Compiled by Jouni Filip Maho Electronic Bibliography for African Languages and
Compiled by Jouni Filip Maho Electronic Bibliography for African Languages and Linguistics User guide to EBALL This version dated : 19 maj 2010 ( page breaks not fixed ) The present document aims to explain the content and structure of the EBALL (i.e. Electronic Bibliography for African Languages and Linguistics), a bibliographical database compiled by Jouni Filip Maho since 1991. Various parts of this document have previously been distributed as a searcher’s manual, esp. that which here appears as part IV. This user guide is, together with its various accompanying documents, continually updated, revised and amended. Jouni Filip Maho TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ 7 1.1 On the contents of EBALL ............................................................................. 7 1.2 What follows below ........................................................................................ 10 II. SEARCHING EBALL .................................................................................. 13 2.1 Searching EBALL using search codes ........................................................... 13 2.1.1 The language codes (set 1) .................................................................... 14 2.1.2 The areal codes (set 2) .......................................................................... 15 2.1.3 The general content codes or “the rest” (set 3) ..................................... 15 2.2 The usefulness of the search codes ................................................................. 16 III. WORKING WITH EBALL ......................................................................... 17 3.1 Finding good sources ...................................................................................... 17 3.2 Entering data into EBALL .............................................................................. 18 3.2.1 A handful of preliminaries .................................................................... 18 The working language of EBALL ................................................ 18 What deserves an entry in EBALL? ............................................. 19 EBALL’s reference types ............................................................. 20 Abbreviations, initialisms and acronyms ...................................... 21 The use of periods in acronyms, abbreviations and initials .......... 22 Special characters and formatting ................................................. 23 3.2.2 Comments on reference types ............................................................... 23 Journal article ................................................................................ 23 Book & Edited book ..................................................................... 24 Book section ................................................................................. 24 Unpublished .................................................................................. 24 Computer program ........................................................................ 24 Map ............................................................................................... 24 3.2.3 Comments on specific fields ................................................................. 25 Author, Editor, Creator, Cartographer, etc. .................................. 25 Year ............................................................................................... 29 Title ............................................................................................... 30 Edit info ........................................................................................ 32 Edit info book (Book section) ....................................................... 33 Journal (Journal article) ................................................................ 34 Series/edit info (Journal article) .................................................... 37 Series title (Book, Edited book) .................................................... 38 Collection (Unpublished) .............................................................. 39 Series title (Journal article) ......................................................... 40 Volume (not Journal article) ....................................................... 41 Volume (Journal article) ............................................................. 42 Issue/date (Journal article) .......................................................... 43 Pages, Pagination ........................................................................ 44 Theme issue (Journal article) ...................................................... 44 4 USER GUIDE TO EBALL -- 19 maj 2010 City, Place of publication ........................................................... 45 Publisher ..................................................................................... 47 Institution (Unpublished) ............................................................ 48 ISBN ........................................................................................... 48 URL ............................................................................................ 49 Peripheralia ................................................................................. 49 Keywords .................................................................................... 50 Notes ........................................................................................... 52 3.3 Maintaining the data in EBALL ..................................................................... 53 3.3.1 Making selective outtakes ..................................................................... 53 3.3.2 Using temporary terms lists .................................................................. 54 3.3.3 Keeping an eye out for duplicates ......................................................... 55 3.3.4 Avoiding spelling errors ........................................................................ 56 3.4 Preparing a printout from EBALL .................................................................. 56 3.4.1 EBALL’s output styles .......................................................................... 57 3.4.2 A few necessary tweakings ................................................................... 61 3.4.3 Changes to EBALL’s output styles ....................................................... 63 IV. THEMATIC LISTS OF SEARCH CODES ............................................... 65 4.1 The language codes (set 1) ............................................................................. 66 ––– The Bantu languages (a-s) ..................................................................... 68 ––– The Benue-Congo languages (t) ........................................................... 87 ––– The Niger-Congo languages (u) ............................................................ 99 ––– The Nilosaharan languages (v) ............................................................. 111 ––– The Khoesan languages (w) .................................................................. 118 ––– The Afroasiatic languages (x) ............................................................... 120 ––– Remnant, unclassified, other languages (y) .......................................... 132 ––– “New” languages in Africa (z) .............................................................. 146 4.2 The areal codes (set 2) .................................................................................... 151 4.3 The general content codes (set 3) ................................................................... 156 4.4 Alphabetical list of all three-letter codes (sets 2-3) ........................................ 157 V. BIBLIOGRAPHY & REFERENCES ......................................................... 159 List of tables 1. A little EBALL statistics ..................................................................................... 8 2. EBALL statistics for Niger-Congo languages .................................................... 9 3. Some more EBALL statistics .............................................................................. 10 4. Reference types and fields used in EBALL ........................................................ 20 List of maps Major language groupings in Africa ........................................................................ 67 Bantu language zones ............................................................................................... 69 The Benue-Congo languages ................................................................................... 88 The Niger-Congo languages .................................................................................... 100 The Nilosaharan languages ...................................................................................... 112 The Khoesan languages ........................................................................................... 119 The Afroasiatic languages ........................................................................................ 121 Spoken varieties of Arabic ....................................................................................... 122 Arabic as official language ...................................................................................... 123 Unclassified languages in Africa ............................................................................. 133 Select historical kingdoms, peoples, and places ...................................................... 135 English as official language ..................................................................................... 137 French as official language ...................................................................................... 138 Portuguese as official language ................................................................................ 139 Spanish as official language ..................................................................................... 140 African languages as official languages ................................................................... 141 Countries/territories with South Asian languages .................................................... 143 Countries/territories with East Asian languages ...................................................... 145 “New” languages based on African languages (incl Arabic) ................................... 147 “New” languages based on Indoeuropean languages ............................................... 148 The country codes .................................................................................................... 152 The BAT, FAT, PAT and SAT codes ...................................................................... 153 The WAF, CAF and NEA codes .............................................................................. 154 The NAF, SAF and EAF codes ................................................................................ 155 Some/most of the maps may look odd-coloured on some computer screens. This is due to the fact that the colours have been chosen so as to look acceptable when doing monochrome printouts, in which case they appear as different shades of grey. 6 USER GUIDE TO EBALL -- 19 maj 2010 PART I INTRODUCTION The Electronic Bibliography for African Languages and Linguistics, or EBALL, is a bibliographical database aiming to collect, as exhaustively as possible, references to works dealing with African languages and linguistics, with an intended coverage comprising any and all languages found on the African continent, such as Afroasiatic, Khoesan, Niger-Congo and Nilosaharan languages, any African varieties of Indo- European and Asian/Indian languages, as well as any African pidgins/creoles, mixed languages, sign languages, artificial languages, and so on and so forth. 1 EBALL is meant to assist people in finding out what kind of linguistic work has been done on any particular African language. This requires that the information is exhaustive as well as accurate and reliable. Indeed, EBALL aims to satisfy both of these requirements, i.e. exhaustiveness and reliability. 1.1 On the contents of EBALL EBALL is an electronic database. It is stored with a software called EndNote, a commercial bibliography program that is widely used in the academic world. It is available for both Mac and PC. 2 The information in EBALL is organised like any other database, containing a number of bibliographical entries (= posts) comprised of a pre-defined set of fields, each of which is designated for a specified type of information. Hence different types of fields contain different types of information, such as author name, title of work, date published, name of publisher, and so on and so forth. 3 1 It is thus not an inventory of any actual library or archive. 2 In order to benefit optimally from the present user guide, an acquaintance with EndNote’s manual is strongly recommended, since many of the terms and concepts used here derive directly from there, e.g. reference type, field, style, terms list, and so on. These are sufficiently explained in EndNote’s own manual and are thus not further defined here. All other important terminology is discussed and defined where introduced in the text. 3 Each bibliographical entry, in turn, corresponds to a bibliographical item, i.e. a physical form of recorded information, e.g. a book, journal article, thesis, etc. See more on this in part III below. 8 USER GUIDE TO EBALL -- 19 maj 2010 Language Total number of entries Number of languages groupings indexed for ‘linguistics’ according to SIL14 In toto 37 832 = 100 % 2 079 = 100 % Afroasiatic 8 402 ≈ 22.2 % 317 ≈ 15.2 % Khoesan 1 418 ≈ 3.7 % 29 ≈ 1.4 % Niger-Congo 21 466 ≈ 56.7 % 1 482 ≈ 71.3 % Nilosaharan 2 708 ≈ 7.2 % 199 ≈ 9.6 % Others, unspecified 4 573 ≈ 12.1 % 52 ≈ 2.5 % Table 1. A little EBALL statistics, as of June 2009. The first column gives the number of EBALL entries which have been coded for linguistics. The second column gives the number of languages within each major language grouping, as claimed by SIL14 (2000). (Note also that there are overlaps involved in the figures in the first column, i.e. one and the same EBALL entry may deal with more than one language grouping.) The primary coverage of EBALL is linguistics. It does, however, also contain a fair amount of references to other types of works, e.g. anthropological, sociological, historical, etc., all of which may or may not be relevant from a linguistic point of view. However, there is no aim towards exhaustiveness with regard to these latter references. EBALL is a work in progress, and as such it is continually updated, revised and expanded. As of June 2009, it contained 60 475 indexed references. Of these, 37 832 (or c. 63 %) were specifically indexed for linguistics. 4 The accompanying tables give brief and selected overviews of the contents of EBALL. It would go far beyond the scope of the present guide to dwell into the details on this issue, so only a few general characterisations will be made here. 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