04/10 Post University Online Your Online Community Portal APA Quick Reference S

04/10 Post University Online Your Online Community Portal APA Quick Reference Style Guide Tips for writing graduate research papers in the commonly used style and Tips for writing graduate research papers in the commonly used style and format of the American Psychological Association format of the American Psychological Association Title Page • Papers in APA style require a title page. • The formatted running head (page header) will be used as the header on each page. Use “Running head” on the title page only . • Include the paper’s title, the author’s name and affiliation, centered on the page. References (new page) Body (new page) Title page (first page) The Document • 1” margins all around • 12 pt. font size • Times New Roman or similar font • Double-space all lines • No contractions (e.g., don’t), unless in quote • Every page - header with short title in caps flush left + page number flush right. • Indent paragraphs, 5 spaces • Space twice after all punctuation ending a sentence. Style Basics • Use third vs. first person point of view (The results were… versus I found …) • Use active vs. passive voice (The team managed it… versus It was managed by the team) Note to students: This guide is based on the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th Edition and related sources. r This guide is intended to provide you with a short, user-friendly guide for research papers. It should not, however, be used as the sole, definitive source for your work. Students are responsible for appropriate and correct sources, format and style in their papers. Links to comprehensive sources are found below. What is APA format? APA style is currently most commonly used for research papers, in-text citations, references and other formatting, especially in the social sciences field. Why use APA format? • Graduate level work requires both accepted academic rigor and format. • Post University Graduate programs and courses require a consistent format be used for research papers, including the APA style. • In-text citations and end-of-paper references are expected of an academic effort to discern your own thinking from others’ works and ideas. You should have your due, and so should the authors researched. Copyright law protects their author- ship. More Comprehensive APA Sources: APA Style Guide: http://apastyle.apa.org/ OWL at Purdue: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/ resource/560/01 Sections of an APA Paper 04/10 Examples Fictitious Reference: Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). (2010). Washington, D.C.: American Psychologi- cal Association Post University Online Type of Source In-Text Citation Format Reference Format Book-1 Author (Treat similarly as for books: reports, brochures, manuals, audiovisual media) Your text here (Smith, 2008). OR According to Smith (1999), your text contin- ues. - Page # required only for quotation/close paraphrase, regardless of number of authors - Repeat year in same ¶ when parenthetical Author, A. A. (year). Title of work. Location: Publisher Smith, T. J. (2008). Management of organizations. San Diego, CA: Sea Publishing Book-2 Authors Your text here (Sanchez & Rim, 1999). OR According to Sanchez and Rim (1999), your text continues. -Cite both names each time in text -Repeat year in same ¶ when parenthetical -Note “&” vs. “and” usage Sanchez, J. A., & Rim, R. E. (1999). Business ethics. New York: ABC Books Book-3-5 Authors Your text here (Sanchez, Rim, Jones & Chou, 1999). OR According to Sanchez, Rim, Jones and Chou (1999), your text continues. - After 1st citation in paper: Sanchez et al. whether in text or parentheti- cal. - Repeat year in same ¶ when parenthetical Sanchez, J. A., Rim, R. E., Jones, C. E., Jr., & Chou, L. L. (2001). Multi-authored books. Chicago: Krion Book-6 or More Au- thors Song et al. whether in text or parenthetical. - Repeat year in same ¶ when parenthetical Song, A. C., Rite, L. A., III, Strong, M. W., Lee, O. V., Aci, S. T., Trion, W. S. et al. (1995). The team. Springfield, IL: University Press Group Author (The National Organization for Women [NOW], 1999) Subsequent citations: (NOW, 1999) National Organization for Women. (1999). Post University Online Your Online Community Portal APA Quick Reference Style Guide 04/10 Type of Source In-Text Citation Format Reference Format No Author (Merriam-Webster, 1993) OR (First Words of the Title, 1998) OR (Anonymous, 2003) whether in text or parenthetical Merriam-Webster’s collegiate dictionary (10th ed.). (1993). Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster OR Title in author position. (1998). Rome: Renieri OR Anonymous. (2003). Business writing. Ames, IA: University Press. Periodical …(Allen & Weiss, 2005). According to Criol and Thom (2000),… - See entries under other types of sources, above, as needed Allen, C. J., & Weiss, A. B. (2005). How to cite in APA style, Journal of Style. 7(3), 176-181. Criol, D. & Thom, Y. O. (2000, June 28). Weekly blotter, The Guardian Newspaper, pp. 13-14. (Format for meetings, monthly magazines, news- letters, or newspapers) Personal Communications (Letters, emails, interviews, etc.) …T.C. Cummings (personal communication, July 21, 2006) OR …(T.C. Cummings, personal communication, July 21, 2006) Not considered as recoverable data, so do not include in the reference list. Cite in text only and should be scholarly relevant. Electronic (includes aggre- gated databases, online journals, Websites/pages, newsgroups, Web/ email-based discussion groups/ newletters) (Archer, 1998, ¶ 5) OR (Archer, 1998, para. 5) - See entries under other types of sources, above, as needed - If no page #, use paragraph number - URL is not used in the citation Archer, B. B. (1998). Management today. Management News Online, IX, 22-28. Webb, J. H., & Quidley, X. (n.d.) How to retrieve internet information. Retrieved from http:// www.internotconsults.org Or - May use DOI ( digital object identifier) vs. “Retreived… ( url).” Ex. DOI:xxxxxx - n.d.=no date available General Every reference requires at least one citation. - Use block quotation for more than 40 words. • New line • Double space/ indent block • Citation • No quotation marks - In text: use italics and upper/lower case for titles of longer works. Use quotations marks for articles, episodes, songs, etc. - Every citation requires a reference. - References are double-spaced, with hanging Indent. - List sources alphabetically by first author. - Center the “References” title at the top of the page. - Capitalize only first word of a title/ subtitle + proper nouns. Post University Online Your Online Community Portal APA Quick Reference Style Guide uploads/s3/ apa-style-guide.pdf

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