Moteur(s) - Engine(s): Moteur 33333 Transmission / Transmission: BV 33333333 Vé
Moteur(s) - Engine(s): Moteur 33333 Transmission / Transmission: BV 33333333 Véhicule/Vehicle : Véhicule 333 Site(s) d'utilisation /Assembly plant: DOUAI SANDOUVILLE CLEON XXX 333 Ref pièce - Part N°: Ref 8200 000 000 XXX33333333""" Désignation Pièce - Part Name : Pièce XXXXX YYYYY 3333 Nom Fournisseur - Supplier Name: Fournisseur tartanpion 3333 Site Fournisseur - Supplier Plant: Roumania Code Fnr Supplier Code: RAPPEL DES DATES CLES - KEY MILESTONES EXIGENCES PARTICULIERES APPLICABLES - APPLICABLE SPECIAL FEATURES Oui / Yes Non / No EXIGENCES DE PROPRETE - CLEANLINESS REQUIREMENTS Revue 1 - Review 1 EXIGENCES SURETE DE FONCTIONNEMENT - OPERATING DEPENDABILITY FUNCTION EXIGENCE SECURITE - SAFETY REQUIREMENT EXIGENCE REGLEMENTATION - REGULATORY REQUIREMENT EXIGENCES METHODOLOGIQUES - TOOLS REQUIREMENTS : - P-FTA - AFT - TFA AUDIT DE PRE-PRODUCTION PAR RENAULT - PRE-PRODUCTION AUDIT BY RENAULT A.F.F RISQUE D'UTILISATION DE SUBSTANCES LISTE N/G/O - FORBIDDEN SUBSTANCE USE RISK EXIGENCE TRACABILITE UNITAIRE - INDIVIDUAL TRACABILITY REQUIREMENT ANALYSE DE RISQUES POE - POE RISK ANALYSIS (RPIFIMO1I20060001) CORRESPONDANTS - CONTACTS Risque Produit / Process - Product / Process risk Faible - Low NOYAU DUR - CORE TEAM Fonction - Job Nom - Name tel - phone e-mail: Risque Site Fournisseur - Supplier Plant Risk Moyen - Medium Pilote GFE Pilot CA - Buyer COMMENTAIRE / JUSTIFICATION DE LA COTATION - COMMENT / COTATION EXPLANATION: SQF - SQA Fournisseur Supplier Animateur POE SPP CORRESPONDANTS METIERS - OTHER CONTACTS NIVEAU DE RISQUE ANPQP - ANPQP RISK LEVEL RISQUE INITIAL - INITIAL RISK Moyen - Medium EVOLUTION - EVOLUTION Date - Date Evolution - Evolution JALONS PROJET (JPOM) PROJECT MILESTONES JALONS PIECE (ANPQP) PART MILESTONES REVUES ANPQP ANPQP REVIEWS Affectation Sourcing confirmation Initialisation Initialization Lancement outillage Tooling release Agrément IOD IOD approval Agrément EI EI approval Logistique Logistics Méthodes Process Engineering Concepteur Design engineer Expert métier Technical Expert D a t e A Q P P 8 A Q P P 9 A Q P P 1 0 Niv eau Ris que GRILLE DE SUIVI ANPQP DIM - DIM ANPQP FOLLOW-UP GRID D a t e A Q P P 8 A Q P P 9 A Q P P 1 0 Niv eau Ris que GRILLE DE SUIVI ANPQP version 2.1 DIM - DIM ANPQP 2.1 FOLLOW-UP GRID ANPQP Report : Page 2 / 24 Participant : Date of revue : 12/18/2008 Version ANPQP : V2.1 M. Bat Vehicle : Véhicule 333 0 Engine : Moteur 33333 0 Transmission BV 33333333 0 Renault/Nissan: Plant DOUAI SANDOUVILLE CLEON XXX 333 0 Part : Pièce XXXXX YYYYY 3333 0 Reference PIE : Ref 8200 000 000 XXX33333333""" 0 Supplier : Fournisseur tartanpion 3333 0 Production plant : Roumania PHASE 1 Attendu Type of Document CR RAPP Qui fait / Who did Result of validation RFQ 1 Purchasing Supplier X X 1 Purchasing Supplier 3.2 ? 2/2/2 Supplier 1 GFE Supplier 5.2 X (X) 3/3/3 Supplier ANPQP NA Supplier ANPQP PHASE 2 Attendu Type of Document CR RAPP Qui fait / Who did Result of validation 3.1 X X Proposed 2/2/2 Supplier Purchasing 2.1 X X Imposed 3/2/2 Supplier Purchasing 10.1 X X Imposed 2/2/2 Purchasing Supplier 4.1 X Proposed 3/2/2 GFE Supplier 11.4 IMDS system 1/1/1 Supplier GFE 4.4 X X PIE 1/1/1 Supplier GFE 3.4 3/3/3 Supplier ANPQP 3.4 3/3/3 Supplier 4.1 HCPP Study 2/2/2 Supplier 4.1 Imposed 2/2/2 Supplier 3.3 Proposed 3/2/2 Supplier GFE rsa GFE GFE 3.3 Imposed 3/2/2 Supplier 4.3 Free 3/3/3 Supplier 10.1 X Imposed (1/1/1) Supplier DSIR 4.2 Free (3/3/3) Supplier 3.3 Proposed 2/2/2 Supplier Purchasing NA NA Purchasing Supplier PHASE 3 Attendu Type of Document CR RAPP Qui fait / Who did Result of validation CHECK LIST ATTENDUS ANPQP ANPQP expectings check list According to the 2.1 ANPQP version Agreement of documents rules : 1: Document completed by supplier and submitted to R/N for signature. 2: Document completed by supplier and submitted to R/N. 3: Document completed by supplier, submitted to R/N only by request. (x) Document completed by sup Document reçu ? Document received ? VALIDATION DES DOCUMENTS Document validation Dossier référence - Format (Imposed / Proposed / Free) Agreement rule: 1,2,3 Document reçu ? Document received ? Who Validate RFQ remis au fournisseur (Dossier consulation) RFQ with Quality commitment Engagement qualité (Fiche F1) Quality commitment Imposed F1 Sheet Plan de deploiement des objectif Qualité et fiabilité Quality & Reliability target Study Plan Libre Free Qual: ANPQP or SPP (high risk) Fiab: GFE Convention IAO DIM (Echange données numériques) Data exchange Convention(CAD/CAI) (DIM) Shema d'implantation (Flux) Plant synoptic ((Floor plan layout) Libre Free certification ISO ISO Certification Document reçu ? Document received ? VALIDATION DES DOCUMENTS Document validation Dossier référence - Format (Imposed / Proposed / Free) Agreement rule: 1,2,3 Document reçu ? Document received ? Who Validate Correspondant Fournisseur Supplier contact list CSCC Component Supply chain Chart DCL définition conditionnement et Validation Packaging definition and approval Special characteristics and key features define (For the drawing) IMDS (International system) Declaration table of substances Plan validé et Spécification BE (BR) Drawing approved GRP (Liste des risques Projet) Open issue list Libre Free Plan Qualité Quality plan Libre Free SPP High Risk / NA if not Imposed Excel tool ANPQP or SPP if high level risk Engagement faisabilité Supplyer Feasibility commitment ANPQP or SPP if high level risk Signature planning Fournisseur Supplier Master schedule approval Elaboration du plan de validation Test and validation plan (DVPR) Plan et rapport de mise en production Supplier production preparation monitoring and status report ANPQP or SPP for high level risk CR Revue de developpement interne FRN Supplier Internal Design review record ANPQP or SPP for high level risk Agrément EDI (Lance le processus EDI si nouv site) Supplier EDI agreement Synthèse AMDEC Produit (Selon responsabilité dev) Product DFMEA Summary ANPQP or SPP for high level risk Description des Capacités de production Production capacity plan TOP RO Renault tooling order (tool launching) Document reçu ? Document received ? VALIDATION DES DOCUMENTS Document validation Dossier référence - Format (Imposed / Proposed / Free) Agreement rule: 1,2,3 Document reçu ? Document received ? Who Validate ANPQP Report : Page 3 / 24 6.1 Free 2/2/2 GFE Supplier 5.2 X X Proposed 2/2/2 Supplier 5.2 X X libre 2/2/2 Supplier ANPQP 6.1 imposed 1/1/1 Supplier GFE 6.1 Proposed 2/2/2 Supplier X X libre Supplier 5.1 Free 3/3/2 Supplier X X libre 2/2/2 Supplier 5.3 X X Proposed 3/1/1 Supplier 5.4 Free 3/2/2 Supplier 6.1 X X Prposed (2/2/2) Supplier GFE X X (2/2/2) Supplier DIMAT / GFE X X rsa GFE GFE PHASE 4 Attendu Type of Document CR RAPP Qui fait / Who did Result of validation 6.1 Free 2/2/2 Supplier imposed 1/1/1 Supplier GFE X X Proposed 2/2/2 Supplier 5.4 X X 2/2/2 Supplier Capabilité Poids pièce sur brut Free (3/3/3) Supplier Purchasing X X (2/2/2) Supplier DIMAT / GFE 5.2 (X) imposed (2/2/2) Supplier 5.2 Free 3/3/3 Supplier 5.5 X X Free 3/3/3 Supplier 10.1 X X imposed 1/1/1 Supplier DSIR 4.4 X Internal rsa GFE GFE X Imposed 1/1/1 ? X X RSA RSA rsa 7.1 X X imposed 1/1/1 Supplier 3.3 X X imposed 1/1/1 Purchasing Supplier (X) (X) imposed 3/3/3 Purchasing Purchasing 7.1 AFF X X imposed 1/1/1 Supplier 5.6 X X Free (3/2/2) Supplier imposed (1/1/1) Supplier GFE Check list ANPQP - V1.0 - 16dec2008 : according to V2.1 Définition des attendus IOD (qtt, lieu, CR etc..) IOD expectings plan (quantity, contrôle report etc..) Plan de surveillance Quality monitoring plan(Control plan) ANPQP or SPP for high level risk Synoptique de fabrication Process flow chart Représentativité IOD Part status report IOD Rapport de contrôle IOD IOD inspection report GFE + ANPQP or SPP HRsk Agrement composants de rang n (PSW et AFF) Supplier list + approval of component level n ANPQP or SPP for high level risk Synthèse AMDEC PROCESS Process DFMEA Summary ANPQP or SPP for high level risk Préconisation Fournisseur Supplier recommendations RENAULT Process Design engineer CMC capabilité moyen de contrôle (Spécifiques) Gauge specification and approval sheet SPP High Risk / NA if not Plan d'étude de Capabilités Capabilities study plan ANPQP or SPP for high level risk Résultat essais fournisseur Suplier test plan and report Résultat analyse DIMAT (En Phase 3) DAM: Result of DIMAT agreement on Phase 3 (IOD) Prposed DAM Résultat validation Renault (Prononcé de validation) Renault alidation ressult Document reçu ? Document received ? VALIDATION DES DOCUMENTS Document validation Dossier référence - Format (Imposed / Proposed / Free) Agreement rule: 1,2,3 Document reçu ? Document received ? Who Validate Définition des attendus EI (qtt, lieu, CR etc..) EI expectings plan (quantity, contrôle report etc..) GFE / Process design engineer Représentativité des EI Part Status report EI Rapport de contrôle EI EI inspection report GFE + ANPQP or SPP HRsk Capabilités résultats Capabilities study result Free or A2M ANPQP or SPP for high level risk Résultat analyse DIMAT (En Phase 4) DAM: Result of DIMAT agreement on Phase 4 (EI) Prposed DAM MQA QA Matrix SPP HiRsk / ANPQP MedRsk / NA Fiches instruction au poste Work instructions ANPQP or SPP for uploads/s1/ grille-anpqp-complete-v21.pdf
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- Publié le Jan 17, 2022
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