QNX® Software Development Platform 6.6 QNX® Software Development Platform 6.6 I
QNX® Software Development Platform 6.6 QNX® Software Development Platform 6.6 Installation Guide Table of Contents Preface: About This Guide ..........................................................................................................iv Typographical conventions ..................................................................................................v Before you start ................................................................................................................vi Getting started with the documentation .............................................................................vii Technical support ...........................................................................................................viii Chapter 1: Microsoft Windows Hosts ..........................................................................................10 Before you start ..............................................................................................................11 System requirements ......................................................................................................12 Installing QNX SDP .........................................................................................................13 Unattended installation ...................................................................................................14 Setting up your environment ............................................................................................15 Activating the tools .........................................................................................................16 Activating automatically .........................................................................................16 Activating manually ...............................................................................................16 Commercializing your evaluation software .........................................................................18 Uninstalling QNX SDP .....................................................................................................19 Determining your base directory .......................................................................................20 Chapter 2: Linux Hosts .............................................................................................................22 Before you start ..............................................................................................................23 System requirements ......................................................................................................24 Installing QNX SDP .........................................................................................................25 Unattended installation ...................................................................................................27 Setting up your environment ............................................................................................28 Activating the tools .........................................................................................................29 Activating automatically .........................................................................................29 Activating manually ...............................................................................................29 Commercializing your evaluation software .........................................................................31 Uninstalling QNX SDP .....................................................................................................32 Determining your base directory .......................................................................................33 Table of Contents Installation Guide Preface About This Guide Thank you for choosing the QNX Software Development Platform version 6.6. This guide tells you how to install it from DVD. Please read this preface for information that applies to all host OSs, and then refer to the chapter for your specific OS (Microsoft Windows, or Linux). iv Copyright © 2014, QNX Software Systems Limited About This Guide Typographical conventions Throughout this manual, we use certain typographical conventions to distinguish technical terms. In general, the conventions we use conform to those found in IEEE POSIX publications. The following table summarizes our conventions: Example Reference make Commands PATH Environment variables /dev/null File and pathnames Enter Keyboard keys stdin Variable names Cancel User-interface components We use an arrow in directions for accessing menu items, like this: You'll find the Other... menu item under Perspective ➝Show View . We use notes and cautions to highlight important messages: Notes point out something important or useful. Cautions tell you about commands or procedures that may have unwanted or undesirable side effects. Copyright © 2014, QNX Software Systems Limited v Installation Guide Before you start Before you install this software, please note the following: • The DVD includes QNX SDP for all host OSs for creating software for all supported targets. • QNX SDP includes the QNX Momentics Tool Suite, which you can use to develop applications to run on the QNX Neutrino RTOS on a separate target system. • We post CRC and MD5 checksums with the packages in the Download area on our website. If you download a DVD image or an installer from our website, make sure that its checksum matches that given on the website. On Unix-style OSs (e.g. QNX Neutrino, Linux), you can use the cksum utility to calculate the CRC checksum. Microsoft doesn't support such utilities on Windows, but they're available from third parties. • There are several QNX Development License streams that govern how QNX SDP can be used in different situations. The key on your license certificate will cause the appropriate license agreement to be displayed when you install QNX SDP; that development license governs your use of the product. Once you've installed QNX SDP, you'll find a copy of all the license agreements in base_dir/install/qnx-sdp/6.6, where base_dir is where you installed the software. For more information about licensing, visit the Licensing area of http://www.qnx.com, where you'll find details on our licensing model, types of licenses, etc., or email licensing@qnx.com. • QNX SDP 6.6 can coexist with QNX CAR 2.0, QNX Software Development Platform 6.5.0, 6.4.0, and 6.4.1, and QNX Momentics 6.3, but if you want QNX SDP 6.6 to replace an older version, you must uninstall the older versions and any updates to them before installing 6.6. • For information about new features and known issues in QNX SDP, see the release notes. For the most up-to-date version, go to our website (http://www.qnx.com), log into your myQNX account, and then go to the Download area. • For information about using BSPs with QNX SDP 6.6, see the BSPs and Drivers project on Foundry27. vi Copyright © 2014, QNX Software Systems Limited About This Guide Getting started with the documentation After you've installed QNX SDP, you'll find an extensive set of HTML documentation. You can read it in the Integrated Development Environment's help system. To start the IDE on Linux, use this command: base_directory/run-qde.sh On Windows, use the desktop icon or run: base_directory\run-qde.vbs where base_directory is where you installed the software. The QNX Software Development Platform “roadmap” page contains links to the various HTML booksets that accompany the OS. See the Quickstart Guide for a short tutorial that will help you get started, and then refer to the other documents (System Architecture, Programmer's Guide, C Library Reference, Utilities Reference, and so on). You can install and work with multiple versions of the QNX Neutrino RTOS. Whether you're using the command line or the IDE, you can choose which version of the OS to build programs for. For more information, see the IDE User's Guide or the QNX Neutrino Programmer's Guide. Copyright © 2014, QNX Software Systems Limited vii Installation Guide Technical support To obtain technical support for any QNX product, visit the Support area on our website (www.qnx.com). You'll find a wide range of support options, including community forums. viii Copyright © 2014, QNX Software Systems Limited About This Guide Copyright © 2014, QNX Software Systems Limited ix Installation Guide Chapter 1 Microsoft Windows Hosts If you've already installed an evaluation version of QNX SDP, and you've purchased and received a commercial QNX license or you've received an evaluation extension license, please go to “Commercializing your evaluation software (p. 18) ,” below. 10 Copyright © 2014, QNX Software Systems Limited Microsoft Windows Hosts Before you start • In order to install QNX SDP, the QNX license file must be writable by everyone. If the installer stops and warns you that this file isn't writable, you can make it so by right-clicking on C:\Program Files\QNX Software Systems\license\licenses or C:\Program Files (x86)\QNX Software Systems\license\licenses and choosing Properties. Make sure that the “Read-only” attribute isn't checked, click Apply, and then click OK. (Ref# 62419) • We provide the Korn shell (ksh.exe), which you'll find under ${QNX_HOST}/usr/bin (e.g. C:\qnx660\host\win32\x86\usr\bin). You may want to create desktop shortcuts for the executables you'll use often. • On Windows, the QNX-provided echo.exe interprets the Windows \ separator as an escape character. As a result, environment variable settings won't work if you use \ as a path separator; use / instead. (Ref# 19924, J142704) • If your PATH contains quotation marks, ln-w doesn't work properly. (Ref# 20046) Copyright © 2014, QNX Software Systems Limited 11 Before you start System requirements Host OS: • Windows 8 Professional 64-bit • Windows 7 Professional 64-bit • Windows XP Professional SP3 Recommended Minimum Pentium 4, 2 GHz or more Pentium III, 700 MHz Processor 512 MB 256 MB RAM 3.4 GB 2.5 GB Disk space 1280×1024 1024×768 Monitor The System Profiler in the IDE requires a minimum color depth of 16 bits. 12 Copyright © 2014, QNX Software Systems Limited Microsoft Windows Hosts Installing QNX SDP To install QNX SDP, do the following: 1. If you're using Windows 7, you might have to disable User Account Control (UAC), depending on where you want to install the software. (Ref# 77791, J237891) 2. Insert QNX SDP 6.6 Installation DVD in the DVD drive. The installation should start automatically; if it doesn't, double-click qnx-sdp-6.6nnnnnnnnnnnn.exe (where nnnnnnnnnnnn is a build number), which you'll find in the root directory of the disk. 3. Follow the instructions on your screen. We recommend you use the default location for the software, C:\qnx660. • If you install QNX SDP on a host with an existing installation of QNX SDP 6.5.0, the installer asks if you want to use the same QNX_CONFIGURATION directory. If you choose “Yes”, QNX SDP licenses are written to the same license file as your QNX SDP licenses, and you'll be able to use the Configuration tool or the IDE to choose which version of QNX Neutrino you want to develop applications for. Choosing "No" causes the installer to use QNX SDP configuration settings. (Ref# 260840, J393849) • If QNX Software Systems has a contract with you to support server-based licenses (Automated License Management), you have a special license key that tells the software to enforce these licenses. In this case, the installer presents a panel where you can specify the hostname or IP address of the server, and the port on which the server is listening for connections. If you're using the default port, you can leave the port blank. Copyright © 2014, QNX Software Systems Limited 13 Installing QNX SDP Unattended installation After you've installed QNX SDP once, you can run the installer unattended on other machines: 1. Run the installer in graphical mode to generate a response file: installer-name –r path/installer-responses.txt 2. Use the response file to do further installations in unattended mode: installer-name –f path/installer-responses.txt –i silent 14 Copyright © 2014, QNX Software Systems Limited Microsoft Windows Hosts Setting up your environment To set up the environment in a command shell, run: base_directory\qnx660-env.bat where base_directory is where you installed QNX uploads/s3/ installation-guide 55 .pdf
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