evaporation is delayed and it may be hours before the aggregate is bonded. Design considerations A double bituminous surface treatment is not a pavement in itself, rather it is a wearing surface that protects the underlying pavement structure from changes in moisture and abrasion by traffic. A double bituminous surface treatment is very thin, varying in thickness up to about 19.0 mm (3/4 in.), it is not intended in itself to increase the strength of the existing pavement or base. Therefore, construction and preparation of an adequate base are essential. The substrate to which the asphalt binder is applied must be hard, free of loose material, and dry for the surface treatment to bond. The amount and viscosity of the asphalt material must be carefully balanced with the size and amount of cover aggregate to assure proper retention of the cover aggregate. Costs According to the 1993 Department of the Air Force, Maintenance and Repair Cost and Estimating Guide for Airfield Pavements, double bituminous surface treatment costs for FY 1993 were $2.76/ 2 ($2.31/yd 2). Project size is a significant factor in determining the unit price with the larger projects priced in the lower ranges. Local differences in labor, material, transportation, geographic location, or job size may contribute to a range of unit prices for this technology. 2 Chapter 1 Summary Recommendations for Use Double bituminous surface treatments are recommended for use on primed non-asphalt bases, asphalt base course, or any type of existing pavement. They provide a low cost nearly waterproof, wear-resistant surface that prefbrms well under medium and low volumes of traffic. This type of surface treatment is also useful as a temporary cover for a new base course that is to be carried through a winter, or for a wearing surface on base courses in planed stage construction. Points of Contact Points of contact regarding this technology are: Technical Director U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station ATTN: CEWES-GP-Q (Mr. William Burke) 3909 Halls Ferry Road Vicksburg, MS 39180-6199 Telephone: 601-634-2729 Facsimile: 601-634-3020 U.S. Army Center for Public Works Commander U.S. Army Center for Public Works ATrN: CECPW-ER (Mr. Lloyd N. Werthmuller) 7701 Telegraph Road Alexandria, VA 22310-3860 Telephone: 703-806-5997 Facsimile: 703-806-5219 Demonstration Site Commander McAlester Army Ammunition Plant ATTN: FMCMC-DE-E (Mr. Dow Morris) McAlester, OK 74501-5000 Telephone: 918-421-3694 Facsimile: 918-421-3689 Chapter 1 Sunvne3 2 Preacquisition Description of Double Bituminous Surface Treatment Double bituminous surface treatment is a term describing a common type of pavement construction which involves two applications of asphalt binder material and mineral aggregate, usually less than 19 nun (3/4 in.) thick, placed on a prepared surface. The double bituminous surface treatment's main function is to provide an all weather, water-resistant, skid-resistant wearing surface. The asphalt binder material (emulsion, cutback, and asphalt cement) is applied by a pressure distributor, followed by an application of mineral aggregate, and finished by rolling with a rubber-tired roller until the aggregate becomes firmly embedded in the asphalt binder. The process is repeated for :he second application of bituminous material and mineral aggregate. The first application of aggregate is coarser than the aggregate used in the second application and usually determines the pavement thickness. The maximum size of mineral aggregate used in the second application is about one-half that of the first. When uploads/s1/ dbst-guide 1 .pdf

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