An Abridged Guide to the School of Access Education Updated July T2 2020 Harvar

An Abridged Guide to the School of Access Education Updated July T2 2020 Harvard Referencing Style The Abridged Guide to the Harvard Referencing Style (author-date) is based on: Commonwealth of Australia 2002, Style manual for authors, editors and printers, 6th edn, John Wiley & Sons Australia, Milton, Qld. This document can be found on CQUniversity’s referencing Web site at Other information about academic writing is available via the Academic Learning Centre’s Moodle site. Maintained by School of Access Education Edition T2 2020 Published by CQUniversity Australia COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA WARNING This Material has been reproduced and communicated to you by or on behalf of CQUniversity pursuant to Part VB of the Copyright Act 1968 (the Act). The material in this communication may be subject to copyright under the Act. Any further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act. Do not remove this notice. CQUniversity CRICOS Codes: 00219C – Qld; 01315F – NSW; 01624D – Vic An Abridged Guide to the Harvard Referencing Style Edition T2 2020 Academic Learning Centre SAE i Table of Contents How to use this guide..................................................................................................... 1 What is the purpose of this booklet? ......................................................................... 1 What is referencing? ................................................................................................. 1 Why do I need to reference? ..................................................................................... 1 What should I reference? .......................................................................................... 2 Five key steps to referencing ........................................................................................ 2 Section 1: What does referencing look like?............................................................... 3 Referencing in the assignment .......................................................................... 3 Referencing at the end of the assignment ....................................................... 4 Section 2: How do I use citations in-text? ................................................................... 5 How to paraphrase .................................................................................................... 6 Steps for paraphrasing ....................................................................................... 6 Rules for paraphrasing ....................................................................................... 7 Styles of citation in-text: author prominent and information prominent...... 8 How to summarise ..................................................................................................... 8 Steps for summarising........................................................................................ 8 Rules for summarising...................................................................................... 10 How to use direct quotations ................................................................................... 11 Steps for using quotations ............................................................................... 11 Rules for short quotations................................................................................ 12 Rules for long quotations ................................................................................. 13 How to introduce quotations and paraphrased sentences ...................................... 14 How to use tables, figures or images ...................................................................... 15 Steps for using tables ....................................................................................... 15 Rules for using tables ....................................................................................... 16 Steps for using figures ..................................................................................... 17 Rules for using figures ..................................................................................... 18 Section 3: How to create a reference list ................................................................... 19 Steps for creating a reference list ........................................................................... 19 Steps for adding sources to the reference list ........................................................ 20 Referencing books ............................................................................................ 20 Referencing journal articles and periodicals ................................................. 21 Journal article from the Web ............................................................................ 21 Referencing law cases ...................................................................................... 22 Referencing a website .......................................................................................... 23 Rules for adding citations to the reference list ............................................. 24 Rules about authors’ names ............................................................................ 24 Rules for using capitalisation .......................................................................... 25 ii An Abridged Guide to the Harvard Referencing Style Edition T2 2020 Academic Learning Centre SAE Section 4: What is Academic Integrity? ..................................................................... 26 How will they know I have plagiarised?.......................................................... 26 Steps for avoiding plagiarism .......................................................................... 27 Section 5: How to create in text citations and citations for the reference list ...... 27 Hard copy books...................................................................................................... 28 E-Books ................................................................................................................... 35 Hard copy journal articles........................................................................................ 37 Online or electronic journals.................................................................................... 38 Hardcopy newspaper articles .................................................................................. 40 Online newspaper articles ....................................................................................... 40 Reports .................................................................................................................... 41 Conference papers .................................................................................................. 43 Other documents on the World Wide Web (WWW) ............................................... 44 Government documents .......................................................................................... 46 Government or legal documents as hard copies .................................................... 47 Law cases ................................................................................................................ 50 University-provided study materials as hard copies ............................................... 51 University-provided electronic and multimedia study materials ............................. 51 Multimedia on the web ............................................................................................ 54 Specialised sources ................................................................................................ 55 Appendices .................................................................................................................... 61 Appendix A: Key terms defined ............................................................................... 61 Appendix B: Symbols and their use ........................................................................ 63 Appendix C: Acronyms (words formed from the initial letters other words) and their use ................................................................................................................... 64 Appendix D: Initialisms and their use. ..................................................................... 65 Appendix E: Abbreviations and their use ................................................................ 66 Appendix F: Latin words and their use as abbreviations ........................................ 71 Appendix G: Basic Citation Styles .......................................................................... 72 Check your reference list ............................................................................................. 73 An Abridged Guide to the Harvard Referencing Style P a g e | 1 Academic Learning Centre SAE Edition T2 2020 How to use this guide What is the purpose of this booklet? This guide provides an introduction to the intricacies of referencing using the CQUniversity Harvard style of referencing. When writing a university assignment, there are certain referencing rules you need to follow. This guide will explain what referencing is and show you how to reference using the CQUniversity Harvard referencing style. The first four sections of this study guide assist you to become familiar with referencing and will assist you to apply the examples offered in the final section of this guide. The first section provides you with an overview of referencing. Then there are two sections offering more detailed explanations of terms and concepts that are vital for the development of your knowledge so you can become proficient in referencing in text and in the reference list. There is also an important section explaining academic integrity. The appendices offer further information about the technical language and abbreviations or acronyms used in Harvard style referencing. Once you are familiar with some of the concepts and key words, you will find it much easier to use Section 5 of this guide, which contains examples of in-text citations and reference list. Referencing requires attention to detail, so you will need to refer to these examples and explanations a number of times as you develop your skills. There are variations on the Harvard style of referencing and it is important for you to use the CQUniversity Harvard referencing style. There are also other referencing styles (e.g. American Psychological Association, Turabian, Vancouver), so before you use this booklet check your unit profile to make sure you need to use Harvard referencing in your assignment. What is referencing? There are different types of university assignments (e.g. essays, oral presentations, reports, reflections, blogs, PowerPoint presentations, case studies). When you write an assignment, you will usually be expected to include the details of any sources you have used as in-text citations, and in a list at the end of the assignment with the title References. These processes are collectively known as ‘referencing’. Why do I need to reference? Writing an assignment will often involve research using a range of different source types (e.g. websites, journal articles, books, course readings). Each time you ‘borrow’ ideas, data, information or illustrations from other sources to use in your assignment you will need to reference the source. Referencing will help you: • Demonstrate your knowledge of a topic and provide evidence of scholarly research. • Give credit to the author or creator of the original source of an image, idea or piece of information. • Avoid plagiarism and its associated penalties. P a g e | 2 An Abridged Guide to the Harvard Referencing Style Edition T2 2020 Academic Learning Centre SAE What should I reference? You must reference any source you use when writing an assignment even if you have just borrowed an idea or image, rather than copying exact words. This includes any of the following. • Hard copy (paper based) sources (e.g., books, journal articles, newspapers, magazines, brochures, pamphlets and newsletters) • Electronic sources (e.g. websites, videos, blogs, film clips, audio files, Moodle notes and readings) • Other sources (e.g., phone conversations, interviews). • Visuals (e.g. images, figures and tables). How to get more assistance with developing your referencing skills? The Academic Learning Centre (ALC) offers workshops focussed on referencing both online and on campus. These are advertised on our Moodle site and via emails sent to your CQUniversity email account. You can also ask the ALC by phoning 07 49707211 or emailing Five key steps to referencing While researching and drafting Step 1. Decide which type of source you want to use (e.g. book, website, journal etc.). Step 2. Record the relevant source details (e.g. author, date, title, publisher, URL etc.). In your assignment Step 3. Use the notes you have made from the sources you read to create sentences and paragraphs to provide evidence or examples that support your ideas. Step 4. Ensure that details for the in-text citation (e.g. author’s surname, date, page number) are correct. Make sure you follow the Harvard style guidelines. At the end of the assignment Step 5. Create a reference list and remember each item must have a corresponding item as an in-text citation. An Abridged Guide to the Harvard Referencing Style P a g e | 3 Academic Learning Centre SAE Edition T2 2020 Section 1: What does referencing look like? Referencing in the assignment Example In this example of a paragraph you can see what referencing looks like in the body of the assignment. Notice the inclusion of the authors name and date in most sentences. These are known as citations. They let the reader know the details about the source of the information. These citations acknowledge all ideas or words that belong to another person, even if it is not a direct quote. These citations are integrated uploads/s3/ harvard-guide-2020.pdf

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