Quick Guide prepared and written by Daniel L. Benway Fritz 12 Quick Guide Page
Quick Guide prepared and written by Daniel L. Benway Fritz 12 Quick Guide Page 2 of 49 Abstract & Keywords: (CTRL + Left Click here to jump back to Table of Contents) This document is a quick guide to Fritz 12. Fritz 12 manual, Fritz manual, Fritz 12 user manual, Fritz user manual, Fritz 12 guide, Fritz guide, Fritz 12 user guide, Fritz user guide, Fritz 12 instructions, Fritz instructions, Fritz 12 quick start, Fritz quick start, Fritz 12 quick guide, Fritz quick guide, Fritz 12 documentation, Fritz documentation, Fritz 12 help, Fritz help Document Revision History Record: (CTRL + Left Click here to jump back to Table of Contents) You can find, read, and/or download the most recent version of this document for free by searching for ‘Fritz 12 Quick Guide’ on the following sites: 1. Google.com (free searching for ‘Fritz 12 Quick Guide’) 2. Issuu.com (free viewing and downloading, must create a free account) 3. PDF-Archive.com (free downloading) 4. Scribd.com (free viewing, paid downloading, must create a free account) Please keep an eye on the following table in order to ensure you have the most recent version of this document. Revision Number: Date: Author: Description: 1.0 12/21/2010 Daniel L. Benway document creation 1.1 12/21/2010 Daniel L. Benway added section on setting up a position 1.2 12/22/2010 Daniel L. Benway added info on deleting a database, optimizing hashtables, setting board and piece color, explain all moves, and turning off the engine or entering ‘Infinite Analysis’ when entering a game into the computer. Added section on playing games against Fritz. 1.3 12/22/2010 Daniel L. Benway added section for online tutorials and resources 1.4 12/26/2010 Daniel L. Benway added info on the letters in the ‘Database’ window, added a section on training under Fritz, added the obscure chess annotation symbols 1.5 1/2/2011 Daniel L. Benway added a section on the ‘Notation’ window. Added information on layouts and their quirky behavior. Added information about where Fritz saves games by default (AutoSave.cbh). Added a section on the openings book. 1.6 1/3/2011 Daniel L. Benway added a section on vendors and products. Added information on ‘Deep Position Analysis’, analyzing multiple games in a batch, and the meaning of ‘B’ in the ‘Main Engine’ window. 1.6.1 1/9/2011 Daniel L. Benway minor updates to the ‘Notation Window’ section 1.7 1/23/2011 Daniel L. Benway added a section on making Fritz play against itself 1.7.1 1/24/2011 Daniel L. Benway added info on black moves in the ‘Openings book’ 1.7.2 1/28/2011 Daniel L. Benway added info on annotating with colored arrows and squares. Added more info on the letters used to describe games in the ‘Database’ window (special thanks on additional letter info to F. Leon Wilson of www.ChessLearn.com). 1.7.3 1/31/2011 Daniel L. Benway re-wrote the ‘General’ section. Clarified the USCFSales recommendations on hash tables. Added info on medals in the ‘Database’ window, and changed the verbiage regarding Fritz databases in general (special thanks on these last two to F. Leon Wilson of www.ChessLearn.com). 1.7.4 2/5/2011 Daniel L. Benway troubleshot and found a workaround for the bug on selecting multiple games for Fritz 12 Quick Guide Page 3 of 49 analysis in the ‘Database’ window 1.7.5 3/6/2011 Daniel L. Benway added info on ‘Last move’ value of ‘1’ 1.8 3/8/2011 Daniel L. Benway added info on the Chessbase product. Added info on database file structure and file extensions. Added info on sorting games within a database by date. Added info on database keys. 1.8.1 3/9/2011 Daniel L. Benway added info on replacing games in your databases. Added info on making your archive database ‘per year’, and your working database ‘per month’. Added info that Fritz ‘keys’ might better be called ‘categories’. 1.9 3/10/2011 Daniel L. Benway added info on ‘Blunder Check’ for analyzing games. 1.9.1 3/12/2011 Daniel L. Benway cleaned up the process for analyzing games, and specified a new order for the steps thereof. 1.9.2 3/22/2011 Daniel L. Benway added info on using the ‘*’ key to re-create the evaluation profile. Added clarification on ‘blunder check’ versus ‘full analysis’. Added clarification on ‘Deep position analysis’. 1.9.3 3/25/2011 Daniel L. Benway added info on saving ‘Deep position analysis’, ‘Blunder check’, and ‘Full analysis’. 1.9.4 3/26/2011 Daniel L. Benway added info on storing the ‘Evaluation profile’. 1.10 3/27/2011 Daniel L. Benway corrected errors regarding the colors of the ‘Evaluation Profile’ 1.11 4/13/2011 Daniel L. Benway added a section on how to print a game 1.12 5/1/2011 Daniel L. Benway title change of the ‘General’ section to ‘Freeware License and Disclaimer”, and the verbiage therein 2.0 5/9/2011 Daniel L. Benway added ‘About the Author’ section, and ‘Special Mention’ section. Published to www.Scribd.com with an ad campaign on Google. 2.1 5/9/2011 Daniel L. Benway added OhioChess.org to ‘Special Mention’ section 2.2 5/22/2011 Daniel L. Benway added ‘Abstract & Keywords’, added ChessForums.org URL 2.3 7/9/2011 Daniel L. Benway added info to ‘Detailed Position Analysis’ in ‘Analyzing a Completed Game’ section. Added diagrams and color highlights to the section on colored arrows and squares. 2.3.1 7/9/2011 Daniel L. Benway fixed a typo 2.3.2 9/17/2011 Daniel L. Benway explained how Fritz notates forced checkmates in the ‘Main Engine’ and ‘Notation’ windows. Tightened the verbiage of those two sections. Added Steve Lopez to the ‘Special Mention’ section of this document. 3.0 9/17/2011 Daniel L. Benway ‘Document Revision History Record’ was updated after I learned that Scribd.com was charging people to download this freeware document. The aforementioned section now contains information on other sites that people can use to read and/or download this document. 3.0.1 9/18/2011 Daniel L. Benway updated the ‘Special Mention’ and ‘Document Revision History Record’ sections of this document, and made minor edits in the ‘Databases’ section. 3.0.2 12/16/2011 Daniel L. Benway updated the ‘About the Author’ section Fritz 12 Quick Guide Page 4 of 49 Table of Contents: (CTRL + Left Click to jump to an entry in the Table of Contents) Abstract & Keywords: ............................................................................................................................................ 2 Document Revision History Record: ...................................................................................................................... 2 Table of Contents: ................................................................................................................................................... 4 Freeware License and Disclaimer: .......................................................................................................................... 4 About the Author: ................................................................................................................................................... 4 Special Mention: ..................................................................................................................................................... 5 Online Tutorials and Resources: ............................................................................................................................. 5 Vendors and Products: ............................................................................................................................................ 5 Updates and Patches: .............................................................................................................................................. 6 Options & Configurations: ...................................................................................................................................... 7 Views & Layouts: ................................................................................................................................................. 10 Databases: ............................................................................................................................................................. 14 Notation Window: ................................................................................................................................................. 21 Main Engine Window: .......................................................................................................................................... 22 Evaluation Profile Window: ................................................................................................................................. 27 Setting Up a Position: ........................................................................................................................................... 28 Analyzing a Completed Game: ............................................................................................................................. 29 Printing a Game: ................................................................................................................................................... 42 Playing a Game Against Fritz: .............................................................................................................................. 44 Training Under Fritz: ............................................................................................................................................ 45 Making Fritz Compete Against Itself: .................................................................................................................. 46 Openings Book: .................................................................................................................................................... 47 Freeware License and Disclaimer: (CTRL + Left Click here to jump back to Table of Contents) This document is freeware. You may distribute unchanged copies of this document freely to anyone at any time. Care has been taken to cite contributing sources and individuals, please do the same. This document is a quick guide to Fritz 12. It was written so that someone inexperienced with computers and/or Fritz 12 could start using Fritz 12 quickly and easily. Great care has been taken to ensure that this document is technically accurate, but Fritz 12 is a complex product that is not well documented internally or on the Internet. As such there may indeed be technical errors herein, but the author has worked hard to avoid them through care, attention, and research. Additionally, this document has not been painstakingly or professionally proofed, as the intent was to quickly better Fritz, chessplayers, and the art of chess itself, not dwell on minor edits, inconsistencies, etc.. About the Author: (CTRL + Left Click here to jump back to Table of Contents) Daniel L. Benway (a.k.a. Dan Benway) can be contacted via Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.. http://www.facebook.com/dan.benway http://www.linkedin.com/pub/dan-benway/7/b56/b36 Fritz 12 Quick Guide Page 5 of 49 Special Mention: (CTRL + Left Click here to jump back to Table of Contents) F. Leon Wilson (www.ChessLearn.com) gave me help and information on several features and uses of Fritz 12 when I was stuck and couldn’t find the answers. Chuck Diebert (www.ChuckDiebertChess.com) has been my coach since 2006. Steve Lopez (www.USCFSales.com) wrote and published useful Fritz information on the Internet which I’ve included in this document with attribution. Ohio clubs, coaches, events, etc. (www.OhioChess.org) Online Tutorials and Resources: (CTRL + Left Click here to jump back to Table of Contents) http://shop.ChessCafe.com/images/products/software/Fritz12manual.pdf http://USCFSales.com/Main/freeguide http://www.ChessBase.com/support http://www.ChessForums.org http://www.YouTube.com http://www.Google.com “Insider's Guide to Revving up Your Fritz 12” is something I’ve heard of but can’t find Vendors and Products: (CTRL + Left Click here to jump back to Table of Contents) Aquarium - a chess user interface made by ChessOK Chessbase - a German company which makes chess playing and learning software, including Fritz. Chessbase is also the name of Chessbase’s chess database product. ChessMaster - a chess user interface and engine written by UbiSoft ChessOK - a Russian company (formerly known as Convekta) which makes chess playing and learning software Convekta uploads/s1/ fritz-12-quick-guide.pdf
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Mai 19, 2022
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 5.3624MB