Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed co
Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use. Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use. ISO9001:2008 Document No: QC-G-7.1 -1 Document Title: General guidelines for vendor development AIE/QAC/GFN Prepared By: RESEARCH DESIGNS & STANDARDS ORGANIZATION Document No: QC-G Document Title : General Guidelines for vendor development 1.0 Amendment History: S. No. Amendment Date Version 1. 101/09/2010 1.0 Version No: 1.0 General guidelines for vendor development Director/QAC/Mod. Issued By: RESEARCH DESIGNS & STANDARDS ORGANIZATION Manaknagar, Lucknow – 226011 G-7.1-1 General Guidelines for vendor development . Reasons for Amendment First issue under new documentation system for ISO 9001:2008. Date Effective: 30/09/2010 Printed: 1-Oct-10 Page 1 of 42 RESEARCH DESIGNS & STANDARDS ORGANIZATION First issue under new documentation system for ISO 9001:2008. Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use. ISO9001:2008 Document No: QC-G-7.1 -1 Version No: 1.0 Date Effective: 30/09/2010 Document Title: General guidelines for vendor development AIE/QAC/GFN Director/QAC/Mod. Printed: 1-Oct-10 Prepared By: Issued By: Page 2 of 42 2.0 Purpose : This guideline is based on common guidelines for vendor development /vendor registration (multi-sourcing) of items allotted to RDSO by Railway Board and guidelines issued by ISO Cell RDSO. The purpose is to specifically define the common guidelines for vendor approval/vendor registration (multi-sourcing) of items enlisted in Annexure-I allotted to Quality Assurance Civil Directorate of RDSO. 3.0 Scope of Application This shall be applicable for initial capability assessment, periodic reassessment for extension of approval, up-gradation, down-gradation, deletion, restoration, quality audit / inspection etc. of vendors and maintaining their approved list. In addition to this, ‘Item- specific guidelines’, listed as Annexure-II shall also be applicable for the respective item. In case of any variation between the procedure/provision given in this work instruction and that in the ‘Item-specific guidelines’, the latter shall prevail. The competent authority wherever referred to in this document shall mean Executive Director, Quality Assurance Civil Dte.. 4.0 Procedure / Details Procedure/details is annexed. 5.0 Referenced Documents: Documents issued by ISO Cell/RDSO under following nos.: S.No. Document No. Document Name 1. QO-D-7.1-5 ver.1.0 Vendor application for registration 2. QO-D-7.1-6 ver.1.0 Vendor application process 3. QO-D-7.1-8 ver.1.0 Vendor registration EOI 4. QO-D-7.1-7 ver.1.0 Vendor relaxation of registration requirement 5. QO-D-7.1-9 ver.1.0 Vendor list 6. QO-D-7.1-10 ver.1.0 Vendor sample type testing 7. QO-D-7.1-11 ver.1.0 Vendor change in approved status 8. QO-D-7.1-12 ver.1.0 Vendor change in vendor entity 9. QO-D-7.1-13ver.1.0 Vendor renewal 10. QO-D-7.1-14ver.1.1 Vendor registration schedule of charges 6.0 Referenced Documents of External Origin None. 7.0 Associated Records None. Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use. ISO9001:2008 Document No: QC-G-7.1 -1 Version No: 1.0 Date Effective: 30/09/2010 Document Title: General guidelines for vendor development AIE/QAC/GFN Director/QAC/Mod. Printed: 1-Oct-10 Prepared By: Issued By: Page 3 of 42 8.0 Responsibility and Authority Activity Responsible Approver Supporting Consulted Informed Creation, maintenance of this document Director/ QAC ED/QAC DD/XEN/AIE/ ARO ISO Cell All approved vendors/copy holders through website. Compliance of directives contained in this document DD/XEN/AIE /ARO Director/ QAC Respective staff Requirement of deviation from this directive Director/ QAC ED/QAC - - - 9.0 Abbreviations DG Director General Sr. ED Senior Executive Director MR Management Representative DQAC Director QAC QA Quality Assurance. QAC Quality Assurance Civil. ED/QAC Executive Director/Quality Assurance Civil RDSO Research Designs & Standards Organisation DD Dy. Director XEN Executive Engineer AIE Assistant Inspecting Engineer. ARO Assistant Research Officer QAP Quality Assurance Programme STR Schedule of Technical Requirements ITR Internal Test Results Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use. ISO9001:2008 Document No: QC-G-7.1 -1 Version No: 1.0 Date Effective: 30/09/2010 Document Title: General guidelines for vendor development AIE/QAC/GFN Director/QAC/Mod. Printed: 1-Oct-10 Prepared By: Issued By: Page 4 of 42 Annexure 1.0 DEFINITIONS Vendor: is a firm, which manufactures and supplies item(s) to Indian Railways. TEMPORARY DE-LISTING: This is synonymous with temporary withdrawal of approval. Any delisting /deletion /withdrawal that can be restored without following the process laid down for fresh approval is temporary delisting. It may be attracted due to overdue reassessment or a process of corrective action arising out of complaints, consignee end checks, major non-compliance of approved QAP or infrastructural deficiency etc. DE-LISTING: The vendors de-listed on account of obsolescence, closure of business, unsuccessful reassessment, black listing etc., may be approved again only as fresh vendors (if not permanently black-listed). The names of such firms will be permanently struck off the Vendor list. 2.0 Vendor application for fresh registration 2.1 Vendor Approval Guidelines :- Quality Assurance Civil Directorate shall undertake the work of fresh registration/ approval of vendors and other activities related to vendor approval, for all the items listed in Annexure-I, as per instructions received from Railway Board. Quality Assurance Civil Directorate develops vendor for P-Way Items based on Guidelines from Railway Board. As there is a ceiling on number of Vendors to be developed for different P.way Component, hence Vendors seeking registration for any of the items shall first approach RDSO and obtain Administrative Clearance /Go Ahead for setting up of infrastructure and being developed as Vendor for particular Pway Item. 2.2 Provision of application form and other documents: After obtaining Go ahead, Vendor seeking registration for any of the items shall collect latest version of General guidelines for Vendor Development and application form, latest version of all the Item-Specific Guidelines, relevant Drawings and IRS specification for that item from QA Civil directorate of RDSO on payment of requisite charges as specified (This is applicable even to those vendors who are in possession of developmental/ educational order from Railway Board/zonal Railway. Proof of having purchased these documents shall be checked and reported by RDSO official visiting the firm for assessment/reassessment/ inspection. 2.3 The validity of application form from the date of purchase shall be six months. If the firm does not apply within 6 months of the purchase of the application form QC-F - Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use. ISO9001:2008 Document No: QC-G-7.1 -1 Version No: 1.0 Date Effective: 30/09/2010 Document Title: General guidelines for vendor development AIE/QAC/GFN Director/QAC/Mod. Printed: 1-Oct-10 Prepared By: Issued By: Page 5 of 42 7.1-1(Annexure-VIII), the firm will have to purchase the new registration from afresh. 2.4 Vendor Registration form and “General Guidelines for Vendor Development” is available on RDSO’s web site which can be download by any vendor seeking fresh registration. The payment for these documents, if any, is to be made at the time of submission to RDSO. However, drawings and specifications are to be obtained in physical form on payment, as applicable. Alternatively, the drawings and specification can be downloaded from RDSO’s website after making necessary payment. The vendor can also apply online following link at RDSO website. 2.5 An undertaking by the firm should be submitted that the contents of “General Guidelines for Vendor Development” have been read & understood by their firm and their firm agrees to abide by the stipulations laid therein. The initial assessment charges for fresh registration, cost of guidelines, specifications & drawings are laid down in reference 10 and appended as Annexure-III. 2.6 Mandatory Declarations by Vendors: The following declarations shall be submitted by the applicants. These declarations shall be a part of the vendor registration application form. 2.6.1 Undertaking for infringement of IPR All the specifications issued by RDSO shall include a requirement of undertaking to be signed by Vendors on “INFRINGEMENT OF PATENT RIGHTS”. The undertaking shall be as under: Indian Railways shall not be responsible for infringement of patent rights arising due to similarity in design, manufacturing process, use of similar components in the design & development of this item and any other factor not mentioned herein which may cause such a dispute. The entire responsibility to settle any such disputes/matters lies with the manufacturer/ supplier. Details / design/documents given by them are not infringing any IPR and they are responsible in absolute and full measure instead of railways for any such violations. Data, specifications and other IP as generated out of interaction with railways shall not be unilaterally used without the consent of RDSO and right of Railways / RDSO on such IP is acceptable to them. 2.6.2 Declaration of confidentiality of submitted documents While submitting a new proposal/design, vendors must classify their documents confidentiality declaration, such as This document and its contents are the property of M/s XYZ(Name of the vendor) or its subsidiaries. This document contains confidential proprietary information. The reproduction, distribution, utilization or the communication of this document or any Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use. ISO9001:2008 Document No: QC-G-7.1 -1 Version uploads/s1/ guide - 2023-05-30T154006.103.pdf
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