1 1 FACULTY OF EDUCATION APA (American Psychological Association) Style Guide P
1 1 FACULTY OF EDUCATION APA (American Psychological Association) Style Guide Page 1. APA Style Guide 2 Why have a style guide? Preparing an article/assignment Abbreviations Quick reference guide to APA format 3 2. Reference Citations in Text 4 Direct quotation of a source 5 Long quotation (indented) Authors, one and more Authors with multiple articles Citation of more than one source 6 Citation as a secondary source Chapter in an edited book Anonymous works Newspaper Personal communication Electronic journals and web sites 7 3. Reference List 8 Books 9 Edited book Book chapters Book review 10 Journal articles Electronic journals 11 Newspaper articles Conference paper Web sites or Web documents 4. Example of Reference List 12 Dr Lesley Ljungdahl March 2007 (Faculty of Education, Kuring-gai Campus) 2 2 1. APA Style Guide The APA style (with its ‘rules’ for referencing) is described in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 5th edition. Also check these websites: http://www.apastyle.org www.bell.uts.edu.au • Why have a style guide? Editorial style refers to the guidelines used to ensure clear and consistent presentaion of material in a manuscript such as the citation of references. Referencing is necessary to avoid plagiarism and to enable readers to follow-up and read the original citation in full. There are various style guides which try to guarantee consistency in the presentation of written assignments. You may think it illogical at times and difficult to use but it is better than an idiosyncratic attempt which will differ from student to student. You may prefer other guides (a favourite of mine is the AGPS, the Australian Government Style Manual) but the APA (American Psychological Association) is the choice of the Faculty of Education (Kuring-gai Campus) and it is the one you should currently use. • Preparing an article/assignment Typeface e.g. 12 point Times Roman or 12 point Courier. Double-spacing between all lines of the manuscript. Some lecturers may ask for 1.5. Margins, e.g. of uniform size of at least 2.54 cm at the top, bottom, left, and right of every page. Page numbers are arranged consecutively, numbered in the top, right-hand edge of the paper. • Abbreviations: cf. compare chap. chapter e.g. for example et al. et alia (Latin for 'and others') ed. edition Ed. (Eds.) Editor (Editors) etc. and so forth i.e. that is p. (pp.) page (pages) rev. revised viz. namely Quick reference guide 3 3 Reference citation in text Book She stated, “the ‘placebo effect’…disappeared when behaviours were studied in this manner” (Miele, 1993, p.276). OR Miele (1993, p. 276) claimed that… Book chapter “What childen crave is freedom to carry out their own experiments and draw their own conclusions” (Stern, 2005, p. 479). Print journal As mentioned in Ljungdahl (2002)… Electronic media The grammar gorillas help children learn grammatical rules (Pearson 2000-2004). Internet article based on a journal print source Stuart (1999) emphasises the importance of….. Reference List Ljungdahl, L. (2002). Pre-service teachers abroad: Australians in the People’s Republic of China. International Journal of Learning 9(1), 143-159. Miele, J. (1993). The placebo effect. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Pearson Education, Inc. (2000-2004). The grammar gorillas. Retrieved February 2, 2006, from http://www.funbrain.com/grammar/ Stern, M.B. (2005). Multisensory mathematics instruction. In J.R. Birsh (Ed.), Multisensory teaching of basic language skills (pp. 457-479) 2nd ed. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. Stuart M. (1999, December). Getting ready for reading: Early phoneme awareness and phonic teaching improves reading and spelling in inner-city second language learners [Electronic version]. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 69(4), 587-605. Retrieved February 2, 2006, from ingenta.com. 4 4 2. Reference citations in text (in-text referencing) Document and acknowledge your sources of information and ideas by author-date and page citation. You must reference both direct quotations and any ideas you have paraphrased. The reference identifes the source so a reader can locate it in the Reference List at the end of the article. Sufficient information is given to allow the reader to verify the information, or to retrieve the original reference, if desired. If quoting directly, cite specific parts of a source to enable the reader to find the source easily (e.g. page, paragraph, chapter, table): (Anstey & Bull, 2004), p.175; Durrell, 1989, chap. 3). Direct quotation of a source Use author, year, date and specific page citation in the text. Quotations are enclosed by double quotation marks: Examples from the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 5th edn. Quotation 1: Note use of double and single quotations She stated, “the ‘placebo effect’…disappeared when behaviours were studied in this manner” (Miele, 1993, p.276), but she did not clarify which behaviours were studied. Use 3 spaced ellipsis point (…) within a sentence to indicate omitted material. Use 4 point to indicate omission between 2 sentences. Quotation 2: [square brackets indicate your own words] Miele (1993) found that “the ‘placebo effect’ which had been verified in previous studies, disappeared when [only the first group’s] behaviours were studied in this manner” (p.276). Long or block quotation are indented. Example of indented quotation of more than 40 words, 5 spaces from the left margin with no quotation marks. Miele (1993) found the following: The “placebo effect,“ which had been verified in previous studies, disappeared when behaviours were studied in this manner. Furthermore, the behaviours were never exhibited again [italics added], even when reel [sic] drugs were administered. Earlier studies (e.g. Abdullah, 1984; Fox, 1979) were clearly premature in attributing the results to a placebo effect. (p. 276). 5 5 Reference Citations in Text Authors, one and more Authors with multiple articles Citation of more than one source Citing a secondary source Chapter in an edited book Anonymous works Newspapers Personal communication Electronic journals. Web sites • AUTHORS, ONE AND MORE One work by a single author. You do not need to repeat the year in subsequent references if the work cannot be confused with other articles. The theory was first stated in 2003 (Sidney, 2004). OR Sidney (2004) was the first to state the theory. • One work with two or three authors Cite both authors every time the reference occurs. It is futile to maintain that the sexes are interchangeable (Moir & Jessel, 1991). OR Moir and Jessel (1991) claimed that it is futile to maintain that the sexes are interchangeable. • One work with more than three authors. Winch, Johnston, Holiday, March, Ljungdahl (2006) found [Cite all authors the first time the reference occurs] Winch et al. (2006) OR (Winch, et al., 2006) [Cite the name of the first author followed by et al. and the year as subsequent first citation per paragraph thereafter.] Winch et al. found [Omit year from subsequent citations after first citation within a paragraph.] • AUTHORS WITH MULTIPLE ARTICLES or books published in the same year Distinguish the publications from each other by adding a,b,c etc. after the author's name. (Dickinson, 1990a) OR (Dickinson, 1990b) 6 6 • CITATION OF MORE THAN ONE SOURCE Separate the entries by using semi-colons. Various authors have looked at the notion of organizational leadership (Ashworth, 1985; Macleod-Clark, 1984; Wills, 1981). CITING A SECONDARY SOURCE When you refer to work of authors who have been cited in the work of another and you have not read the original you should reference the secondary source not the original. Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck note that in some societies humans are seen as basically evil (Schein, 1997, p.20). Citation of a work discussed in a secondary source Seidenberrg and McClelland’s study (as cited in Coltheart, Curtis, Atkins & Haller, 1993) • CHAPTER IN AN EDITED BOOK, AN ARTICLE OR A PAPER Cite the authors of the article or chapter (not the editor, unless the work is that of the editor) and the year. (Ross, 1999) ANONYMOUS WORKS When a work's author is designated as Anonymous, cite in text the word Anonymous followed by comma and the date. Use title in italics and year if there is no author. (Anonymous, 2004) (Maximum Linux Security 1999) NEWSPAPERS Cite as you would a journal article. (Macklin, 2001) If there is no author provide title of newspaper, day month year of publication and page number. (Australian Financial Review, January 15, 2002, p. 20) PERSONAL COMMUNICATION This could include letters, interviews, telephone conversations and emails. These communications do not provide data to which others may refer and are therefore not included in the reference list. Give initials, family name and exact date. Follow this example for in text referencing: M. V. Jones (personal communication, May 6, 2003) believes that “…" 7 7 ELECTRONIC JOURNALS, WEB SITES Citing electronic journals, web pages or web sites follows the same principles as for books i.e. providing the name and/or address of the source. However Internet documents often do not contain page numbers. In this instance, use the paragraph number, preceded by the paragraph symbol or the abbreviation para. For electronic sources that do not provide page numbers and where neither paragraph nor page numbers are visible, cite the heading and the number of the paragraph following it to direct the reader to the uploads/s3/ apa-uts-reference-guide.pdf
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