eGuide Lite Spreadsheet User Guide Copyright 2011 Georgia Tech Research Corpora
eGuide Lite Spreadsheet User Guide Copyright 2011 Georgia Tech Research Corporation and U.S. Department of Energy 1 of 9 12/13/2011 eGuide Lite Spreadsheet User Guide.docx ver 1.2 The central data repository for the DOE eGuide Lite (eGuide Lite) is the eGuideLitev1.2.xls spreadsheet in the guide home folder. This spreadsheet allows you to record and track your energy consumption, energy use, and energy improvement projects. There are 10 tabs in the spreadsheet. The first tab is the Dashboard. The first step in this tool is Getting Started, and because there is no data to be gathered with Getting Started there is no tab in the spreadsheet for this step. The material you need to review in Getting Started is found in the Documentation folder under the title 0-Getting Started.pdf. There are five tabs that align with five steps in the eGuide Lite, Getting Organized, Plan, Implement, Monitor, and Review. In addition you will see tabs for Energy Sources, Energy Use, Project List, Archive, and Summary Report. This document is provided to instruct you how to enter data into the spreadsheet and to provide a basic overview of how the spreadsheet manages and presents your data. Dashboard The Dashboard tab is designed to function much like the dashboard in your car. It is tied to the other parts of the spreadsheet and provides a quick overview of how your energy management efforts are progressing. The top portion of the Dashboard is a row of gauges (Figure 1), one for each step in the eGuide Lite. The gauge measures your progress in completing and maintaining that step. In instances where the activity or step is tied to data that needs to be updated periodically, the gauge is continually assessing the timeliness of your data inputs, and providing a quick view of the data’s relevance to your current state. In simple words, the dashboard, much like the dashboard in your car, will let you know what parts of the program need your attention. There is a progression to the steps, so don’t expect to get all of the gauges to the top while you are learning how to proceed through this guide. The eGuide Lite is based on the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle of continuous improvement and it may take some time after you get started to work through this cycle and have the chance to push the dashboard gauges to the top. Figure 1 Below the gauge panel on the Dashboard are a set of horizontal bar graphs (Figure 2). There is one section for each step in the eGuide Lite. The progress for each activity in the eGuide Lite step is represented with a horizontal bar, measured in percentage (%). Some activities are simple to complete, and others will take more time. Figure 2 eGuide Lite Spreadsheet User Guide Copyright 2011 Georgia Tech Research Corporation and U.S. Department of Energy 2 of 9 12/13/2011 eGuide Lite Spreadsheet User Guide.docx ver 1.2 One thing you will notice is that the composite average score of all the activities for a particular step do not always equal what you see in the top gauge panel. This is due to the fact that some of the activities have more weight than others when compiled into a composite score for the step. The activities associated with securing management’s commitment to energy management, effective project selection and implementation carry the greatest weight in compiling their respective composite scores. Dashboard Navigation The underlined step label (Figure 3) is an active link to this section of the spreadsheet. You can use these links for convenient navigation, or if you are familiar with Excel you can navigate to the specific step or worksheet by clicking on its tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet window. Figure 3 eGuide Lite Spreadsheet Step Layout and Navigation Before we dive into the details for the steps in the eGuide Lite spreadsheet, let’s look at the general organization for the five eGuide Lite step worksheets. Each spreadsheet tab, or worksheet associated with the five steps of the eGuide Lite have the same general layout and function. Figure 4 is a screen shot from the Getting Organized tab. Guidance Document Link - At the top left of the page is a link to the guidance document for the respective section. The guidance documents are located in the eGuide Lite’s Documentation folder, but you can go to the specific pdf file for this topic by clicking on this link. The guidance document will provide you with the background information you need to better understand how to implement this step in your organization. Activity and Data Fields - On the left of each page are a series of answer boxes for the step activities. When you have completed the activity, answer the question with the Yes/No drop down in the cell. Some activities require additional information, and will be accompanied by a box requesting a date, number or some other information. In order for the gauge on the dashboard to register full credit for the activity all cells associated with the activity will need to be completed. All cells in the entire spreadsheet that require your input are shaded . The activities and requested data are to help you practice energy management in your organization. It is important to understand that the spreadsheet will help guide you through the steps if you provide honest information about the activity or your current state for the requested data. Resource Links - On the right side of each page, there are links to resource documents that are relevant for this activity or step. These resource documents are located in the Resources folder, but they can be opened directly from the links on the spreadsheet. All of the template Dashboard Navigation Links tan eGuide Lite Spreadsheet User Guide Copyright 2011 Georgia Tech Research Corporation and U.S. Department of Energy 3 of 9 12/13/2011 eGuide Lite Spreadsheet User Guide.docx ver 1.2 documents are MS Word documents, and can be copied, edited, saved and deleted. Remember, when working with template documents, use the “Save As” function to save the document with a new name. If you want the resource link for the template to be available for your future use, the template document must remain in the Resources folder and it must retain its original name. Return to Dashboard - At the top center of every page in the spreadsheet is the fuel gauge graphic. Click on this gauge to return to the Dashboard tab. Figure 4 Getting Organized The first step in energy management for your organization is to get organized for the task. Likewise, the first step in the eGuide Lite is labeled Getting Organized. You can go to the Getting Organized section of the spreadsheet by clicking on the link with the same name located on the Dashboard. This is the first of the spreadsheet tabs for the five steps in the eGuide Lite. There are three primary components to this step. The first eight data fields on this worksheet are the activities you need to complete to get your organization behind the effort to make energy management a part of your management process. These also include the assignment of an Energy Coordinator, and a supporting Energy Team to help implement this program in your organization. Sample commitment letters are provided to assist with securing top management commitment, or to notify your supply chain partner if you are part of a supply chain implementation of this program. As you complete these activities answer the questions and fill in the data as required. Be sure to remember to save this file anytime you add information to the spreadsheet. Energy Sources - The next part of this worksheet requires you to identify your energy sources and your energy uses. There are checklists to help you with these activities. Most organizations will have only a few energy sources. Be sure to identify all energy utilities and sources that your organization purchases energy from. Do not include energy that comes from a process by-product, or those sources that are minor and not related to your primary operations. For example, do not include the fuel used by the office staff for the daily trip to the post office or supply store. The guide logic requires that you answer Yes or No to all the energy sources listed. Before you are finished with your energy sources you are going to need your utility bills, or invoices for these purchases for at least the most recent 12 months. You should begin to think about where or how you will get this information. Click here to return to Dashboard Activity and data fields Link to guidance document Link to resource documents Figure 5 eGuide Lite Spreadsheet User Guide Copyright 2011 Georgia Tech Research Corporation and U.S. Department of Energy 4 of 9 12/13/2011 eGuide Lite Spreadsheet User Guide.docx ver 1.2 Energy Uses - The final section of the Getting Organized worksheet is the list of typical energy using systems. The list uploads/s1/ eguide-lite-spreadsheet-user-guide.pdf
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