INSTRUCTIONS FOAM ROLLER: 1. The Stretches can be performed pre and post workou

INSTRUCTIONS FOAM ROLLER: 1. The Stretches can be performed pre and post workout. 2. Do 30 Seconds Of Each Stretch As Described For The Chosen Body Part DYNAMIC STRETCHES 1. These Movements Are The Best When Done Pre Workout 2. 30 Seconds Of Every Stretching Exercise As Described In The Stretch Guide. 3. The Body Part To Be Trained For The Day Should Begin With Its Repective Stretching Exercise. STATIC STRETCHES 1. These Stretches Give Best Result When Performed Post Workout As They Reduce DOMS 2. 30 Seconds Of Every Stretching Exercise As Described In The Stretch Guide. 3. The Body Part Which Was Trained For The Day Should End With Its Repective Stretching Exercise. PRIMARY MUSCLE: ABS, SHOULDERS SECONDARY MUSCLE: CALVES, FOREARMS, HAMSTRINGS,QUADRICEPS BEAR CRAWLS 1. Come to the ground, placing your knees below your hips and your hands below your shoulders. Elevate your hips up, extending your legs and arms. Keep the head in a neutral position. 2. Move the right hand forward as you simultaneously move the left foot forward. Afterwards, move the left hand and right foot forward. 3. Continue in this back and forth pattern, always moving the opposite hand and foot. Remember to brace the core throughout the movement. ARMS ABS D Y N A M I C PRIMARY MUSCLE: ABS SECONDARY MUSCLE: GLUTES & HIP FLEXORS HIGH KNEES / FRONT KNEE LIFTS / RUN / JOG ON THE SPOT 1. Begin jogging in place, lifting the knees as high as you can. 2. Try to lift your knees up to hip level but keep the core tight to support your back. 3. For a more advanced move, hold your hands straight at hip level and try to touch the knees to your hands as you lift them. 4. Bring the knees towards your hands instead of reaching the hands to the knees! ABS D Y N A M I C LEGS PRIMARY MUSCLE: ABS, GLUTES & HIP FLEXORS SECONDARY MUSCLE: CHEST, SHOULDERS BURPEES / SQUAT THRUSTS 1. Stand straight with your feet shoulder width apart and hands by your sides. This is the start position. 2. In one smooth motion, squat down and place your hands palms down on the floor in front of your feet. 3. Lean forward, so your weight is on your hands, at the same time jumping your legs out behind you until they are fully extended. Your body should form a straight line with your weight supported on your toes and the balls of your feet and your arms fully extended. (In a push up position) 4. Jump your feet out by spreading your legs, so that they are wider than hip width apart, then immediately jump them back together. 5. Complete 1 full push up. 6. Jump your feet forward to just behind your hands. 7. Use an explosive motion to push through your heels and return to the start position. 8. Repeat. ABS D Y N A M I C PRIMARY MUSCLE: ABS SECONDARY MUSCLE: LOWER BACK COBRA ABDOMINAL STRETCH / OLD HORSE STRETCH 1. Lie face down with your hands under your shoulders. 2. Point your feet downwards to lengthen your spine. 3. Slowly push your torso up as far as you comfortably can – try to get your hips to rise off the floor slightly. 4. Hold the stretch and then lower down to starting position. S T A T I C ABS PRIMARY MUSCLE: SHOULDERS SECONDARY MUSCLE: CHEST SHOULDER POLE / BROOMSTICK STRETCH 1. Standing with your feet at shoulder-width, toes pointing out, hold a pole/pvc pipe/broomstick in front of you. You can also do this stretch with a towel. 2. Make sure to brace your core before you lift the pole above your head in an arc motion. Keep the arms completely straight throughout. 3. Slowly move the pole behind you, focusing the stretch in the shoulders. Hold the stretch for the specified amount of time then slowly return to the starting position. ARMS D Y N A M I C PRIMARY MUSCLE: SHOULDERS SECONDARY MUSCLE: UPPER BACK & LOWER TRAPS STANDING ARM CIRCLES 1. Standing with a flat back and tight core, raise your arms to the sides. 2. While focusing on the shoulders, slowly rotate your arms in a circular motion. Start with small circles. Gradually increase the size of the circles. 3. After completing one set of a pre-determined number (such as 10 repetitions), reverse the direction, going counter-clockwise. ARMS D Y N A M I C WALL ANGLES 1. Stand against a wall with your feet at shoulder-width. Walk your feet out about 2 or 3 steps. There will be a bend in your knees. 2. Keep your core tight as you raise your hands up and next to your ears. Place your shoulders and arms against the wall. 3. Push your arms above you, maintaining contact with the wall. Slowly, lower your arms and immediately begin again. PRIMARY MUSCLE: QUADRICEPS, SHOULDERS SECONDARY MUSCLE: ABS, HAMSTRINGS LEGS ARMS D Y N A M I C S T A T I C PRIMARY MUSCLE: TRICEPS SECONDARY MUSCLE: SHOULDERS OVERHEAD TRICEPS STRETCH 1. Standing up straight with a tight core, extend your left arm straight into the air. 2. Keep the elbow up as you bend your arm behind your head. 3. Take the right hand and gently pull the left elbow towards the right. 4. Hold this stretch then switch to the other side. ARMS S T A T I C PRIMARY MUSCLE: SHOULDERS SECONDARY MUSCLE: NECK & UPPER TRAPS SHOULDER STRETCH 1. Stand tall and bring your right arm across your upper body, holding it with your left arm just below or above the elbow. 2. Hold the stretch and then release. 3. Repeat the stretch with the left arm. ARMS F O A M R O L L PRIMARY MUSCLE: LOWER BACK FOAM ROLLER LOWER BACK STRETCH 1. Sit on the ground and place a foam roller directly behind your lower back. Bend your knees and place your arms across your chest. As your feet support you, carefully lean back and on to the foam roller. 2. Turn slightly towards the right. Slowly roll your body down towards the ground for 2 to 3 inches. 3. Pause at the bottom and roll back up. Continue this back and forth motion at a slow and controlled pace. Repeat on the other side. BACK F O A M R O L L PRIMARY MUSCLE: UPPER BACK & LOWER TRAPS FOAM ROLLER UPPER BACK STRETCH 1. Sit on the ground and place a foam roller directly behind your lower back. Bend your knees and place your arms across your chest. Bring your feet to hip-width and allow them to support you as you carefully lean back and on to the foam roller. 2. Move your body down on the foam roller until it reaches your upper back. Brace your core and begin by slowly rolling your body up 2 to 3 inches. 3. Pause and slowly roll the opposite way. Be sure to roll out at different levels on your upper back. BACK S T A T I C PRIMARY MUSCLE: LOWER BACK SECONDARY MUSCLE: UPPER BACK & LOWER TRAPS CAT BACK / BACKWARD CAMEL STRETCH 1. Kneel on a mat with your hands and knees shoulder-width apart. 2. Pull your abs in, hunch your back up and flex your spine. 3. Hold the stretch and then release to the starting position. BACK S T A T I C PRIMARY MUSCLE: LOWER BACK KNEE-TO-CHEST LOWER BACK STRETCH 1. Lie on your back on a mat with your legs extended in front of you and backs of heels on the floor. 2. Grab hold of your right knee and gently pull it up to your chest until you can feel a slight stretch in your lower back. 3. Try to bring the knee as close to your chest as is comfortable while keeping the left leg relaxed. 4. Hold the stretch and then release the leg to starting position. 5. Repeat with the left leg. BACK S T A T I C PRIMARY MUSCLE: NECK & UPPER TRAPS NECK STRETCH 1. Stand tall with your head facing forward. 2. Lower your left ear to your left shoulder as far as is comfortable. 3. Place your left hand on your head, just above the right ear and gently pull the head a little further to the left side to feel the stretch on the right side of your neck. 4. Release the stretch and repeat on the other side. BACK S T A T I C PRIMARY MUSCLE: LOWER BACK SECONDARY MUSCLE: GLUTES & HIP FLEXORS SCORPION STRETCH 1. Lie face down on a mat or soft surface. 2. Place your hands at your sides for balance. 3. Keeping your shoulders touching the ground, raise the left foot straight up into the air. 4. Bend at the knee and bring your left foot over to your right side. Tap the ground with uploads/s3/ stretch-guide-x27.pdf

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