KETOPIA™ GUIDE BuyKetosis™ TABLE OF CONTENTS WELCOME TO KETOPIA™ 4 PRODUCTS 5 KetonX Drink™ 6 FIXX Shake™ 6 Dough Bites™ 6 KetoCream Shake™ 7 KetoPM™ 7 Digestive Enzymes™ 7 KetoBooster™ 8 10-Day Body Reset 9 7-Day Bridge 9 KETO LIFESTYLE 10 MAKE HEALTH A HABIT 11 TIPS FOR BEST RESULTS 12 PORTION SIZES 13 CRAVINGS 13 HYDRATION 13 EXERCISE 14 KETO FOODS 15 TIPS FOR GROCERY SHOPPING 16 HEALTHY FATS 17 PROTEINS 18 FRUITS & VEGGIES (CARBS) 19 DAIRY & TIPS FOR BUYING 20 DRINKS 20 FOODS TO AVOID 20 SNACK IDEAS 21 NUT GUIDE 21 KETO GENERAL SHOPPING LIST 22 TIPS FOR DINING OUT 23 KETO RECIPES 24 BEEF TACO SALAD 25 CHEESE & ONION QUICHE 26 COBB SALAD 27 DRESSINGS 28 EGG MUFFINS 29 FISH DINNER 30 FRITTATA 31 GRASS-FED BEEF MEATBALLS 32 GRASS-FED BURGER WITH AVOCADO 33 GROUND TURKEY 34 ITALIAN MEATLOAF 35 LEMON & ROSEMARY GRILLED CHICKEN 36 OMELETTE 37 SALMON WITH CREAMY SPINACH 38 STEAK 39 TERIYAKI BEEF STIR FRY 40 QUICK AVOCADO SALAD 41 FAQs 42 KETOPIA™ 43 KETO DIET 44 RESOURCES 51 KETOPIA™ BEFORE & AFTER CHECKLIST 52 ADDITIONAL RESOURCES 53 BuyKetosis™ PAGE 4 KETOPIA™ GUIDE © 2016, All rights reserved INTRODUCTION WELCOME TO KETOPIA™ Welcome back to The Village. Ketopia™ is our virtual village serving as a throwback to what originally was. Thousands of years ago, our ancestors predominantly lived in nutritional ketosis living off the land and sea. Eventually, shelf life and greed (the invention of junk food, fast sugar and carbs) moved us to cold concrete and the fast food lunchable era of food-less foods and lifeless drinks “McTosis”. The results? Here in America we are the sickest generation EVER, the heaviest generation EVER, and the first generation predicted to outlive our children. In fact, the money that Americans spend on weight loss alone annually would feed the world’s hungry for two years. IT’S TIME TO HIT THE RESET BUTTON In today’s world, foods are chemically altered, full of sugars, carbohydrates and empty calories, making them cheaper to produce and more addicting to consume. This craving- packed “carboholic” culture tempts us at every turn and entices our children. It’s no wonder why we are sicker and heavier than ever. We cannot create and sustain our dreams if we are stepping over our health to get there. The Ketopia Reset program has been designed to set you back on the path toward optimal health and wellness through ketosis. BURN FAT, DON’T ABUSE CARBS Ketosis is a natural metabolic state where the body burns fat for its energy, rather than carbohydrates. Fat offers 225% more energy than carbohydrates. Until now, this energy has believed to be out of reach, or at best, difficult to achieve. HEALTH IS A HABIT, NOT AN EVENT Ketopia™ leverages the latest breakthroughs in science and nutrition to make your health goals realistic and tangible. Since health is habit, not an event, Ketopia™ was designed to supplement your healthy lifestyle to help you feel and look your best. This is not intended as medical advice. This material is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments, nor should any information in this document be construed as such. BuyKetosis™ is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations, or methods described in this material. Healthy diet and regular exercise are recommended with any program. PRODUCTS BuyKetosis™ PAGE 6 KETOPIA™ GUIDE © 2016, All rights reserved PRODUCTS PRODUCTS KetonX Drink™ FIXX Shake™ Dough Bites™ KetonX are specially formulated with exogenous ketones and medium-chain triglycerides to help put your body into ketosis within a matter of hours and help your body cleanse impurities. DIRECTIONS Dissolve 1 KetonX drink pack in 16-20oz. of cold water and shake/stir vigorously & sip over 60-90 minutes. Can be taken with or without food. For people with sensitive stomach do 1/2 serving to allow your body to adapt to the active ingredients. FIXX® is a delicious 24-Karat Chocolate meal replacement energy shake that features cold-processed New Zealand whey from clean pasture-raised cows that contains no hormones or second-hand antibiotics, and is 99% lactose free. We also added 30 organic fruits and vegetables, along with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and probiotics to provide you with a naturally nutritious meal replacement option. DIRECTIONS Mix with 8-10 oz. water. Dough Bites are a delicious cookie dough snack that feature 24-Karat® Chocolate, zero-impact carbohydrates, fiber and prebiotics. They are formulated to help balance insulin levels and increase fat utilization for energy. Dough Bites are filling, help to reduce cravings, and taste amazing. DIRECTIONS Enjoy with 16 oz. water. Also can be baked. (350° for 3-5 minutes). BuyKetosis™ PAGE 7 KETOPIA™ GUIDE © 2016, All rights reserved PRODUCTS KetoCream Shake™ KetoPM™ Digestive Enzymes™ KetoCream contains the perfect amount of fat, proteins and no-impact carbs to keep your body in a state of fat burning ketosis. Enjoy by itself as a delicious shake or mix with your coffee to create the perfect bullet proof coffee! DIRECTIONS Pour contents into 8-12 ounces (240-350 mL) of water and shake or mix well. Also can be used as a creamer for coffee or tea. KetoPM™ is an exclusive tincture featuring hemp oil, marine phytoplankton and ketone-driving MCT oils developed to help you rest easy and provide you the benefits of a sleep aid with no negative side effects. DIRECTIONS Take two half-droppers before bedtime. For best results, take on an empty stomach and swish around mouth for 60 seconds prior to swallowing. Ketopia™ Digestive Enzymes help break down foods and maximize absorption of the key ketosis nutrients that your body will need during ketosis. Enzymes help build new cells and tissues as needed while removing waste during weight loss and detoxification and are the foundation of energy and life force in all living things! DIRECTIONS Take a minimum of one capsule daily, preferably at the beginning of your evening meal. BuyKetosis™ PAGE 8 KETOPIA™ GUIDE © 2016, All rights reserved PRODUCTS KetoBooster™ KetoBooster™ is the perfect liquid combination of BHB salts and MCT oils for a keto boost anywhere, any time! Once you’re in ketosis, a few sprays of KetoBooster™ under the tongue each day will help keep you there. With a tasty salty caramel flavor, KetoBooster™ is perfect for that mid-afternoon energy or brain boost. DIRECTIONS Shake gently. Spray six times directly into mouth before swallowing, once daily. BuyKetosis™ PAGE 9 KETOPIA™ GUIDE © 2016, All rights reserved PRODUCTS 10-Day Body Reset 7-Day Bridge The Ketopia™ 10-Day Body Reset & 7-Day Bridge were designed with ease in mind and to help you make better choices when it comes to what to eat while working toward your weight management goals.. The 10-Day Body Reset Kit contains a 10-Day supply each of KetonX Drinks™, Dough Bites™, & FIXX Shakes™. The 7-Day Bridge contains a 7-Day supply each of KetonX Drinks™, Digestive Enzymes, and KetoCream Shakes™. Whether you’re looking for an easy way to start, get back on track with, or maintain a ketogenic diet, these kits are the perfect tools for you; just add dinner! DIRECTIONS 1. Breakfast - KetonX Drink™ 2. Snack - (3 HRS LATER) Dough Bite™ 3. Lunch - (3 HRS LATER) FIXX Shake™ 4. Dinner - (3 HRS LATER) Sensible meal high in good fats, moderate in protein, low in carbs. DIRECTIONS 1. Breakfast - KetonX Drink™ + 2 digestive ENZYMES™ 2. Snack - (3 HRS LATER) Dough Bite™ 3. Lunch - (3 HRS LATER) Shake: FIXX™ or KetoCream™ 4. Dinner - (3 HRS LATER) Sensible meal high in good fats, moderate in protein, low in carbs + 2 digestive ENZYMES KETO LIFESTYLE BuyKetosis™ PAGE 11 KETOPIA™ GUIDE © 2016, All rights reserved KETO LIFESTYLE MAKE HEALTH A HABIT WHAT IS A KETOGENIC DIET? Whether your are using Ketopia™ products or managing your own ketogenic diet, making health a habit starts with the choices you make. Ketopia™ products were designed to help make the choice of what to eat easier, and this guide was created to do the same. A ketogenic (keto) diet is high in good fats (approximately 70% of your daily calories), moderate in proteins (approximately 25% of your daily calories), and low in carbs (approximately 5% of your daily calories). Every person responds differently, so the amount of daily carbs consumed can vary from 20-60 grams in order to maintain a state of ketosis. 5% CARBS PROTEIN FATS 25% 70% KETOGENIC DIET PYRAMID BuyKetosis™ KETOPIA™ GUIDE TIPS FOR BEST RESULTS 1. Drink more water - you should drink half your body weight in ounces each day 2. Eat every 3-4 hours to help protect muscle and keep blood sugar balanced 3. Get one serving of good fats, protein, and vegetables in every meal 4. Increase healthy fats - organic coconut oil, grass fed butter, avocado, clarified butter 5. Cook with good fats, like coconut oil 6. Eliminate refined sugars - no sugary uploads/s3/ ketopia-guide.pdf
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