L’Accueil francophone de Thunder Bay 292 Court Street South Thunder Bay, Ontari

L’Accueil francophone de Thunder Bay 292 Court Street South Thunder Bay, Ontario P7B 6C6 Telephone: (807) 684-1940 Facsimile: (807) 343-5790 Contact us at: info@accueilfrancophone.com Visit our Website: www.accueilfrancophone.com ISBN 978-2-9812587-0-0 Legal Deposit: Second Quarter 2011 Library and Archives Canada Acknowledgements L’Accueil francophone de Thunder Bay wishes to express its appreciation to the following funding partners for their contribution to this project: the Government of Canada, Department of Canadian Heritage, Canada-Ontario Agreement on French-Language Services, and the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, Office of French Language Services. Introduction The need for improved services in French and, specifically, for equitable access to quality health care services in French, has been and continues to be consistently identified as a priority by the Francophone community in Ontario. Hospitals and health care providers across the province recognize this need and are making considerable efforts to ensure the presence of more bilingual health care professionals on their staff. However , as the demand far exceeds the available resources, this can be a lengthy and challenging process. The language barrier , always a serious issue, becomes critical when individuals experience diminished mental capacity due to illness or aging, and their ability to communicate in their second language becomes impaired. Although interpretation services are available through agencies such as L’Accueil francophone de Thunder Bay, and are very useful in facilitating better communication between patients and health care professionals, such services are not usually offered around the clock, nor are they available in every community. Our purpose was not to develop a comprehensive reference manual, but to provide a short-term solution to address immediate needs. The Interpretation Guide for Health Care Professionals was designed as a quick and simple tool to provide French equivalents for medical terms and phrases commonly used in various contexts. We focussed on the departments where our interpretation services have been most frequently requested over the past years in order to provide assistance in key areas where patients and professionals will benefit the most. We trust that this Guide will be useful to physicians, nurses, diagnostics technicians, physiotherapists, and other health care professionals in their efforts to communicate with their French-speaking patients. We hope that patients will feel more secure as a result of better communication and that, in turn, they will become more confident and better equipped to actively take part in the management of their own health and wellness. i How to Use this Guide The Interpretation Guide for Health Care Professionals is divided according to specific hospital departments and services. Each section and sub-section is comprised of a list of questions, phrases, medical terms and words, with their French equivalents. We have included general and specific questions that health care professionals commonly ask their patients, followed by medical terms and words associated with the type of care in each section. We recognize that many of the English terms can have several appropriate French equivalents. However, in an effort to make this Guide as quick and easy to use as possible, we have selected only the one or two most common options. We have also taken in consideration the fact that some French-speaking patients may have difficulty understanding the linguistically correct French terms, due to factors such as illiteracy, assimilation, or other reasons. To alleviate this problem, we have provided, in some cases, a “ familiar ” equivalent which some patients may find easier to understand. These appear in italics and in brackets, following the correct terms. For ease of reference, we have provided an alphabetical index, which is located at the end of the Guide. ii T able of Contents Admission ……………………………………………………………… 3 General Questions ………………………………………………… 7 Symptoms ……………………………………………………………… 13 Diagnostic Imaging ……………………………………………… 27 Medical Laboratory ……………………………………………… 30 Diagnostics ……………………………………………………………… 35 Emergency Room …………………………………………………… 47 Surgery …………………………………………………………………… 67 Oncology ………………………………………………………………… 73 Other ……………………………………………………………………… 85 Emotions and Feelings ………………………………………… 85 Long Term Care …………………………………………………… 87 Maternity ……………………………………………………………… 91 Mental Health ……………………………………………………… 94 Paediatrics …………………………………………………………… 99 Personal Care ……………………………………………………… 103 Prescriptions ………………………………………………………… 106 Sexually Transmitted Diseases …………………………… 111 Staff ……………………………………………………………………… 112 Index ……………………………………………………………………… 117 iii Admission Admission 3 We need to see your health card please. Votre carte d’assurance-santé s’il vous plaît. Your name. Votre nom. Your address. Votre adresse. Your telephone number. Votre numéro de téléphone. City and province. Votre ville et province. Postal code. Votre code postal. Next of kin. Votre plus proche parent. Name and telephone number of someone in case of an emergency. Le nom et le numéro de téléphone d’une personne qu’on peut appeler en cas d’urgence. What is the reason for being admitted? Quelle est la raison de l’admission? Do you have any health coverage? Est-ce que vous avez une assurance maladie? Do you have coverage for a private or semi-private room? Est-ce que votre assurance couvre une chambre privée ou une chambre à deux lits (chambre semi-privée)? Do you want a telephone in your room? Est-ce que vous voulez un téléphone dans votre chambre? The fee for a telephone is ___ per day. Le téléphone coûte ___$ par jour. Do you want a television in your room? Est-ce que vous voulez la télévision dans votre chambre? The fee for a television is ___ per day. La télévision coûte ___$ par jour. Admission 4 Admission Do you take any medication? Est-ce que vous prenez des médicaments? Do you have any allergies? Est-ce que vous avez des allergies? Do you have a list of medication from your pharmacy? Est-ce que vous avez une liste de médicaments de votre pharmacie? Do you have any health problems? Est-ce que vous avez des problèmes de santé? Do you suffer from a disease? Est-ce que vous avez une maladie? Do you bleed easily? Est-ce que vous saignez facilement? Did you ever have a reaction to anesthesia? Est-ce que vous avez déjà eu (fait) une réaction à l’anesthésie (quand vous vous êtes fait endormir)? You will need someone to drive you home after your stay or procedure. Who can we call for you? Il va falloir que quelqu’un vous conduise chez vous après votre séjour ou après la procédure. Qui voulez-vous qu’on appelle pour vous? You will need to go for - blood work, - a chest x-ray - a cardiogram. Vous devez aller prendre - une analyse (prise) de sang, - une radiographie pulmonaire (un rayon-x de vos poumons) - un électrocardiogramme. Wait here and someone will call your name. Attendez ici et on va vous appeler. Please don’t bring any valuables while staying at the hospital. N’apportez pas d’objets de valeur pendant votre séjour à l’hôpital. You need to wear this name bracelet during your stay at the hospital. Vous devez porter ce bracelet d’identité pendant votre séjour à l’hôpital. General Questions Questions générales 7 How are you today? Comment allez-vous (filez-vous) aujourd’hui? Do you take any medication? Est-ce que vous prenez des médicaments? Do you have any allergies? Est-ce que vous avez des allergies? Do you have a list of medication from your pharmacy? Est-ce que vous avez une liste de médicaments de la pharmacie? Do you have a family history of ____? Est-ce que vous avez des antécédents familiaux de ____? Est-ce qu’il y a du/de la ____ dans votre famille? Do you have any health problems? Est-ce que vous avez des problèmes de santé? Do you suffer from a disease? Est-ce que vous avez une maladie? Do you bleed easily? Est-ce que vous saignez facilement? Did you ever have a reaction to anesthesia? Est-ce que vous avez déjà eu (fait) une réaction à l’anesthésie (quand vous vous êtes fait endormir)? You will need someone to drive you home after your stay or procedure. Il va falloir que quelqu’un vous conduise chez vous après votre séjour ou après la procédure. Do you drink alcohol? How many per day? Est-ce que vous buvez de l’alcool? Combien de verres par jour? You will need to go for lab work, a chest x-ray and a cardiogram. Vous devez aller au laboratoire pour une analyse (prise) de sang, prendre des radiographies (des rayons X) et un électrocardiogramme. Please wait here and someone will call your name. Attendez ici et on va vous appeler. General Questions 8 General Questions Please don’t bring any valuables while staying at the hospital. N’apportez pas d’objets de valeur à l’hôpital. You need to wear this name bracelet during your stay at the hospital. Vous devez porter ce bracelet d’identité pendant votre séjour à l’hôpital. Do you smoke? If so, how many per day? Est-ce que vous fumez? Si oui, combien de cigarettes par jour? What medications do you take? Quels médicaments prenez-vous? How many times a day? Combien de fois par jour? How many pills per day? Combien de pilules par jour? Are you allergic to any drugs, medications? Est-ce que vous avez des allergies aux médicaments? Do you have a latex allergy? Est-ce que vous êtes allergique au latex? Do you have other allergies? Est-ce que vous avez d’autres allergies? Breathe in. Breathe out. Inspirez. Prenez un respir. Expirez. Laissez aller votre respir. Open your uploads/s1/ interpretation-guide.pdf

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  • Publié le Oct 22, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 20.6608MB