i Cover Page TechDB Settings Guide Copyright © 1995-2018, Dassault Systemes Sol

i Cover Page TechDB Settings Guide Copyright © 1995-2018, Dassault Systemes SolidWorks Corporation, a Dassault Systèmes SE company, 175 Wyman Street, Waltham, Mass. 02451 USA. All Rights Reserved. Disclaimer The information and the software application discussed in this document are subject to change without prior notice and are not commitments by Dassault Systemes SolidWorks Corporation (DS SolidWorks). No material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronically or manually, for any purpose without the express written permission of DS SolidWorks. The software discussed in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the license. All warranties given by DS SolidWorks as to the software and documentation are set forth in the license agreement, and nothing stated in, or implied by, this document or its contents shall be considered or deemed a modification or amendment of any terms, including warranties, in the license agreement. Trademarks  SOLIDWORKS, 3D ContentCentral, 3D PartStream.NET, eDrawings, and the eDrawings logo are registered trademarks and FeatureManager is a jointly owned registered trademark of DS SolidWorks.  CircuitWorks, FloXpress, PhotoView 360, and TolAnalyst are trademarks of DS SolidWorks.  FeatureWorks is a registered trademark of Geometric Americas, Inc.  Adobe, the Adobe logo, Acrobat, the Adobe PDF logo, Distiller and Reader are registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.  Other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Product Name: SOLIDWORKS CAM 2019 Technology Database Setting Guide Table of Contents i TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Technology Database Basics ................................................................ 5 What is Technology Database (TechDB)? .........................................................5 Why are TechDB Settings important? ................................................................5 Launching the Technology Database .................................................................6 Nature of the Technology Database...................................................................6 Supported Languages for TechDB user interface ................................................... 6 Database type on which TechDB is supported ....................................................... 6 Default Folder Location of TechDB.cwdb file at the time of installation .................. 7 Default Language in which TechDB User Interface will be displayed ..................... 7 Viewing TechDB user interface in a language other than default language setting 7 Importing Customized TechDB Data on Upgrading SOLIDWORKS CAM .........9 Importing Customized Data from MS Access based TechDB ................................. 9 Customizing information within the TechDB ......................................................9 Flowchart illustrating TechDB Settings when for first-time SOLIDWORKS CAM installation ....................................................................................................... 11 Flowchart illustrating TechDB Settings on upgrading existing SOLIDWORKS CAM Installation .............................................................................................. 12 2. TechDB Settings For a Single User License ...................................... 13 Default location of TechDB when single user license of SOLIDWORKS CAM is installed ........................................................................................................... 13 Functioning of TechDB for a single user license of SOLIDWORKS CAM ...... 13 Relocating the TechDB Repository to another location (Single User Installation) ...................................................................................................... 14 Steps to relocate the TechDB Repository to another location .............................. 14 Importing customized TechDB data on upgrading SOLIDWORKS CAM (Single User License) .................................................................................................. 15 Steps to Import customized TechDB data on upgrading SOLIDWORKS CAM installation for a single-user license: ..................................................................... 15 3. TechDB Settings for a SOLIDWORKS Network License ................... 19 Default nature of the TechDB installation when multi-user license of SOLIDWORKS CAM is active ..................................................................... 19 Need for creating a common TechDB repository for a SOLIDWORKS Network20 Pre-requisite for creating a centralized TechDB repository for a SOLIDWORKS Network ................................................................................................................ 20 Technology Database Setting Guide ii Table of Contents When should one ideally create a centralized TechDB repository on a network drive? .................................................................................................................... 20 Creating a centralized TechDB Repository for a SOLIDWORKS Network ..... 20 Importing customized TechDB data on upgrading SOLIDWORKS CAM (Network license) ............................................................................................. 21 Steps to Import customized TechDB data on upgrading SOLIDWORKS CAM installations on a SOLIDWORKS Network ............................................................ 22 Appendix A: Importing Data from MS Access based TechDB into SQLite Based TechDB ............................................................................................. 26 Pre-requisites for importing customized data from MS Access based TechDB .... 26 Steps to import customized data from MS Access based TechDB into SQLite based TechDB ...................................................................................................... 26 Appendix B: Nomenclature of Backed up TechDB Source Files ............ 28 Example illustrating when to use automatically or manually created Backed Up copies of TechDB ................................................................................................. 28 Legal Notices ............................................................................................... 31 Technology Database Setting Guide Technology Database Basics 5 1. TECHNOLOGY DATABASE BASICS What is Technology Database (TechDB)? The TechDBTM is the intelligence behind the machining automation in SOLIDWORKS CAM. The knowledge-based machining technology, tooling details, cutting conditions and operation defaults saved in the Technology Database are used to generate operations automatically. The TechDB is shipped along with SOLIDWORKS CAM contains data that is considered generally applicable to most machining environments. In order to gain full advantage of SOLIDWORKS CAM, you need to customize this data as per your best practices and machine tool infrastructure available at your end. This information can then be used to generate toolpaths on various types of features. Such a repository ensures uniformity and quality in the generated toolpaths. The machining information in the database is divided into these categories:  Machine: All the CNC machines in your facility and the associated controller and tool crib.  Tools: The tool library can contain all the tools in your facility.  Cutting Parameters: Information for calculating feed rates and spindle speeds, stock materials and tool materials.  Feature and Operations: The machining sequence for different types of features. Why are TechDB Settings important? To make the best use of the TechDB, you will have to change from default settings of TechDB to suit your requirements such as:  Creating centralized TechDB repository for a SOLIDWORKS Network (Multi- user license)  Importing customized TechDB data after upgrading your existing SOLIDWORKS CAM installation  Customizing the information stored within the TechDB Technology Database Setting Guide 6 Technology Database Basics Launching the Technology Database Use any one of the following two methods to launch the Technology Database after launching the SOLIDWORKS CAM application:  Click on the Technology Database command button on the SOLIDWORKS CAM Command Manager.  Click on the Tools menu of SOLIDWORKS and select SOLIDWORKS CAM>>Technology Database from the cascading menu. Executing any of the above-mentioned commands will launch the user interface of the Technology Database. Nature of the Technology Database Supported Languages for TechDB user interface The user interfaces of SOLIDWORKS CAM and its associated Technology Database are available in the following languages:  Chinese Simplified • Japanese  Chinese Traditional • Korean  Czech • Polish  English • Portuguese-Brazilian  French • Russian  German • Spanish  Italian • Turkish Note: The specific language-based versions of the Technology Database will be installed only if the options to install SOLIDWORKS CAM in those specific language versions are exercised at the time of installation. Database type on which TechDB is supported The Technology Database associated with SOLIDWORKS CAM is supported only on SQLite. The name of the associated Technology Database data file name is TechDB.cwdb. This common TechDB repository (TechDB.cwdb) exists for all the languages in which the TechDB is supported. Such a common TechDB repository shared by all supported languages ensures that any changes saved to the TechDB will be applicable even when the TechDB user interface is launched in another supported language. Technology Database Setting Guide Technology Database Basics 7 Default Folder Location of TechDB.cwdb file at the time of installation C:\ProgramData\SOLIDWORKS\SOLIDWORKS CAM 2019\TechDB\TechDB.cwdb Note: The SQLite based TechDB.cwdb is not dependent on any third-party application. TechDB files located in the Program Data\SOLIDWORKS\SOLIDWORKS CAM 2019\TechDB Default Language in which TechDB User Interface will be displayed When the TechDB user interface is launched, by default, it will always be by displayed in the same language in which the SOLIDWORKS user interface is currently displayed. Viewing TechDB user interface in a language other than default language setting After the TechDB is launched, if you wish to view the TechDB user interface in any one of the supported languages other than the default language setting, then following are the steps: 1. Launch the Technology Database. 2. In the Technology Database window, click on the Settings menu option on the left hand side. 3. Ensure that the second group box from the top viz. the Language group box is in an expanded state. Technology Database Setting Guide 8 Technology Database Basics 4. Uncheck the checkbox labeled Automatic. (This is the setting that maps the language of the TechDB user interface to the language of the SOLIDWORKS CAM user interface.) 5. Unchecking the checkbox labeled Automatic activates the Language dropdown list. Click on the Language dropdown list. 6. From the displayed list of languages, select the language in which you wish to view the TechDB user interface. Note: The language options displayed in the Language dropdown list depends on the languages selected at the time of installation of SOLIDWORKS CAM. 7. Once the desired language is selected, the TechDB user interface will immediately reload and be displayed in the selected language. Language Settings in ‘Settings’ menu of TechDB User Interface Note: If you wish to revert to linking the language of the TechDB user interface to that of the SOLIDWORKS CAM user interface, then place a check in the checkbox labeled uploads/s3/ techdb-settings-guide.pdf

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