Microsoft Word 2003 Resource Guide Changing the Spacing of Text 1. Highlight th

Microsoft Word 2003 Resource Guide Changing the Spacing of Text 1. Highlight the text you want to change. 2. Select the Format menu>Paragraph. The Paragraph dialog box will appear. 3. From the Indents and Spacing tab, use the Line spacing drop down menu to set the desired line spacing. 4. Click OK. Creating a Border 1. Select the Format menu> Borders and Shading. The Borders and Shading dialog box will appear. 2. From the Borders tab choose the desired Setting, Style, Color, and Width. 3. Click OK. 4. If you want the entire page to have a border, use the Page Border tab follow the same process. Page 1 of 10 Baltimore County Public Schools Office of Instructional Technology: MS Word 2003 Resource Guide Revised June 2004 Inserting Clip Art Note: To permanently remove the Drawing Canvas, go to Tools, click on Options, click on the General Tab, deselect Automatically create Drawing Canvas when inserting AutoShapes. 1. Select the Insert menu>Picture>Clip Art. 2. The Clip Art task pane will appear on the right side of your screen 3. Enter a word/description for the picture you want in the Search for field. 4. Click Go. 5. Place the cursor where you want to insert the picture in the document. 6. In the Clip Art task pane, click once on the picture you want to insert. 7. Click the X in the top right corner of the task pane to close Clip Art. Page 2 of 10 Baltimore County Public Schools Office of Instructional Technology: MS Word 2003 Resource Guide Revised June 2004 Inserting WordArt WordArt produces special effects with text. 1. Select the Insert menu>Picture>WordArt. 2. The WordArt Gallery dialog box will appear. 3. Select the desired text style and then click OK. 4. The Edit WordArt Text dialog box will appear, make format changes and type your text. 5. Click OK. 6. To edit the WordArt, select the text once and the WordArt toolbar will appear. Page 3 of 10 Baltimore County Public Schools Office of Instructional Technology: MS Word 2003 Resource Guide Revised June 2004 Creating Columns 1. Select the Format menu>Columns. The Columns dialog box will appear. 2.In the Presets area choose the number of desired columns or use the Number of columns drop down menu. 3.The Width and spacing area will automatically adjust the settings to equally sized columns with a half-inch of space between them; modify these settings if desired. 4.Click OK. Page 4 of 10 Baltimore County Public Schools Office of Instructional Technology: MS Word 2003 Resource Guide Revised June 2004 Creating a Bulleted or Numbered List 1. Highlight the text you would like bulleted or numbered. 2.Select the Format menu>Bullets and Numbering. The Bullets and Numbering dialog box will appear. 3.To add a bullet, select the Bullets tab. 4.Click once on the Bullet type you would like to select. 5.Click OK. 6.To add a number, select the Numbered tab and follow the same process. Inserting Page Numbers 1. Select he Insert menu>Page Numbers. The Page Numbers dialog box will appear. 2. From the Position drop-down list, select the desired option. 3. From the Alignment drop-down list, select the desired option. 4. Select or deselect the Show number on the first page box, depending on your preference. 5. Click OK. Page 5 of 10 Baltimore County Public Schools Office of Instructional Technology: MS Word 2003 Resource Guide Revised June 2004 Using the Format Painter The Format Painter is a quick way to copy the appearance, color, style, or other aspects of one section of text to another section of text. 1. Highlight a portion of the text which contains a format you want to repeat (e.g., bullets, numbers, bold) 2. Click the Format Painter button on the Standard toolbar. The cursor will change to resemble the Format Painter icon. 3. Drag the cursor over the text where you want to repeat the format and then drop it after you are done. 4. To use the Format Painter on multiple areas of text, double click on the Format Painter button on the Standard toolbar. 5. When you are finished click once on the Format Painter button on the Standard toolbar to deselect it. Creating a Header and a Footer Headers and Footers appear at the top and bottom of each page, and can contain text or graphics. 1. Select the View menu>Header and Footer. 2. A box for the Header and the Header and Footer toolbar will appear. Type what you would like to appear on the top of each page. Notice that the rest of the document is grayed out. 3. You can format the text in the Header by using the Formatting toolbar. 4. Use the Switch Between Header and Footer on the Header and Footer toolbar to switch to the Footer. 5. Type what you would like to appear on the bottom of each page. 6. Click the Close button on the Header and Footer toolbar when you are finished. When you return to the main document the Header and Footer will now appear grayed out. Page 6 of 10 Baltimore County Public Schools Office of Instructional Technology: MS Word 2003 Resource Guide Revised June 2004 Creating a Table Tables allow you to fill rows and columns of cells with text and graphics. Tables allow you to present information in a variety of layouts. 1. Place the cursor where you want the table to be inserted in the document. 2. Select the Table menu>Insert>Table. The Insert Table dialog box will appear. 3. In the Table size area, select the number of rows and columns for your table. 4. The AutoFormat button can be used to select a custom style for the table. Click OK once you have a desired style. 5. When you return to the Insert Table dialog box, click OK. 6. Your table will be inserted in your document. Inserting a Column in a Table 1. Move your cursor over the top of column to the right of where you wish to insert a new column. 2. When the cursor changes to a down arrow, click once to select the column. 3. Select the Table menu>Insert>Columns to the Left. Inserting a Row in a Table 1. Move your cursor to the left of the row above where you wish to insert a new row. 2. When the cursor changes to an arrow, click once to select the row. 3. Select the Table menu>Insert>Rows Below. Page 7 of 10 Baltimore County Public Schools Office of Instructional Technology: MS Word 2003 Resource Guide Revised June 2004 Using the Spell Checker 1. Select the Tools menu>Spelling and Grammar. The Spelling and Grammar dialog box will appear. 2. Use the Ignore Once or Change button to make the necessary corrections. 3. Click the Cancel button at any time to stop the Spelling and Grammar check. 4. The message below will appear when the Spelling and Grammar check is complete. Click OK to return to the document. Using the Thesaurus 1. Select the Tools menu>Language>Thesaurus. 2. The Research task pane will appear on the right. 3. Type a word in the Search for field. 4. Make sure the drop down field is set to Thesaurus: English (U.S.). 5. Select the green arrow to start the search. 6. Highlight the word(s) you would like to replace. 7. Click the desired replacement from the results field. 8. Once the word is highlighted a drop down arrow will appear, click Insert. 9. The new word should now appear in the document. Creating Callouts 1. Select AutoShapes>Callouts on the Draw toolbar. Page 8 of 10 Baltimore County Public Schools Office of Instructional Technology: MS Word 2003 Resource Guide Revised June 2004 2. Select a Callout of your choice. 3. The cursor will now appear as a plus (+) sign. Click once and then hold the mouse and drag the callout to the right and up. 4. The callout can be moved and resized similar to a graphic. 5. Enter the text in the Callout. Wrapping Text Around an Object Use text wrapping to place text next to, over top of, or around a graphic. 1. Click once to select the graphic. The Picture toolbar should appear. (If it doesn’t, select the View>Toolbars>Pictures.) 2. Click the Text Wrapping button on the Picture toolbar and then select the desired wrapping effect. Page 9 of 10 Baltimore County Public Schools Office of Instructional Technology: MS Word 2003 Resource Guide Revised June 2004 Callouts are shapes that you can type text in. These are a great way to enhance a document. Using Templates Templates are pre- formatted, reusable documents. To create a document using a Template: 1. Select the File Menu>New. (Note: Do not use the button on the Standard toolbar) 2. The New Document task pane will appear to the right. 3. Under the Templates section click On my computer. 4. Click on the tab of the desired type of template. 5. Click on the desired template icon. Click OK. 6. 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