Installation guide Guide Dragon speech recognition Enterprise solution For v15

Installation guide Guide Dragon speech recognition Enterprise solution For v15 of: Copyright Dragon Professional Individual, Dragon Legal Individual, v15. 2017 Nuance Communications, Inc. This material may not include some last-minute technical changes and/or revisions to the software. Changes are periodically made to the information provided here. Future versions of this material will incorporate these changes. No part of this manual or software may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including, without limitation, electronic or mechanical, such as photocopying or recording, or by any information storage and retrieval systems, without the express written consent of Nuance Communications, Inc. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Copyright © 2017 Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. Nuance, ScanSoft, the Nuance logo, the Dragon logo, Dragon, DragonBar, NaturallySpeaking, NaturallyMobile, RealSpeak, Nothing But Speech (NBS), Natural Language Technology, Select-and- Say, MouseGrid, and Vocabulary Editor are registered trademarks or trademarks of Nuance Communications, Inc. in the United States or other countries. All other names and trademarks referenced herein are trademarks of Nuance Communications or their respective owners. Designations used by third-party manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products may be claimed as trademarks by those third-parties. Adobe and Acrobat are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. AMD is a trademark of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. America Online is a registered trademark of America Online, Inc., a division of AOL Time Warner. Corel and WordPerfect are registered trademarks of Corel Corporation. iPAQ is a registered trademark of the Hewlett-Packard Company. Lotus and Lotus Notes are registered trademarks of Lotus Development Corporation. Macromedia Flash is a trademark of Macromedia, Inc. Microsoft, Outlook, Windows, Windows NT, Visual Basic, and PowerPoint are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Mozilla and Mozilla Thunderbird are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation. Palm OS is a registered trademark of PalmSource, Inc. or its affiliates. Panasonic is a registered trademark of the Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. Pentium is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation. Sony and Memory Stick are registered trademarks of the Sony Corporation. Voice It, the Voice It logo, and Voice It Link are trademarks or registered trademarks of VXI Corporation. Disclaimer Nuance makes no warranty, express or implied, with respect to the quality, reliability, currency, accuracy, or freedom from error of this document or the product or products referred to herein and specifically disclaims any implied warranties, including, without limitation, any implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for any particular purpose, or non-infringement. Nuance disclaims all liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, or exemplary damages resulting from the use of the information in this document. Mention of any product not manufactured by Nuance does not constitute an endorsement by Nuance of that product. Notice Nuance Communications, Inc. is strongly committed to creating high quality voice and data management products that, when used in conjunction with your own company’s security policies and practices, deliver an efficient and secure means of managing confidential information. Nuance believes that data security is best maintained by limiting access to various types of information to authorized users only. Although no software product can completely guarantee against security failure, Dragon software contains configurable password features that, when used properly, provide a high degree of protection. We strongly urge current owners of Nuance products that include optional system password features to verify that these features are enabled! You can call our support line if you need assistance in setting up passwords correctly or in verifying your existing security settings. Published by Nuance Communications, Inc., Burlington, Massachusetts, USA Visit us on the Web at Links to our international web sites are shown there. 5/10/2017 Contents Dragon Individual Installation Guide 1 Copyright 3 Contents 5 Chapter 1: About this guide 7 Guide overview 8 Audience 8 About Dragon Professional Individual 9 Additional resources 10 Documentation 10 Training 10 Support 11 Chapter 2: Preparing to install Dragon 13 Checklist—Planning the client installation 14 Preparing for an installation 15 Storage space considerations 16 Dragon system requirements 17 Dragon file structure 18 Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 18 Accessing program files 19 Chapter 3: Initial Installation of Dragon Professional Individual 21 Install Dragon and choose the default settings 22 Installing Dragon on a single computer 22 Chapter 4: Installing the Dragon client with settings 27 Overview—Installing the Dragon client with initial settings 28 Prerequisites 28 Installation methods 28 Push installations 28 Installing the same Dragon configuration on multiple computers 30 Performing an administrative installation with a batch file 31 Understanding the script in admininstall.bat 31 Modifying admininstall.bat 31 Command Line installation with msiexec.exe 32 Installing the same configuration on additional computer(s) 32 Appendix A: Modifying nsdefaults.ini 33 Contents Dragon client settings in nsdefaults.ini 34 Auto-Formatting dialog box 34 Options dialog 38 Administrative Settings dialog 52 Appendix B: Options for MSI installations 55 MSI properties for Dragon installations 56 Sample command lines 57 Feature variables to set through the ADDLOCAL or ADVERTISE properties 58 Speech options 59 MSI options for scheduled tasks 60 Extracting MSI/MST files from the Dragon setup.exe 61 6 Contents Chapter 1: About this guide Guide overview 8 About Dragon Professional Individual 9 Additional resources 10 7 Contents Guide overview The Dragon Installation Guide provides information on installing and configuring the Dragon client on one or more computers. The guide is available in PDF format from the Nuance Support web site. Audience This guide is intended for IT administrators and Dragon administrators whose responsibility is to install and configure Dragon clients on one or more computers. This guide assumes you have experience in software installation and using Command Line options. 8 Contents About Dragon Professional Individual Dragon Professional Individual allows users to create reports, spreadsheets, presentations and other documentation more efficiently with fast, accurate dictation and transcription. Dragon Professional Individual also includes voice commands that allow users to perform everyday tasks without using the mouse or keyboard. For example, use voice commands to: l Correct and format text l Access buttons and menus in supported programs, including Microsoft Word, Corel WordPerfect, WordPad, and more Administrators or users can also create custom words and commands and share them with team members. Dragon Professional Individual can be installed on each client computer manually (see “Install Dragon and choose the default settings” on page 22) or through a push install (see “Push installations” on page 28). 9 Contents Additional resources The following resources are available in addition to this guide to help you manage your Dragon installation. Documentation Document Description Location Dragon Help Full online Help system that includes commands and instructions for dictating, correcting, and more with Dragon. Dragon Help. When Dragon is open, click the Help icon ( ) on the DragonBar, and then select Help Topics. Dragon Release Notes New features, system requirements, client upgrade instructions, and known issues. Dragon Help. Do the following: 1. When Dragon is open, click the Help icon ( ) on the DragonBar, and then select Help Topics. 2. Click Get started. 3. Click Dragon release notes. Dragon Wireless Headset User Guide Instructions for connecting and using your Bluetooth headset with Dragon. Dragon Support web site Dragon Workbook Instructions and training exercises for performing Dragon’s basic tasks, like dictating and correcting text by voice. Dragon Support web site Training Nuance provides several Dragon training offerings, like webinars, demos, and Nuance University online training courses. For more information, see the Dragon Support web site. 10 Contents Support The Dragon Support web site provides many resources to assist you with your Dragon installation, like forums and a searchable knowledgebase. For more information on Support offerings, see the Dragon Support web site at: 11 Chapter 2: Preparing to install Dragon Chapter 2: Preparing to install Dragon Checklist—Planning the client installation 14 Preparing for an installation 15 Storage space considerations 16 Dragon system requirements 17 Dragon file structure 18 Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 18 Accessing program files 19 13 Dragon Professional Individual Client Installation Guide Checklist—Planning the client installation Use this checklist to help you prepare for client installations. Task Reference Perform an initial installation of the Dragon client. “Installing Dragon on a single computer” on page 22 Set up the configuration files as needed, then copy them to a directory you can access from other computers. “Natspeak.exe Command Line Options” on page 1 Install the Dragon client on users’ machines using one of the following methods: l Manual install from a DVD. l Push install with an MSI. l “Installing the same Dragon configuration on multiple computers” on page 30 l “Command Line installation with msiexec.exe” on page 32 14 Chapter 2: Preparing to install Dragon Preparing for an installation Before installing, modifying, or upgrading Dragon Professional Individual: l Install any pending Windows updates, and then restart the computer. l Turn off or disable any antivirus software until installation is complete. Installation can sometimes trigger a false virus report. l Close all open applications. l Read “Checklist—Planning the client installation” on page 14. l Be sure your system meets the requirements before attempting to install uploads/s3/ dragonproindividual-v15-guide.pdf

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