Skill Builder 5 - Bibliography The research that I conduct involves articles th

Skill Builder 5 - Bibliography The research that I conduct involves articles that can help me complete Essay #2. In Essay #2, we are asked to conduct research on a distance education institute in a developed country and an under-developed country. I have chosen to focus on distance education in either the United States or Eastern Europe or Northern Europe (for the developed country) and I am currently determining an under-developed country. Each article involves information about international distance education or distance education in the United States. Angelone, L. (2014). Learning how to learn online: An online course. Ohio Journal of English Language Arts. Vol. 54 Issue 2, p47-5 Bozkurt, A. Akgun-Ozbek, E., Yilmazel, S. et. al. (2015). Trends in Distance Education Research: A Content Analysis of Journals 2009-2013. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning. v16 n1. p330-363 Burgess-Watkins, K. (2011). Online Learning Opportunities for K-12 Students in Florida's Nassau County. Distance Learning. Vol. 8 Issue 1. p1-7 Caruth, G. and Caruth, D. (2013). DISTANCE EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES: From Correspondence Courses to the Internet. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education (TOJDE). Vol. 14 Issue 2. p141-149 Garthwait, A. (2014). Pilot Program of Online Learning in Three Small High Schools: Considerations of Learning Styles. Electronic Journal of e- Learning. v12 n4. p353-366 Hatzipanagos, S. and Gregson, J. (2015). The Role of Open Access and Open Educational Resources: A Distance Learning Perspective. Electronic Journal of e-Learning. v13 n2. p97-105 Hillen, S. and Landis, M. (2014). T wo Perspectives on E-Learning Design: A Synopsis of a U.S. and a European Analysis. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning. v15 n4. p199-225 Koper, R. (2015). How Do Students Want to Learn in Online Distance Education? Profiling Student Preferences. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning. v16 n1. p307-329 Mensch, S. (2015). Improving Distance Education Through Student Online Orientation Classes. Culture & Religion Review Journal. Vol. 2015 Issue 2. p12-16 Watkins, R. (2014). T rends and Issues in Distance Education: International Perspectives, 2nd Edition. Performance Improvement. Vol. 53 Issue 1, p44-46 uploads/s3/ bibliography 17 .pdf

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