Our Style Guide. The PACE and PACE APP Styleguide was created to establish a cl
Our Style Guide. The PACE and PACE APP Styleguide was created to establish a clear standard for the PACE identity. It is important to remember that each element of communication contributes to the overall impression people have of the organization. A unification of all PACE and PACE APP collateral is essential in manifesting the integrity, quality, and stability of the organization and its mission. The PACE visual identity represents the children and families the organization serves. The PACE brand must also appeal to a wide range of working professionals in the childcare field. Table of Contents Intro Logos 1 Colors 5 Slogan 7 Fonts 9 1 Our logo reflects our mission to advance the early care and education of California’s children. 01 LOGO The standard logo for PACE, and should be used whenever possible. 02 LOGO - Version 2 Used for limited spaces when the standard logo is too wide. 02 LOGO - NO NAME Used when logo needs to be smaller than one inch in height. Logo should not be used smaller than a half inch in height. 03 FRAMED LOGO Used for covers, and headlines of multi-page documents. This logo should only be used when the full name of the organization appears elsewhere. There are several versions of the logo, and each one has a specific use. 2 PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR CHILDHOOD EDUCATION ALTERNATIVE PAYMENT PROGRAM SINCE 1976 PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR CHILDHOOD EDUCATION ALTERNATIVE PAYMENT PROGRAM SINCE 1976 01 02 02 03 A L T E R N A T I V E P A Y M E N T P R O G R A M 3 Do’s and Don’ts with our logo DO’s 01 Spacing Do keep an eighth of an inch of clear space around the logo. 02 Size Do keep the logo larger than a half an inch 03 B/W Do use the B/W version of the logo when printing projects in black-and- white. 04 White Do use the white version of the logo over solid or dark backgrounds DON’Ts 05 Embellish Don’t add drop shadows, embossing or other effects to the logo 06 Too small Don’t print the logo smaller than half an inch 07 Gray Don’t print the logo in black and white using the color version, because it will look gray and washed out. Use the B/W version already setup. 08 Tint Don’t print the logo as a tint or water mark. It should always print 100% 09 Recolor Don’t change the colors of the logo 10 Distort Don’t alter, pivot, or warp the logo. These are some examples of what to do, and what not do with our logo. 4 01 04 05 02 02 03 06 07 08 09 5 Our brand colors are violet and orange. VIOLET PMS 2695 CMYK 91/100/0/49 RGB 68/35/94 Hex #44235e ORANGE PMS 137 CMYK 0/35/90/0 RGB 252/163/B17 HEX #fca311 Please use the proper color definition for each use: For spot printing use the PMS swatch, for full color printing use the CMYK formula, for screen displays use the RGB formula, and for web pro gramming use the HEX code. 6 Our secondary colors complement our brand colors. DEEP LAVENDER PMS 2415 CMYK 91/100/0/49 RGB 68/35/94 Hex #9d00eb BRICK RED PMS 202 CMYK 0/100/61/43 RGB 68/35/94 Hex #910039 SAPPHIRE BLUE PMS 288 CMYK 100/67/0/23 RGB 68/35/94 Hex #00337F BRIGHT GREEN PMS 355 CMYK 94/0/100/0 RGB 68/35/94 Hex #0fff00 PEACOCK BLUE PMS 3125 CMYK 83/0/21/0 RGB 0/183/198 Hex #00B7C6 GRAPE PMS 2627 CMYK 77/100/0/31 RGB 68/35/94 Hex #2800b0 FUCHSIA PMS 213 CMYK 0/95/27/0 RGB 234/15/107 Hex #EA0F6B SKY BLUE PMS 2915 CMYK 59/7/0/0 RGB 68/35/94 Hex #69edff YELLOW PMS 116 CMYK 0/16/100/0 RGB 252/209/22 Hex #FCD116 LIME GREEN PMS 375 CMYK 41/0/78/0 RGB 68/35/94 Hex #96ff38 These vibrant colors can be used for graphs, directories, or series, where a wide range of colors are needed. 7 Our main slogan in English. Promoting Excellence in the Early Education of California’s Children 01 SLOGAN - ALIGN RIGHT Font- Myriad Pro Font Size - Height of two lines equal to height of figures Alignment - Aligned to ends of figures Spacing- Use width of capital ‘X’ in the same font size as slogan 02 SLOGAN - ALIGN BELOW Font- Myriad Pro Font Size - Alignment - Aligned to left edge of logo Spacing- Use height of capital ‘X’ in the same font size as slogan 03 SLOGAN - SINGLE-LINE Font- Myriad Pro Font Size - Same size as PACE Alignment- Centered vertically between figures Spacing- Use height of capital ‘X’ in the same font size as slogan 8 Advancing the Profession for Childhood Education Since 1955 X X X Advancing the Profession for Childhood Education Since 1955 Advancing the Profession for Childhood Education Since 1955 01 02 03 9 Our typeface. Print. 01 MYRIAD PRO The Myriad Pro Type Family is our stan dard corporate typeface. Use this font wherever possible. 02 ADOBE GARAMOND PRO The Adobe Garamond Pro Type Family is the typeface for lengthy pieces, such as news articles. Aa ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 123456789 Aa ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 123456789 01 02 These are our typefaces, and this is a description of it. 10 Our typeface. Web. PC 01 ARIAL Headlines ( 20-30pts) MAC 02 HELVETICA Headlines ( 20-30pts) Aa ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 123456789 Aa ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 123456789 01 02 These are our typefaces, and this is a description of it. uploads/s3/ pace-style-guide.pdf
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- Publié le Jui 06, 2022
- Catégorie Creative Arts / Ar...
- Langue French
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