© 2007-2011 VKernel Corporation http://www.vkernel.com vScope ExplorerTMInstall

© 2007-2011 VKernel Corporation http://www.vkernel.com vScope ExplorerTMInstallationand User Guide vScope Explorer Installation and User Guide © 2007-2011 VKernel Corporation http://www.vkernel.com Table of Contents 1 Environmental Requirements ............................................................................... 3 2 Installing the vScope Explorer as a VMware Virtual Machine ............................ 4 2.1 Download and Install the vScope Explorer........................................................ 4 2.2 Power On and Initialize the Virtual Machine.................................................... 12 2.3 Setting a Static IP Address or Changing the Network Time Server ................ 14 3 Initial vScope Explorer Configuration ................................................................ 16 3.1 License Agreement ......................................................................................... 16 3.2 Connection Management ................................................................................ 16 3.2.1 VMware vCenter Connections ..................................................................... 16 4 vScope Explorer Login ........................................................................................ 19 5 vScope Explorer Views ........................................................................................ 21 5.1 Performance vScope ...................................................................................... 21 5.1.1 VM Performance View ................................................................................. 21 5.1.2 Host Performance View ............................................................................... 22 5.2 Capacity vScope ............................................................................................. 23 5.3 Efficiency vScope ............................................................................................ 24 5.3.1 VM Efficiency View ...................................................................................... 24 5.3.2 Datastore Efficiency View ............................................................................ 25 6 Trialing the vOperations Suite ............................................................................ 27 vScope Explorer Installation and User Guide © 2007-2011 VKernel Corporation http://www.vkernel.com 1 Environmental Requirements vScope Explorer Installation Guidelines Number of VMs VKernel Virtual Machine Number of CPU’s Memory Allocation Memory Reservation Allocated Storage VKernel Database Selection Internal or External VKernel External Database Server CPU Average Utilization Network Storage VMware vCenter 5 Minute Interval Statistics Level Minimum Privileges CPU Average Utilization vCenter Database Server CPU Average Utilization Network Storage 1 to 200 VMs 4 8 GB 8 GB 64 GB Either Less than 90% Optional 2 or 3 Read Only + Browse Less than 90% Less than 90% Optional 200 to 1000 VMs 4 8 GB 8 GB 64 GB Either Less than 80% Optional 2 or 3 Read Only + Browse Less than 80% Less than 80% Optional 1000 to 1500 VMs 4 8 GB 8 GB 64 GB Either Less than 80% Not Recommended 2 Read Only + Browse Less than 80% Less than 80% Not Recommended 1500 to 2000 VMs 4 8 GB 8 GB 64 GB Either Less than 80% Not Recommended 2 Read Only + Browse Less than 80% Less than 80% Not Recommended VMware Software Requirements: VMware Player 1.0.0 or later, VMware Workstation 5 or later, VMware ESX Server 3.x or later, VirtualCenter 2.5 or later, or VMware Server 1.03 or later Hyper-V Software Requirements: Systems Center Operations Manager 2007 R2, Systems Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2 vScope Explorer Installation and User Guide © 2007-2011 VKernel Corporation http://www.vkernel.com 2 Installing the vScope Exploreras a VMware Virtual Machine The VKernel vScope Explorer comes as a fully configured VMware virtual machine. It is installed directly using the VMware Deploy OVF Template. 2.1 Download and Install the vScope Explorer Go to http://www.vkernel.com/downloads/all/ and download the VMware version of the vScope Explorer. Save it to a Windows server or workstation. The file is a compressed, self-extracting EXE. Double click to run the file and it will create a folder with the OVF file, three VMDK files, the Hyper-V Collector directory, a read me, the end user license agreement and the user documentation. Open the VMware vSphere Client and select File > Deploy OVF Template. Refer to the VMware documentation for more information on running the vSphere Client. The Deploy OVF wizard will open. vScope Explorer Installation and User Guide © 2007-2011 VKernel Corporation http://www.vkernel.com Select Deploy from file: and browse to the location of the OVF file extracted above. Click Next. vScope Explorer Installation and User Guide © 2007-2011 VKernel Corporation http://www.vkernel.com The OVF Template Details are shown. Click Next. vScope Explorer Installation and User Guide © 2007-2011 VKernel Corporation http://www.vkernel.com The End User License Agreement will be shown. Click Accept and then click Next. vScope Explorer Installation and User Guide © 2007-2011 VKernel Corporation http://www.vkernel.com Select a name and destination folder for the virtual machine. Click Next. vScope Explorer Installation and User Guide © 2007-2011 VKernel Corporation http://www.vkernel.com Select a location within the infrastructure hierarchy and click Next. vScope Explorer Installation and User Guide © 2007-2011 VKernel Corporation http://www.vkernel.com If the virtual machine is being deployed on a cluster, select the specific host for the VM and click Next. vScope Explorer Installation and User Guide © 2007-2011 VKernel Corporation http://www.vkernel.com Select the datastore that the VM will reside within and click Next. vScope Explorer Installation and User Guide © 2007-2011 VKernel Corporation http://www.vkernel.com Review the deployment settings and click Finish. 2.2 Power On and Initialize the Virtual Machine Open vCenter, select the vScope Explorer virtual machine you just installed and click Power On. vScope Explorer Installation and User Guide © 2007-2011 VKernel Corporation http://www.vkernel.com Once the appliance is started, it will initialize the operating system and start the vScope Explorer. The IP address will be obtained from DHCP server automatically. Pool.ntp.org will be used as the Network Time Protocol (NTP) server by default. These can be changed after the vScope Explorer has been successfully started. Wait until the IP address of the vScope Explorer appears in the vCenter Summary tab. Once the IP address appears it will take several more minutes to start the application server. Once that is completed, you can access the vScope Explorer using the IP address and a standard browser. vScope Explorer Installation and User Guide © 2007-2011 VKernel Corporation http://www.vkernel.com If there is no DHCP server available, the IP address will have to be entered manually before the vScope Explorer will be usable. Open a console window and respond to the questions about the IP address and the network time server. 2.3 Setting a Static IP Address or Changing the Network Time Server Open a VI Client console window and log in as root with password for the password. Change to directory /usr/local/vkernel/scripts and run the changeIp.sh script. Follow the prompts to set the desired IP address and network time server. vScope Explorer Installation and User Guide © 2007-2011 VKernel Corporation http://www.vkernel.com Once that is completed, you can access the vScope Explorer using the IP address and a standard browser. vScope Explorer Installation and User Guide © 2007-2011 VKernel Corporation http://www.vkernel.com 3 Initial vScope ExplorerConfiguration To begin using the vScope Explorer, open a standard browser (Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Internet Explorer with Adobe Flash 10 or later) and type in the IP address of the vScope Explorer virtual machine. 3.1 License Agreement Read and accept the license agreement in order to use vScope Explorer. 3.2 Connection Management The environment connection screen will appear and the add connection configuration prompt will open. You must have at least one VMware vCenter to complete the configuration. 3.2.1 VMware vCenter Connections The Add Connection dialog is opened for you. vScope Explorer Installation and User Guide © 2007-2011 VKernel Corporation http://www.vkernel.com Enter the IP address or hostname and credentials for the system. For vCenter connections, credentials should have Read-Only and Browse Datastore permissions for the entire environment. The credentials used for the vCenter where the vScope Explorer appliance is installed must also have Virtual Machine State permissions in order for the appliance to be automatically updated. vScope Explorer can be accessed and used from within vCenter using a VKernel plug- in. Check the Install VKernel vCenter Plug-in if you would like the VKernel plug-in installed in vCenter. If the virtual infrastructure client is open at this time, it will need to be closed and reopened in order to see the VKernel plug-in. The vScope Explorer Performance Analyzer uses vCenter alarms for real time monitoring of the state of the virtual environment. Six specific VKernel utilization alarms must be installed in vCenter in order to provide the real time functionality. The vCenter credentials must have Alarm permissions in order to create the alarms. Leave the Add VKernel Alarms to vCenter box checked if you want to use the real time analysis capability of Performance Analyzer. Uncheck the box if you do not want the capability. If you leave the box checked, the alarms will be automatically installed. Once a connection is established, the overall configuration can be completed. vScope Explorer Installation and User Guide © 2007-2011 VKernel Corporation http://www.vkernel.com Click on the Finish Setup button. The vScope Explorer login view will be opened. vScope Explorer Installation and User Guide © 2007-2011 VKernel Corporation http://www.vkernel.com 4 vScope Explorer Login To begin using the vScope Explorer, open a standard browser (Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Internet Explorer with Adobe Flash 10 or later) and type in the IP address of the vScope Explorer virtual machine. Once the website loads, a username and password is requested. The default username is vkernel and the default password is vkernel. If the appliance has recently been configured, it may still be collecting the required virtual environment information. Depending on the size of the virtual environment, this can take anywhere from fifteen minutes to several hours. vScope Explorer Installation and User Guide © 2007-2011 VKernel Corporation http://www.vkernel.com vScope Explorer Installation and User Guide © 2007-2011 VKernel Corporation http://www.vkernel.com 5 vScope Explorer Views vScope Explorer provides an environment-wide, cross-hypervisor visualization of the status of your infrastructure. 5.1 Performance vScope The Performance vScope indicates which VMs or hosts are experiencing or are on the verge of uploads/s3/ vscope-explorer-installation-guide.pdf

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