A.Y. 2021-2022 Page 1 of 7 UNDERGRADUATE THESIS ADVISER’S REVIEW GUIDE Program: __________________________________________ Course: _____________________________________________ Name of Adviser: _______________________________________ Name of Advisee: _____________________________________ Title of Research: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date of Received by Adviser: ____________________________ Date Acted by Adviser: _______________________________________ READ: This guide together with the undergraduate thesis will be returned to the adviser if found out by the panel that any of the items in column 2 is not complied with. Item No. ITEMS FOR REVIEW (/) Complied (x) Not (NA) Page No. if Complied Signature of Adviser Preliminary Parts 1 Title page - Title less than 20 words. - It is center-justified and capitalized, follow the inverted pyramid style and is single-spaced. 2 Transmittal - Contain statements of endorsement for approval/acceptance. - Signatures of the Adviser, Program Chairperson, Research Coordinator, and College Dean are reflected Republic of the Philippines SULTAN KUDARAT STATE UNIVERSITY ACCESS, EJC Montilla, 9800 City of Tacurong Province of Sultan Kudarat A.Y. 2021-2022 Page 2 of 7 respectively. 3 Approval Sheet - Contain statements of endorsement for approval/acceptance. - Approval of the adviser that the thesis proposal is complete and is recommended for final defense presentation. - Approval of the panel of examiners that the thesis has been examined. - Signatories of the Two panel members, Adviser, Program Chairperson, Research Coordinator, and Dean for thesis respectively 4 Biographical Data - Provide 2x2 scanned picture with white background and a 2 paragraph researcher’s brief biography. 5 Acknowledgment - It reflects the researcher’s expression of appreciation for the assistance and support extended to the researchers. - Pronouns must be in the 3rd person. 6 Table of Contents - This is an ordered and paginated listing of the different parts of thesis. It must show the chapter and section titles in full and must have entries for the References and Appendices section. - Page nos. match content. 7 List of Tables - List of Tables should be typed centered and in capital letters. - The heading Table is capitalized and should be typed 1 double space below the heading. At the center is the Title in capital letters and at the right side is the Page written in capital letter. - Arabic numerals used for the table number - Page nos. match content 8 List of Figures - List of Figures should be typed centered and in capital letters. - The heading Figure is capitalized and should be typed 1 double space below the heading. At the center is the Title in capital letters and at the right side is the Page written in capital letter. - Arabic numerals used for the Figure number. - Page nos. match content. 9 Abstract - Not more than 200 words; not indented. - It is a brief yet comprehensive summary of the paper. A.Y. 2021-2022 Page 3 of 7 Body of the Thesis Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 10 Background of the Study - First paragraph is problem situation of Dependent Variables (DV) with sources. - Second paragraph is the importance of DV and studies/researchers on it with sources. - Third paragraph is the link of the independent variables with source/s followed by one or two sentences discussion of Independent Variables (IV). - Fourth paragraph is the research gap, urgency of the study and contribution to the literature and new knowledge if any. Number of paragraphs may be increased depending on the number of IVs. 11 Statement of Problem - Complementary with the research method - Main problem, usually about the last specific objective/research problem. - One research question for each variable. - Another research question on significant relationship/ difference/ influence/ prediction/ impact, and other related objectives/questions (if necessary). - If it is an output study, last research question is on proposed intervention/ project/ business paper. 12 Conceptual Framework - Show the paradigm of the study based on the correlation and inferential statements of the research questions. 13 Hypothesis/es - One of each research questions on difference/ relationship/ influence/ prediction/ impact/ whichever is applicable (For correlational or inferential research question) (if necessary). 14 Significance of Study - Possible beneficiaries and the benefits they will gain from the study clearly stated. - State from general to specific beneficiaries. - In paragraph form per beneficiaries, one paragraph if short or two paragraph if long. 15 Scope and Limitation of the Study - Scope is the coverage of the study, it must be stated. - State the limit of the issues or concerns. - State who are your target subjects or participants (respondents), period or time covered, the place to focus and what data you are going to use, quantitative, qualitative or combination of both. 16 Definition of Terms - Only the keywords in the title, main variables, and indicators are define operationally, how they are used A.Y. 2021-2022 Page 4 of 7 in the study. Chapter II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 17 Review of Related Literature - Introductory Paragraph: variable based with indicators with sources. - Grouped by variable of the study and relationship of variables (or difference, impact, influence whichever is applicable). - The main variables or sub-variables are listed and labeled as sub-headings. - Coherence between & among paragraph by using appropriate transition terms. - Sources not earlier than 2012; except for those theories and very important authors. - 10% from old articles may be allowed (intended for theories and important concepts) - Current rules on related literature followed (e.g. resonation, inventory, compare & contrast, etc.). - Paraphrased, not copy pasted. - Literature for correlation (last sub-heading), association and link between two or more variables (if necessary). Synthesis as last paragraph of RRL, a general summary (not conclusion) & last sentence is contribution to the study. - Citing family name only of author, year (Follow APA in-text citation style). - Every paragraph contains authors. - An inventory of three or more authors, arranged in alphabetical order, of a particular concept present in majority of the pages. a. For thesis, at least 6 pages per variable, at least 4 pages for the correlation/ association or a minimum of 16 pages. b. For single variable thesis (univariate), it must be grouped/ divided into 3 sections: 7 pages for the main variable, 6 pages for the moderators, 3 pages for the intervention. Chapter III METHODOLOGY Opening paragraph introducing the content of the entire chapter III. 18 Research Design - Appropriate design used, with author; justification for its use & contextualized to the study. - Clearly state the data you need, how you will collect the data, and how will analyze the data. 19 Research Locale - Description of the place of the study supported with map - 2 Maps (1 page): 1. Region XII (big), and 2. Map of specific location of the study – place an arrow A.Y. 2021-2022 Page 5 of 7 pointing to the specific map where the study conducted. 20 Respondents of the Study - Description of population of the study and respondents is clear (nature of work, lifestyle, & other profile) - Timeframe indicated, specify total population and sample size. - Sampling procedure & its justification for use supported with author. 21 Data Gathering Instruments - Scale appropriate: Numerical Rating, Range of Means, Level/ Extent, Interpretation/Description. - If researcher-made, pre-testing procedure discussed & its reliability. 22 Data Gathering Procedure - The procedure followed in conducting the study should be explained in complete detail. Techniques, devices, and procedures followed should be described. - Explain in detail the procedure in gathering the data. - Paragraph form 23 Statistical Treatment - Enumeration of appropriate statistics for each research questions. Chapter IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 24 Results and Discussion - Opening paragraph introducing the content of the chapter. - Side head/ label for every research questions in bold font. - Statistical table for every research questions presented. - Table label in whole number placed in upper left hand corner - Each descriptive table followed by sequential presentation: over all mean, then indicators’ mean - Inferential tables explained correctly indicating significance level and the decision on the hypothesis (applicable for correlational and inferential statement). - Explanation on significance level handled with care. If the probability value is less than 0.05, hypothesis is rejected; if more than 0.05, not rejected. - Literature support needed in this chapter. (Explanation is limited to what is found in the table. All interpretation, detailed explanation, literature support must be comprehensively done) - Discussion per paragraph very comprehensive, citing works of several authors taken from the literature in Chapter 2. - However, if the study has a specific objective/research question for intervention, it is included in Chapter IV making it as the last section of the chapter (Format: Rationale, Research Question, Matrix of Key Findings, Program, Evaluation, etc., or a business A.Y. 2021-2022 Page 6 of 7 paper, project). - Rationale presenting the key results of the study as basis for the intervention or the project Chapter V SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 25 Summary - Interpreted results in paragraph form with Chapter IV as guide. - At least one paragraph for each research uploads/Finance/ advisers-guide.pdf

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  • Publié le Fev 06, 2021
  • Catégorie Business / Finance
  • Langue French
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